Chapter 15 ~

Secret Night

“Jesus Minah,” I scrunched up my nose as I held a giggling three year old in front of me. She’d just burped rather loudly in my face and was now chuckling away to herself and pulling on my cheeks as I made faces at her.

            “Smelly!” I sang before blowing a raspberry on her stomach making her laugh even more. Her little feet were kicking at my chest, hands clutched in my hair as I continued to tickle her. The doorbell cut off the fun though and with a grunt, I stood from the place on the sofa and hoisted Minah onto my hips.

            “We’re coming,” I shouted as the doorbell rang again. I pulled open the latch and swung the door back, not expecting it to be Hongbin. He looked between my niece and me before he pushed past the two of us and landed himself of the couch.

            “Welcome to you,” I said sarcastically before placing the toddler on the floor and letting her toddle off to find her colouring book. 

            “Everyone took the news that you’re back well, especially Baekhyun, and they can’t wait to see you at the hangout tomorrow,” he smirked, watching Minah with a mix of emotions in his eyes. 

            “That’s good,” I muttered. I was surprised when Minah looked up from her colouring book and toddled over to Hongbin, slamming her book on his head before plonking down onto the floor and blinking her long eyelashes.

            “Ahhh,” Hongbin hissed before scowling at her.

            “Baaa!” Minah announced before looking at me and motioning that she wanted me to pick her up. Hongbin glared at me and the baby in my arms as she squealed and bounced in my lap.

            “She doesn’t like you,” I chuckled, drawing Hongbin from his staring. He huffed before rolling onto his back and staring at the ceiling.

            “How are you getting on with Sanghyuk?” I asked whilst playing peek-a-boo with Minah.

            “We need to meet up again,” the leader mused whilst tugging on his hair, “have you seen Jaewhan since?”

            “Yeah, it a cafe the other day.”

            “Ohhh get you, a cafe,” Hongbin smirked before watching Minah closely as she made her way down from my lap and across to him again. In one wiggly movement, Minah squirmed up onto the couch and plonked herself onto the leader’s stomach. Hongbin let out a guttural moan, huffing and glaring at the toddler as she started to pound her fists onto his chest.

            “Yah, what are you doing?” He asked as he tried to grip her wrist. “Yah ouch!” He cried as she pulled on his hair. “Ravi-ah, help me you idiot!”


The other side of town (Jaewhan’s POV)

            “Stop ... no I don’t want ... STOP!” Sanghyuk was squirming as I stalked towards him, an eyeliner pencil brandished and a wild look across my face. “I am not going to wear that!”

            “You will wear it when we go out tonight,” I demanded, knowing that the teen in front of me would give in.

            “No!” He replied with defiance and his arms crossed over his chest. My lip wobbled, tears gathering in my eyes as I looked down at the pencil in my grasp.

            “Please Hyukkie. Just at Hakyeon’s party?” I giggled internally at the way he froze, a look of guilt across his face. I had to try hard to keep the puppy dog facade but it managed to work and moments later I was drawing a thick line along my baby’s eyelids.

            “Who’s going to be there tonight?” My little boy asked as he tried to sit as still as he could. I smiled and had to think for a moment as I tried to think who Hakyeon had mentioned before.

            “Uh ... Kris and his people ... oh and Hakyeon’s friends from school. Ohhh I hope that cute sporty guy who always hangs out with Hakyeon is there.”

            “You mean Taekwoon hyung?” Hyuk asked.

            “Yeah, the one at my party that Hakyeon went home with. Do you know if he’s single?” I asked as I continued to add products to Sanghyuk’s face. I heard him mumble something about Hakyeon as I tried to choose between ash and stone grey eye-shadow for his overall look. I then heard the name Hongbin but the rat hadn’t interested me since the last time we met when he tried to feel up my baby. It was a shame he was such trash because his friend (Ravi I believe) was quite sweet.

            “Now go get changed,” I demanded before patting Sanghyk’s and sending him into my bedroom from the bathroom. “I’ll be out in a moment.”


            “You made it!” A slightly drunk Hakyeon slurred as we made our way through into his parent’s kitchen. The house wasn’t as large as mine, making it a little cosy with the amount of people crowded around the bottles lining the counter tops, but it was nice all the same.

            “Yeah hyung and look,” Hyuk pointed cutely towards his make-up and batted his eyelashes.

            “Ohh pretty,” Hakyeon giggled and poked the boy’s face, his other hand wrapped around a red, plastic cup. I looked to the left of the drunken boy to see Taekwoon watching over him with owl-like eyes. I felt my breath hitch in my chest, my face heating up when our eyes met for a moment and he sent me a small nod. I sent one back, quickly diverting my eyes from the good-looking teenager.

            “Jaewhan-hyung did it for me,” Hyuk said proudly, pulling me to his side and Hakyeon to the other making the drunken boy giggle happily. I looked up to see Taekwoon staring at me with an unreadable expression. To say I was embarrassed was an understatement and I quickly removed myself from the arms of my best-friend.

            “Uh ... I’m going to get a drink,” I cleared my throat awkwardly before pushing past some people standing in my way and hurrying to the drink, not looking back or waiting for Sanghyuk to catch up. I waited for a moment; hand on the vodka but there was no sign of footsteps behind me. Sighing, I poured a shot and turned around, leaning on the bar before tilting my head back and swallowing the clear liquid. My eyes scrunched closed for a moment as the liquid burned before I opened them and glanced around the room – my gaze landing on two people I didn’t think I’d be seeing at Hakyeon’s party.



Any guesses as to who's gonna be at the party?? 

Sorry this chapter's a little shorter but I wanted to split the party into two (hopefully you'll understand later)

And for now ... please leave a comment/subscribe/upvote :)

Sophie x 

Also ... a huge thank you to cheyne, NanaKim92, desole, kyutesomate and ExoticSone for upvoting <3

#-qgdxo - I'm glad the last chapter was ok and I hope you enjoyed this chapter

#andrea2313 - I'm glad you liked it! Thank you for commenting :)

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Chapter 9: gah! i'm so late!!! i didn't realize that you had thanked me for upvoting!!! orz
i mean, it was no big deal! this story is awesome! ^o^
now, time to read the rest! o/
Chapter 19: This is so good! Now I'm curious about what happened with hyukbin and navi. I can't wait for an update. Fighting!
Sorry it's just I read this whole thing and I got hooked and it's been awhile since you updated and I just yeah lol
You're a good writer ^^
Chapter 1: oh god, I'm gonna get extremely invested in this story, loving it so far!
Chapter 19: It's just great that you are back , and please I need more updates of this amazing story
Chapter 19: Raven is so important, I just need them to get together already LMFAO
andrea2313 #7
Chapter 19: Thanks for updateing
Chapter 18: RAVEN PLEASE!!!