Dance Night

I love his cousin


{Yoseob’s POV}

I’m getting ready for the dance. I’m taking Sohyun to the dance. I walked pass by noona’s room. I peeked at her and she was looking if her dress fit her. “You can come in,” she said. I came in and smiled. “How do I look?” I laughed. “What’s funny?” she asked. “Because that’s the same face and worried expression you had when it was your dance, remember?” I said. Oh no. She might remember Doojoon. “Anyways, I’m going to pick Sohyun now. I’m going,” I told her. I left her room. Honestly, I’m just worried how others would accept them.

{End of POV}


Our dance night. I can recall it. When Doojoon looked at me as if his eyes would drop by looking at me, and how he was shaking because he was stunned. I smiled remembering him. Now, I’m reliving it again with his cousin. Suddenly the door bell rang.


{Kikwang’s POV}
Here I am, standing in front of their house. I’m so nervous. Will I look good for her? I rang the doorbell and turned around, taking deep breaths. She opened and the door and I turned around a very beautiful Jihyun. She was more beautiful than ever. “Ready?” she said and I nodded. We drove to the venue. I stepped out first then I opened her car. She hooked her arm on mine. I smiled that I’m with the girl I want to spend this night with.

{End of POV}


{Jiyeon’s POV}

I was alone at the dance. Well, I was with Yoseob and Sohyun, but I was dateless. I saw people crowding at the entrance. “I can’t believe that they’re together!” A girl said. I took a look to see which couple entered. They made their way and saw Kikwang with Jihyun unni. I felt like my world just fell and my heart was crushed. Realization struck me, all this time, the girl that he had cried about, the reason for his smiles, the girl whom he had hoped for, the girl he was busy with was Jihyun unni after all. My tears fell. I ran out. I can’t stand this. I can’t look at them. I wasn’t looking my way. I bumped into Mr. Park. “Jiyeon, why are you crying?” he asked. “It hurts Mr. Park. It hurts when you liked a guy ever since he came here. You listened to all of his problems, his complaints and his happy stories about a girl whom he really likes. I would expect that I would be hurt, but it was more painful to see that the girl he likes is the unni I’ve looked up to. I can’t hate her. She’s my friend’s sister, but it hurts.” I cried my heart out at Mr. Park. He just hugged me. “Everything will be alright,” was all he said. He wiped my tears and smiled at me. His eyes sparkle. I smiled back at him

{End of POV}


I tried to ignore everyone. “What a lucky guy! No wonder Yoseob said no when I asked him if I could date his sister! His sister is with Kikwang now!” I heard a guy complain that. “Do you want to dance?” he asked. “It is a dance night, right?” I joked. He took my hand and led me to the dance floor. He held my other hand, while his other hand on my waist and my other hand on his shoulder. I smiled at him and he smiled back. “Isn’t that Yoseob’s older sister?! She’s with Kikwang!? I envy her!” A girl said. I laughed at some of the reactions made them. “They look so good together. I envy them.” Do we really look good for each other? “Isn’t Kikwang Doojoon’s cousin? How could she date him?! Her boyfriend just died and now she dates his cousin?!” How my heart was pierced. I looked at Kikwang. I could see Doojoon. “What’s wrong?” he asked. I shook my head. I remembered when we had our dance night. Doojoon. I saw him. “AAHH!” My head was hurting. I pulled away from Kikwang. I sat down and Yoseob and Sohyun ran to us. “What’s wrong?” I could hear Yoseob’s voice. “Water,” I said. Sohyun brought me a cup and I tried to drink. “What’s wrong?” Yoseob asked. “Memories were flashing in my head. I’m sorry,” I said. “It’s okay.” Kikwang held my hand. I stood up. “Can you?” he said. “We came to dance. Let’s dance,” I told him. I pulled him to the dance floor. I placed my arms around his neck and his arms were at my waist. I smiled at him. I want this moment to last. I don’t want it to end.


“Good evening everyone! We’re going to award tonight’s special awards!” The MC said. “I never knew there were awards,” Kikwang whispered. “Well, me too,” Yoseob said. I rested my head on Kikwang’s shoulder and sighed. They awarded the best outfits and the best man stag and woman stag of the night. “Now, we have the biggest award of the night. The couple of the night! This goes to the couple who gave an impact to everyone and to the most best looking couple.” I can’t believe they still award this. “And this award goes to none other than Kikwang and his date!” The MC announced. I looked at Kikwang. He was also looking at me. We were pushed to the stage and we were given sashes and they took our pictures. “Dance for us,” the MC said. We went down the stage and I looked at Kikwang. We danced but we were closer tonight. He smiled at me. I smiled at him. Couple of the night, I and Doojoon also won this award during our dance. It hurts.


“What’s wrong?” he asked me. “Take me home,” I said. He nodded and he drove us away. I pulled his arm. “I don’t want to go home. I wanna stay at your place. Please,” I said and he nodded.  “Feel free to stay wherever you want. I hope you sleep well tonight.” I went to Doojoon’s room. I took a box inside his closet, and there it was our picture during our dance. I smiled as a tear fall down my face. I changed my clothes and looked at his old things. I found his cologne and decided to spray it around his room. I crawled at the bed with the picture in my hand and the sash he wore when we won couple of the night back at our dance.


{Kikwang’s POV}

I looked at hyung’s room. There she was, crying. Thinking about again, I guess. She sprayed his cologne around his room. We did won couple of the night, but you won also won it with hyung during your dance. I stayed at room. I leaned at the wall and I slid down. Jihyun, it pains me to see you being in pain. I won’t tell you to stop thinking about hyung. You love him and I honor him. He’s my hero. It just hurts me that everything we do reminds you of him.

{End of POV}

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dragon89 #1
Chapter 3: Omg, the first story I cry... In this website... <3
OMFG!!!! I cried at the end, like not at the end, end, but... yeah. I love this fanfic so... much I couldn't stop reading it :D Ki/Gi Kwang is my bias, I wonder what is yours! ^-^
pearlblue77 #3
*sobs* your fanfic is awesome !!!! daebak !! u make me wanna cry :'( i'm waiting for the sequel and i really hope she will end up with gikwang :') anyway NICE FANFIC !!!!! :')
*sobs*<br />
This is just sooo sad.. I'm not just saying that, It really is sad...<br />
Ahhh... How could I've missed this story all these time? <br />
*sobs*<br />
<br />
Btw, tq for writing. *hugs*
Ahhh... I'm such a fail for only noticing your story now. After a year. *embarrassed*
make the sequel soon pls~<br />
i'm dying to know what will happen...<br />
<br />
aaahh, DONGWOON is here!!!<br />
really love him <3333<br />
so glad you're putting him in ur story :)
unnie...make the sequel soon..dont mean to pressure you just motivating you..hehe cant wait ^^
@kprincess1995, we'll see. It may not the end. Maybe.
I'm still hoping for a <br />
happy ending please:)<br />
I really really really love your tory<br />
but I also really hate sad endings:(
yayy.they kissed.<br />
finally<br />
hope it's a happy ending<br />
can't wait:)