
Meeting You

(Narrator's POV)

As the song faded away, Chanyeol found that neither of their arms had. Min Ah still rested hers around his neck, and his were still on her waist.

He looked down to analyze her face. She wasn't crying anymore, and the puffiness and redness was leaving her skin. She almost looked calm as she dazed off, staring at nothing in particular. 

"Are you okay?" He finally asked. 

Her attention snapped back to him, and she nodded slowly, giving him a small reassuring smile.

"Yeah, just a temporary meltdown," she tried to joke, but her laugh was bittersweet.

"About what? Tell me exactly what's wrong," he urged her to go on, all the more curious and puzzled with her actions.

"It really isn't much Channie, I was overreacting, don't worry about it," she shook her head, and he felt her grip loosen around his neck.

He bit his lip, trying to decide to back off or not. 

Before he could, she took his hand and began to lead him inside.

"Come on, I have a surprise for you," she smiled with a mischievous glint in her eyes as she pulled him along. 

The music was much louder now that they were inside, and Min Ah swiftly maneuvered them around the people as they made their way through the crowd. 

They passed by a group of seniors briefly, and Chanyeol saw Mark grin in an approving way, Zack just laughed, and some of the girls waved. Chanyeol just smiled back, giving them all a small wave as Min Ah pulled him along.

Min Ah noticed the crowd, Annie's fuming expression in particular, but took no heed to it. She actually grinned in delight, as she moved on.

They got to the corner of the dance, near the DJ, as Min Ah waved at him and he only nodded. 

"As of a special request, we have a song for our friend that's not really from around  here," he spoke through the microphone looking at Chanyeol intently.

He looked at Min Ah with a confused expression, but she was beaming. 

"What did you do?" He asked with a smile. 

Then, a very familiar and strong beat went through the speakers, one that that Chanyeol could never not recognize.

"Yo, Okay"


"Oh my god," he said in shock. "You did not!" He faced her with wide eyes but also, a wide smile.

"But I did," she winked, and immediately flowed into "Growl"'s choreography. 

He joined her, and they were dancing side by side, as a crowd began to form around them. 


Min Ah was dancing while Chanyeol couldn't resist putting on his stage persona as he rapped along to his own part. 

Now back to the last chorus, they danced like a mirror, facing each other and wowing the audience that had apparently been impressed by their skills. 

"WHOOO! Go Parker Chan!" He heard Mark yell above the music.

With two chest pumps, they finished and everyone cheered, and the compliments were flowing like water.

"That was so cool!"

"Did you guys plan that?"

"Best homecoming we've had!"

It was pretty cool, but Chanyeol did feel slightly uneasy with all the attention. Luckily, most people were too caught up in their performance that no one really payed attention to the song in particular.

"Dang Parker Chan," Mark said as he put his arm around his shoulders. "You and Min sure have some chemistry," he winked.

Chanyeol's face immediately reddened at the accusation. "N-No, please don't misunderstand! It's not like that!" He told him.

Mark only laughed. "Dancing chemistry is what I meant," he said, nudging Chanyeol's side softly. "What were you thinking?" He smiled impishly.

"Nothing," Chanyeol said. "I just didn't want anyone to misunderstand."

"Alright, alright. If you say so," Mark sighed, taking his arm away from the guy. Chanyeol sighed in relief.

"But now that you bring it up," he continued, and Chanyeol's shoulders slumped. "You two are cute together," he grinned.

"You're crazy," Chanyeol said, rolling his eyes.

"I've been told," he chuckled. "But I'm just saying..." He trailed off.

"We are good friends, that's it," Chanyeol clarified. "I didn't come here to find a girlfriend."

Mark sighed in defeat. "Well, a guy can dream, can't he?" He smiled. Chanyeol just smiled back. 

"When you're friend zoned, don't come crying to me," he joked.

"I won't," Chanyeol responded.


"You really don't know how to follow directions, do you?" Annie sighed, walking up to the water fountain where Min Ah stood.

"You don't direct me to do anything," Min Ah countered.

"You're impossible," she sighed. 

Min Ah smirked. "Get used to it."

"Look, I'm going to tell you one last time," Annie said, stepping closer to the other. "Back off, or else."

"Or else? You can't even finish your own threats?" Min Ah grinned.

"I don't need to," Annie said, eyes narrowing. She was now mere inches away from her face. "You know very well what I'm capable of. I know what hurts, and if you keep acting so recklessly, I can't guarantee you'll be the only one to take the hits."

"So watch out," she finished, walking away with the arrogant confidence she always had.

What had she meant? Min Ah was at a loss, but she tried not to be bothered much about it.

Besides, Annie could imagine all she wanted, but the truth was, Chanyeol was just her friend. 

Yeah, their relationship was obviously misinterpreted, but that happened a lot with Min Ah. She often got asked if she was dating Alex in the past and that had only been true for a very short time. 

"She's crazy," Min Ah finally decided, sighing to herself, smiling slightly.


"This is the last song everybody, so get your date and make it sweet," the DJ commanded the students, a laugh escaping as he put the mic down. 

Of course the last song would be a slow one, and Chanyeol had no date. He stood awkwardly as everyone seemed to grab a partner and dance in pairs. 

