
'Til Death do us part

Breath; inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale... Quiet; don't make a sound or you're dead. Only move when you have to. Keep alert. Don't lose sight of him. stake ready. Breath. Stay calm. Make sure he doesn't notice you...

Hansol kept those few words coursing through his mind. He's been over this a thousand times. Inhale, exhale The creature was in his sights; He's been tracking him for months. Barely getting glimpses of the damned creature.

But now he has him.

In his sights.

Locked onto the bloodsucker.

This bastard isn't getting away this time.




Hansol looked at his surroundings, it was night, far to dark for anyone to see. The only sound came from the muffled struggle happening a few feet from Hansol's bush. He looked back, the street lights illuminating only the dark shapes of the man and the creature.

The creature had the man in an almost loving embrace

Except his teeth was sunk deep into the mans jugular; feasting on his life blood. There has been Twenty-seven of these cases in the last month. This will make twenty-eight. Everyone was cowering inside, too scared of the serial killer that has been taking men, women, and even children.

What they didn't know was that the killer was a monster. A blood thirsty monster; A Vampire.

Hansol gripped the stake tighter.

It was time. Hansol carefully snuck out of the bush when the monster's back was to him and advanced quietly yet quickly. The monster didn't even notice while having his full of the man.

This one was smaller, not as heavyset and big like the other vampire's Hansol has hunted and killed. Hansol raised the stake, murderous lust burning in his eyes. The creature turned just as the stake pierced it's heart.

No not it;

The creature's face contorted into one of acknowledgment and then pain. He coughed, red bloomed across his pale cheek.

The same cheek Hansol has caressed... had kissed....

It wasn't possible. It couldn't be true, How could Hansol's one and only Byungjoo be a vampire?

Not only that.. How could he be gripping at the stake in his heart, hands covered in his own blood, face covered with a mix of his own and the man's, dying? And Hansol killed him.
“B-Byungjoo...” He stuttered out, catching the falling man and pulled him into his chest, cradling the small boyish man that was his entire world. Hansol sunk to his knees, Byungjoo's cheek, running a hand through his hair. It was him alright; His love.

“H-Hansol... y-you...” Byungjoo managed to wheeze out before his eyes rolled back and his body went limp. Hansol panicked and started shaking the empty shell that used to be is fiancee.

“Byungjoo! This isn't happening! You are alive!” He screamed over and over again, clothes getting covered in blood. “Byungjoo, you can't die... We were going to get married... three weeks... on the beach... like you wanted! You can't leave!” Hansol screamed but he knew it was too late. He killed the only person who ever made him happy.

How could fate do this to him? To them? “I-I'm sorry Byungjoo...” Hansol trailed off, pressing a kiss to the cool lips of his love. The sharp Canines were still prodding out of Byungjoo's gums and they brushed again's Hansol's lips with the kiss. Hansol clenched the boy tighter. “Byungjoo... Byungjoo...” He kept repeating, pulling out his own knife. “Oh my beautiful Byungjoo. To death do us part, right? That's what we were going to say? In three weeks. You were so excited. I was too. I love you, my dear Byungjoo...” Hansol smiled softly down at the body and kissed him tenderly again before stabbing the knife directly into his heart.

Hansol gasped softly, pulling the load closer to him even though it was hard. “ you...” He wheezed, his fingers going numb.

Breath; inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale... 1O... just a little longer, finish what you have to say. “You.. are my...”

Breath; inhale, exhale... 9... almost there... “...whole world... you...”

Breath; inhale... 8...7... See, that-a boy, keep it coming “Mean....”

Breath; exhale... 6...5.. Don't worry about the blood coming from your mouth “Me... We... would have...”

Breath... 4..3.. “...s-so happy.... together...”

Breath... 2.... Almost done.. last stretch... “I-I'm sorry”

…. 1 Inhale... “H-Hansol....” Was that him talking? Exhale.... 

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ChiNoNeko #1
Chapter 1: It was really good~!
Chapter 1: .
.,... ,.,,,..,,.
That was um-- good OTL y
Chapter 1: God!It is just awesome! ♥ And so sad... You have to do a sequel!
I hope after the contest you can do a sequel or second chapter or something like that :) This was really great, good luck with the contest! ^__^ <3