More Than Just Your Name

Know Your Name
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Hi guys,

So the truth is, I'm enjoying writing these characters so much, even more than I expected. So I think there are going to be some more chapters after this, too. Sorry... *embarassed*. Hope you don't mind and you'd still enjoy the story. I hope the story won't seem too forced, either, since the initial plan was only to make a story about 'a boy meets a girl'.

For the moment, the story will be told from the girl's point of view. Seunghyun's POV will probably be back later on, nearing the end of the story.

Thanks again for readers, subscribers, and commenters. I even got an upvote, for God sakes. Too awesome.. :) Thanks all...



She had been wrong before for making assumptions she shouldn't have made. Twice. She had been wrong twice.


The first mistake was from a guy she had known at a party. After a few months of texting and calling each other, she started to like him, and assumed that he was interested in her too. A guy who asked for a girl's phone number and often texting and calling her, sometimes even in the middle of the night, usually had some sort of attraction towards the girl, right? Wrong! Well, at least in this case, she was wrong. It turned out that he was trying to make a move on her best friend, and he was fishing on informations about her best friend from her. No wonder he often talked about her best friend. She should have seen it coming when that guy kept asking about the things her best friend would like on her birthday. She still felt like an idiot everytime she remembered that douche.


The second time, she was wrong about a close friend of her. He was such a kind loving guy that treated her special and made her feel special. He gave her a string bracelet for her birthday, being protective of her, and just all around being the perfect guy for a girl. They were really close and spend a lot of time together that everyone else thought that they were together. She herself even thought that he might really like her just the way she likes him. But then he told her about a crush he had for a girl. And then he started dating that girl. And then.. well, lets just say that she had been wrong twice.


So she learnt her lesson. She won't make assumptions anymore. Just because a guy seem to be nice or making gestures that made it seem that he liked her or more, it doesn't always mean that it's true. Heck, sometimes people change their mind even when they do tell her that they like her. Like the guy whom she used to date that dumped her because he realized that his feelings for her were -in his own words- "not as what he thought it was". Hmpf.. she wondered if the feelings he had for the other girl whom he dated a few days after he dumped her were 'what he thought it was'.


But that's all in the past. She rarely thought about them again. She just learnt to be more cautious and not making assumptions so easily.


That's why she had to constantly remind herself that all of Seunghyun's attitude towards her doesn't mean that he likes her.


For weeks after they introduced each other, they often hang out together at the coffee shop. Of course, they don't meet up every day, and he wasn't always there when she was at the coffee shop. But when they were at the coffee shop, they'd always sit together. If she got there first, the first thing he did after he got his order from Jane was to approach her with a wide grin and politely asked "may I sit with you?". If he got there first, sitting at his usual table when she entered the coffee shop, he'd point her to the seat in front of him with a smile on his face.


They never appoint a certain time or day of when they should meet up. No "Let's meet up again next Monday" or "see you again tomorrow at 4". They just meet up when they happened to be in the coffee shop at the same time. Like a pleasant surprise that popped up any given day.


When they do hang out together, though, she always have a wonderful time. They'd talk about a lot of things, from movies to books to music. That was how she knew that he likes to write, that he raps, and that he loves zombie movies. That was how he knew that she loves reading and loves a lot of types of music. Little details about their personal life, like how both of them live alone for different reasons, where they went to college, and more, often appeared in their conversation. But personal life never became the main topic of their conversation. Other stuff is

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nputri91 #1
Chapter 24: Read this story for the 4th time n I still giggle n smile like crazy .. ^.^ ..
Chapter 24: Awww Tabi you cutie bear :) cute story I love it!!
skye1423 #3
Chapter 24: Hey just finished this story and I'm absolutely loving it! It's really amazing how you could start off with a very simple idea and expand it to become so real. I love the genuine emotions that the characters feel and how you executed their interactions!
Chapter 24: I love youuuuuuuuuu
Aput_VIP #5
Hello, I'm new reader here... >_^
BangtanCheesecake #6
Chapter 1: heyyy I'm a reader of your recent fic cupid's irony (and I'm also a new fan of yours) guess what! i love your story so much that i had to check out your other fics! seems like you love dessert! oh dear i know how you feel! I'm a culinary and patisserie graduate and i loveeee food , both savoury and sweet XD i open up a restaurant and bakery when i was 15 a few years ago (i learn from internet and after school cooking lessons) and decided to go to culinary school when my trusted staff can handle the business without me when i turn 17 and now i just graduated :D now i just recently open another restaurant and can u imagine being surrounded by food everyday? OH GOD THE STRUGGLE OF DIETINGGG XD back to aff, i love your stories! and i kinda feel like the oc in cupid's irony sometimes because we both really love sweets and can play guitar and can skateboard lol. I'm excited to read this fic! about to press the next button :) I'm sure I'm in for a good fic!
Popkorn17 #7
Chapter 24: Thank you, this story has become one of my favourite stories on aff of all time ^^
(+1 new fan)
Chapter 24: P.s.s. Sorry if it was a lot to read but I wanted to show my gratitude in some way. Positive feedback was the only way to encourage you to continue writing. Thanks OVERALL.
Chapter 24: The story was sooo cute and the BEST, that I have read so far. I am grateful that I subscribed to you and started your story a couple if days ago. It was worth hours at a time reading to almost sunrise, since I love to read at night. There should be more romantic and heart racing stories like this, so that I can spend my time enjoying every last second of it. This story have made me fan girl, happy, sad and everything. The story was really realistic, and I loved the different point of views that were given. The way you explain certain situations made me believe that it was actually happening. The love between the two seemed very genuine, which made it more heart warming. I will continue to read stories that you write, because it's so amazingly interesting. Fighting ^__^ <3 p.s. It was the 100% the best that I have read.
Just wanted to say that this story was super cute and adorable. i love effortless romance stories that don't have a lot of drama and are just a relaxing read. This is one of the stories. i like the character development and how Seunghyun's feelings evolved. I enjoyed the moments when Aerri and Seunghyun were together because it's so adorable and cute that I wanted more. The Epilogue was fantastic and I laughed so much from the flashing part. ohohohoho. I bet he couldn't sleep that night :P Great job! **this is of--all--days from tumblr hehehe**