Chapter 12 ~

Secret Night

“What do you want Wu?” Hongbin snarled from his crate throne as he looked at the intruding leader. Wu Yifan was the leader of another one of the numerous gangs in the neighbourhood. You would have thought he was like the others, small and puny to our gang, however, Yifan was the head of our rivals. He was cold, ruthless and unfair in his ways at getting what he wanted and when he came knocking on your door, you knew he wanted something.

Only a month or so ago our two gangs got into a fight were one life was almost lost which just so happened to be Yifan’s boyfriend – Yixing. It had started over something small in this place, the supplier of drugs to the two gangs who naturally wanted the best. It had started off as a heated argument between the leaders until a young and impatient male, going by the name of Kai, threw the first punch at Sehun. Instead of the brawl being put to rest there, Tao decided to protect his boyfriend and soon the whole thing escalated. I had believed only fists had been involved until a knife was pulled by someone unknown. The whole ordeal didn’t end until the supplier stepped in, stabbing Yixing in the process and being banished by both leaders. Kris’ naturally blamed our gang for what happened and so the sour note between the two gangs had become even more jaw-clenching.

          “What make you think I want anything Bin?” Everyone shivered and grimaced when the other spoke, his cronies moving closer to his side when we all lurched in our seats.

            “You never come here unless you want something,” Hongbin had obviously sobered by this point and was now standing in front of all of us with a scary aura hanging around him. Anyone to go against our leader when he was like this would be a fool.

            “Haha maybe you’re not as stupid as I thought,” the blonde Chinese male sniggered earning him a growl.

            “Just spit it out.”

            “Calm yourself Lee,” there was a warning behind the glare Yifan sent Hongbin’s way that made the latter back of slightly much to my confusion. “There’s been complaints and we’ve had trouble in our area. I can’t believe I’m going to say this but ... we need ... your help.”

            “Pffft,” A sniggering sound ripped through a small pause of silence as Hongbin laughed to himself. “You want us to help you?” Our leader stopped laughing though when Yifan nodded solemnly with no sign of joking in his eyes. “What makes you think we’d help you after all you’ve said and done to us?” In that moment, all hope seemed to leave the other leader’s eyes and his shoulders slumped. He didn’t look so cocky anymore, just in need of help.

            “Hongbin,” I warned. The leader’s attention was now directed at me. His eyes were harsh, judging against me as I’d dared to interruption his mocking of the other male. “We should help them.”

            “What are you on?!” I was surprised with the outburst I got back. “Have you lost it?” Anger was all I saw, the thought that me, one of his own, would go against him was obviously a little too much for the now irate leader.

            “I ... I just thought~”

            “You just thought what? HUH? When do you ever think!?” I looked at my supposed-best-friend with nothing but hurt as I stayed rooted to the spot. It felt like I couldn’t move. I knew I’d made the wrong decision but I hadn’t expected this.

            “Do you know what? Get out,” my head snapped up at his words. Guilt, sadness and the urge to cry suddenly rushed over me as I stood numbly and headed for the exit. A large hand on my shoulder stopped me though and I looked up to see Yifan with apologies written all over his face. I sent him a small smile before walking out of the den and landing myself on the pavement as I waited for the shock to clear and the situation to take residence in my already messed up head.


I always knew there was a chance that I’d be kicked out of the gang. The leader was always temperamental, always had been, and new members would come every so often but I’d hoped that in being his best-friend, I wouldn’t end up like the rest. However, that theory had just been proved wrong and now there I was, sitting on the curb outside what I’d considered a second home feeling very lost. I felt betrayed to say the least, and hurt: very hurt. It stung to know that I was so easily gotten rid of and now no one, none of my friends would want to speak to me. I was a failure now and they weren’t. I wasn’t in their vocabulary anymore and that hurt like a .


            “Ravi,” a voice that suddenly didn’t seem so spine chilling drew me out from my thoughts and back to reality. “I’m so sorry.” I glanced to my left to see Yifan sit down next to me. s were standing around, watching wearily as though I’d kick off any second and attack their precious leader.

            “Don’t worry,” I muttered, trying to keep the bitterness out of my voice and failing sincerely. A silence settled over the street then. I looked up hoping to see stars but my view of the dark night was blocked by the sickly colour of street lamps. The yellowish haze was comforting in an unnatural way yet it kept the interesting, the sparkling gems hidden from my view.

            “Listen Ravi, I know I-we’d probably be the last people on your mind right now but at least let us help you get home,” I looked at Yifan in surprise: shocked at his kind offer. Hongbin wouldn’t have done that. He’d have laughed in the losers face before kicking them to ground and treating them like dirt no doubt to then saunter home and get drunk.

            “Uh .. no I couldn’t.”

            “We owe you that at least.” With that I started my escorted journey home through the streets of the neighbourhood. I knew why Yifan had offered to help me home, the gang status no longer on my shoulders making me vulnerable to the other gangs who would only use me to get information before probably discarding my body in some stream or dump.


           “It’s here, thanks,” I tried, honestly tried to sound happier when I came to the front of my house. Yifan smiled before handing me a small piece of paper.

            “It’s cool. Think about it and call me,” the blonde male stated before heading home with the rest of his group. I watched as they disappeared into the darkness, the image being burnt into my mind. Suddenly everything hurt and all I wanted was sleep. Taking one last look at the piece of paper in my hand and the numbers on the scrap, I sighed before settling down for a night of dreamless sleep. 


Uh .... hi ....

Sorry it's been a little while but I've had exams so there's been very little time to write. However, I only have one or two left now so I should be up and running again soon. 

Any thoughts on this chapter? ~ please subscribe/comment/upvote 

Sophie x 

#XiuminInYourFace -  I'm glad you are interest in the story (thank you!) though I'm sorry about it not being B.A.P!

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Chapter 9: gah! i'm so late!!! i didn't realize that you had thanked me for upvoting!!! orz
i mean, it was no big deal! this story is awesome! ^o^
now, time to read the rest! o/
Chapter 19: This is so good! Now I'm curious about what happened with hyukbin and navi. I can't wait for an update. Fighting!
Sorry it's just I read this whole thing and I got hooked and it's been awhile since you updated and I just yeah lol
You're a good writer ^^
Chapter 1: oh god, I'm gonna get extremely invested in this story, loving it so far!
Chapter 19: It's just great that you are back , and please I need more updates of this amazing story
Chapter 19: Raven is so important, I just need them to get together already LMFAO
andrea2313 #7
Chapter 19: Thanks for updateing
Chapter 18: RAVEN PLEASE!!!