Her Life

Blinded Love

Sometime when Elizabeth was 8 years old....

"Okay Lizzy, mommy's gonna give you two dollars and you go buy mommmy a milk carton, arasseo? Be careful, ne?" "Ne!" On a normal Saturday morning for 8-year-old Elizabeth Park. She's going out to her neighborhood convinience store to buy milk for her mother. What she doesn't know is that something awaits her.

Where Elizabeth lives, a lot of construction's going on because a new cinema's being built near her apartment. Once Elizabeth bought the milk she headed home.  She was listening to music so everything around her sounded muffled. She was unalert and only paid attention to walking forward. She saw across the street was her older brother, Kim Seokjin coming home from dance practice. He seemed to be calling out her name out loud as if to warn her about something, but she saw it as a greeting.

She waved back to him and started running towards him but just in that moment, a construction site's billboard fell from the top floor of a building. "ELIZABETH LOOK OUT!" Jin called out. By the time Elizabeth was alert to what her brother was saying, it was too late.

"PARK SOLJIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Jin ran across the street to save his little sister. When he arrived, the workers were frantically trying to remove the billboard off the girl urgently. "Andwae...! Andwae!! Get that off of her now!!" Jin shouted at the workers. Jin asked one of the bystanders to quickly call 119. (Korean 911) Jin saw that his sister is covered in cuts and swollen limbs, bleeding came from everywhere. He was devastated. Glass shards were in her hands, arms, legs and ankles. It was a terrible sight for any bystander to bear. Within 10 minutes, the ambulance came to transfer Elizabeth to the hospital.

Jin followed with the paramedics in the ambulance and notified his mother right away. "Omma, Soljin has been in an accident. Come to the hospital right away. No questions asked for now. Just come!" Jin sounded very angry and nervous. When his mother hung up with her son, she lost her balance for 10 seconds and stood frozen in place. She had her eyes wide open and quickly grabbed her keys, leaving her phone on the table and rushed out the door.

At the E.R.

"I'm sorry sir, but you can't come in here. Please wait outside." A nurse told Jin to sit. He was pacing back and forth endlessly when Elizabeth went in behind the double doors of the operation room. The red light above the door and the operation began. Jin sat down and put his head down, nervously playing with his sweaty palms. A few minutes later, his mother came. "Kim Seokjin! Where is she? How is she? What's her condition now?" His mother was asking so many questions the moment she arrived. "Omma, sit down first. Calm down. She's right now in the operation room. The nurses and surgeons just began the operation. We must wait." Jin explained the process.

His mother was shaking due to the anxiety and fear. Her son comforted her, as well as himself by putting one arm around her. "Aigoo! Why did something like this happen? I shouldn't have told her to go out to get the milk!" His mother vented. "Don't blame yourself, omma. It's not your fault. The workers didn't know the billboard became loose." Jin said.

The operation lasted a long 12 hours. Jin went down to get coffee for himself and a biscuit and tea for his mother. She refused to eat because she wants to wait for the doctor to come out and tell her the results. Jin encouraged her to eat so that she will have strength to see her daughter later. She managed to eat a little. After the 12 hours were up, the red light on top of the operation door turned off and a young surgeon came out to greet them.

"Doctor! Doctor! How's my daughter? Is she okay?" Mother cried. "Jin soothed her by supporting her back. "How is my sister, doc?" He asked. "She suffered from a massive fall and had a lot of blood loss so we'll need to transfer a lot of blood back in her system. Her scrapes, cuts and wounds are all fixed up back together. We removed all the glass shards from her body. She will be okay. Once all the blood is transferred back into her body she will regain consciousness." Jin and his mother was relieved. "Thank you so much doctor!" Mother said. Dr.Lee didn't want to interrupt but he felt it was important for the parent and guardian of the child to know.

"Your most welcome, Mrs. Park. But, there's something..very unfortunate that you must know." Immediately, Jin and his mother became frozen again. Jin held onto his mother just in case. "Little Elizabeth will regain consciousness after the operation, however, she has lost her sight permanantly. I'm so deeply sorry." Dr.Lee announced. 

The doctor left to do his duties after delivering the sad news. Jin's face went pale the moment he heard the doctor say that his sister will be visually impaired from now on. His mother fainted after hearing the news and Jin had to catch her. This was hard for everyone to accept.



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suga_world #1
Chapter 1: Update please ;)
Chapter 1: OMG please update soon!!
is she unconcias or blind? *blinks little confiused*
Omg seem so interesting and sad!! Plz update soon!!! :(