His Story part 3

Know Your Name
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Hi there... more from his POV in this chapter. The story's going to end on the next chapter. When I first had this in mind, I just wanted to tell a story about strangers that having crush with each other and their feelings before they finally introduced each other (like Landon Pigg's Falling in Love in a Coffee Shop). But after writing it down, I really enjoy writing about the characters. So.. I don't know whether to continue this story until after they get to know each other or not.. Anyway, comments please.. And oh so many thanks for everyone that's reading and commenting and subscribing. Love you much :)




He heard that familiar voice he had been avoiding for weeks calling for him. He turned around to find Haru waving from afar, trying to get his attention between all the other people coming out from class. He put up a smile on his face, and waited for her to catch up with him.


"Hey there, stranger. How come it seems that you've been avoiding me lately? We haven't hang out in weeks!" she said in a teasing tone, ironically unaware that she was actually right.


"Look who's talking, Mrs. Kwon Jiyong. Hanging out with you lately means being the third wheel. Ck.. I'll pass." he said, smirking yet trying hard to mask the bitterness in his voice as a teasing tone. Thankfully it seemed to work, since Haru just laughed out loud.


"Oh come on.. hang out with me now? please.. Jiyong was suppose to pick me up and then we're going to catch the 5pm show at the movies. But something come up at his part time work and we're going to meet up at the movies instead. So we have like an hour to hang out somewhere. Please.. pleaassee.." she said.


"Oh! So i'm like the spare tire a.k.a spare friend that you only ask to hang out with when your boyfriend is busy? Hmpf.. no thanks, missy.." he scoffed, pretending to be offended.


"Yah! You know that's not true. Stop fooling around. Come on, I'll treat you. Just don't get anything that's too pricy." she said.


"Ck.. Being stingy is not the way to treat your bestfriend, you know? Especially not the one who haven't hang out with you for weeks." Seunghyun joked.


"Whatever, Mr. Choi. Take it or leave it. If you're being nice to me I might treat you for coffee AND ice cream."


"Geez.. how generous of you, Miss Haru. Coffee AND ice cream? Are you sure you only want me to hang out with you? You don't want anything else from me? Cause coffee AND ice cream is just too much!"


"Stop it, you silly!" she laughed, pinching his nose like she always does.


Their constant teasing and bickering always make him feel happy. And that day wasn't any different. For a while he just wanted to forget about the existence of her boyfriend and act like before she was someone's girlfriend. And forget he did. They didn't do anything special. Just a walk in the park, getting ice cream while strolling around and chatting and laughing. Just like the good old days.


The bliss have to end sooner or later, though. Haru's phone started to ring, and Seunghyun can see that the picture that popped on the screen is a pic of Haru and Jiyong smiling together. Seunghyun just looked the other way, giving Haru some space to talk on the phone.


"Hi, oppa. I'm still at the park with Seunghyun. Are we still going to the movies?" Haru said, talking with Jiyong on the phone.


"Please say no.. please say no. I just want to be with her a bit longer." Seunghyun thought, mentally wishing Jiyong would cancel or at least postpone their date so that his day with Haru wasn't over yet.


"Oh ok then. I'll see you at the movies in 40 minutes, ok." Haru said, much to Seunghyun dissapointment.


"So, we still have a couple of minutes more and I still owe you some coffee, remember? Any suggestion for a coffee shop so I can pay my debt to my best friend?" Haru said to Seunghyun after ending her conversation with Jiyong.


"You don't have to get me coffee, Haru. You can head straight to the movies. I can take a rain check if you're in a hurry." Seunghyun said, suddenly eager to end it as soon as possible. No use of prolonging this.


"No. We still have some time and I still wanna spend some time with you. I really miss you, you idiot. Now let me buy you coffee."


Her affection somehow made him feel even worse, cause he needed to remind himself again that all of it is just a friendly platonic feeling. But he didn't want to dissapoint her, so he said while laughing, "It's just that I'm afraid that there's something behind your sudden kindness. Like I said, coffee AND ice cream is just too much! Are you going to ask me to help you with your college assignment? O God you're not asking for my kidney are you?"


Haru laughed and said, "Will you stop it! Can't I be nice to my bestfriend? Come on! Let's get some coffee."


"Ok then. You're going to the usual theater, right? I know a nice coffee shop that's not far from it. If you really wanna spend more time with me, probably you can ask Jiyong to meet you there."


"Yes! Let's go there! Show me the way, Mr. Choi." Haru grinned and dragged him out of

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nputri91 #1
Chapter 24: Read this story for the 4th time n I still giggle n smile like crazy .. ^.^ ..
Chapter 24: Awww Tabi you cutie bear :) cute story I love it!!
skye1423 #3
Chapter 24: Hey just finished this story and I'm absolutely loving it! It's really amazing how you could start off with a very simple idea and expand it to become so real. I love the genuine emotions that the characters feel and how you executed their interactions!
Chapter 24: I love youuuuuuuuuu
Aput_VIP #5
Hello, I'm new reader here... >_^
BangtanCheesecake #6
Chapter 1: heyyy I'm a reader of your recent fic cupid's irony (and I'm also a new fan of yours) guess what! i love your story so much that i had to check out your other fics! seems like you love dessert! oh dear i know how you feel! I'm a culinary and patisserie graduate and i loveeee food , both savoury and sweet XD i open up a restaurant and bakery when i was 15 a few years ago (i learn from internet and after school cooking lessons) and decided to go to culinary school when my trusted staff can handle the business without me when i turn 17 and now i just graduated :D now i just recently open another restaurant and can u imagine being surrounded by food everyday? OH GOD THE STRUGGLE OF DIETINGGG XD back to aff, i love your stories! and i kinda feel like the oc in cupid's irony sometimes because we both really love sweets and can play guitar and can skateboard lol. I'm excited to read this fic! about to press the next button :) I'm sure I'm in for a good fic!
Popkorn17 #7
Chapter 24: Thank you, this story has become one of my favourite stories on aff of all time ^^
(+1 new fan)
Chapter 24: P.s.s. Sorry if it was a lot to read but I wanted to show my gratitude in some way. Positive feedback was the only way to encourage you to continue writing. Thanks OVERALL.
Chapter 24: The story was sooo cute and the BEST, that I have read so far. I am grateful that I subscribed to you and started your story a couple if days ago. It was worth hours at a time reading to almost sunrise, since I love to read at night. There should be more romantic and heart racing stories like this, so that I can spend my time enjoying every last second of it. This story have made me fan girl, happy, sad and everything. The story was really realistic, and I loved the different point of views that were given. The way you explain certain situations made me believe that it was actually happening. The love between the two seemed very genuine, which made it more heart warming. I will continue to read stories that you write, because it's so amazingly interesting. Fighting ^__^ <3 p.s. It was the 100% the best that I have read.
Just wanted to say that this story was super cute and adorable. i love effortless romance stories that don't have a lot of drama and are just a relaxing read. This is one of the stories. i like the character development and how Seunghyun's feelings evolved. I enjoyed the moments when Aerri and Seunghyun were together because it's so adorable and cute that I wanted more. The Epilogue was fantastic and I laughed so much from the flashing part. ohohohoho. I bet he couldn't sleep that night :P Great job! **this is of--all--days from tumblr hehehe**