He began to make his way off the dance floor, but he stopped when he felt someone tug on his sleeve.

"Gotcha," Annie smiled when he turned to face her. He smiled back politely, and she put her arms around his neck. He was surprised, but this was a dance after all. Maybe he was just getting used to her forwardness. 

"I finally got to dance with you," she giggled, her eyes shining. "If I didn't know better, I would've thought you were avoiding me."

He shook his head. "Not at all, I was just..." He trailed off, wondering how exactly to word his explanation. "I was just looking for someone," he settled with.

"Min Ah?" She guessed.

He looked at her with wide eyes. He didn't think she'd guess so quickly. Blushing, he gave a slight nod.

"What are you guys anyway?" She sighed, looking at him questioningly.

Quite perplexed, he answered, "Um... Korean?" 

She chuckled softly, then clarified herself. "No, like what are you guys to each other?" 

Oh, this question again.

"Friends," he told her, and he felt her body relax a little. "We live together so we've learned to get along really well. It also helps that she speaks my language, so I talk to her a lot."

She nodded thoughtfully. "What if she thought differently?" 

"Excuse me?" He said with a confused expression.

"What if she thought, or wanted, to be more than friends?" Annie mused, and Chanyeol's eyebrows creased with confusion.

"I don't really see what you mean," he shook his head, and she rolled her eyes.

"What if she liked you?" Annie said, and his brain was officially knocked out. 

"M-Me?" He stuttered, trying to imagine the concept. It was a thought that seemed so far away from reality, yet so easy to fantasize. They were compatible enough anyway, and-

"No, no, no!" He insisted and shook his head. "Min Ah is not like that, we are friends. That's it," he insisted.

"Okay, don't get flustered!" Annie teased. "I was only giving a 'what if?' scenario," she shushed him. 

"I mean," she continued, laying her head on his chest, causing him to stiffen. "There's no way that would happen, right?"

"R-Right," he agreed. Maybe he wasn't so used to her closeness yet...

He looked to his right and saw Min Ah dancing with Alex. 

"Good," he thought. "He's making up for tonight I suppose."

He met her eyes, and she looked away quickly, saying something to Alex. It seemed like they were having a conversation, so he just shrugged it off and listened to the music.

As it faded away, the couples parted and the DJ took the microphone again.

"It's been a fun night, you guys are a great crowd! Now go home!" He laughed, as well did the students.

"Well, I'm glad my night ended on such a nice note," Annie winked. "See you Monday Chan. It was fun!" She said, then gave him a tight hug before walking away.

Chanyeol was left dumbfounded, as he stood in the middle of the gym. "What a night" didn't even begin to describe the evening he'd had.

"Ready to go?" He heard someone say behind him.

"Yeah," he told Min Ah, turning to her. She gestured him to follow as they walked outside.

The brisk cool air greeted them again as they stepped out into the parking lot. He couldn't help but notice how stunning she looked in the moonlight, the white light hitting her face at all the perfect angles. 

"What?" She asked casually, noticing his stares.

"Nothing," he shrugged. "I'm just admiring how beautiful you look." 

She blushed intensely, but Chanyeol was probably the only guy in the world who could say that without making her feel nervous. The genuine look in his eyes made her feel at ease, accepting the compliment from a friend to a friend.

"Thank you," she replied simply, but that was enough. 

"Here," he said, taking off his coat and putting it on her shoulders. "It's cold."

"I'm okay," she insisted, starting to take the coat off. "The car isn't far away."

"No," he insisted, holding the coat in place. "Keep it on."

"Why?" She asked, trying not to laugh at his cute pout.

"Because I've always wanted to lens my coat to a damsel in distress. It makes me look so manly," he grinned.

"Pfft," she laughed. "Save it for Dara-ssi," she told him, sliding the jacket off.

"She always has a coat!" He whined. "Come on, I have to lend it to a damsel stupid enough to forget her coat on a cold night," he teased, and she stuck her tongue out at him. 

"You're calling me stupid, but you'll be the one without a coat," she pointed out.

"Oh hush, will you?" He said, pretending to get frustrated. "I can see my breath, it's that cold. As the manly man here, and I'm also older than you, it is my duty to lend you my coat."

"Oh for God's sake," she sighed, laughing. "Fine, give me the coat and freeze. I'm only taking like fifteen steps you know." She finally gave in.

"Whoo hoo!" He cheered. "Luhan hyung would be so jealous, I'm such a gentleman." 

"And also so humble," she rolled her eyes playfully. 

"Oh, yes that too," he nodded with mock innocence. 

"Just get in the car, ya turd blossom."


Yes I am aware this is a really late update.

And a short chapter....
I'm a terrible person XD

I decided the story needed a little humor and fluff to lighten things up, since it's been pretty heavy lately. So that's where the end came from hahah expect more (mayyyybeee)

Turd blossom XD anyone seen Guardians of the Galaxy? One of my favorite parts hahah

See ya next update;)

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Chapter 29: are this story for Chandra,because I think it's about minah & chanyoel stories then dara is a third-party,how poor dara is
shina4life #2
........whutttttttttttt :( x 100