The Graveyard Reader

The Graveyard Reader

Oh Sehun obstinately refused to accept the term “stalker” as a label for himself. He was more than sure that somewhere in some dictionary the term “stalker” included in its definition that the “stalker” should know the person he or she was stalking. Therefore by this definition, Sehun wasn’t one. He was…widely interested in human behavior. That sounded quite alright and the young man found it to be an appropriate definition.

For the eight (?) time that month, the blonde just-graduate Oh Sehun found himself ordering the same not-quite-so-tasty Caramel Mocha for the not-so-kind-actually-quite-rude barista and sitting on the same chair (let’s skip the fact that it wasn’t at all comfortable) , laptop in front of him, headphones on and listening to a random playlist on YouTube that looped the same Lana Del Rey songs over and over again (yes he was that bad) and idly waiting for the subject of his research to appear.

Apparently the subject was running late, much to the young researcher’s displeasure. Every minute was important in his dedicated work.

After thirty minutes of waiting and experimenting the sinking feeling in his stomach that made Sehun consider with what purpose he was doing this research, HE finally stepped into the hole-in-the-wall café which apparently he loved so much.

HE was taller than Sehun (he could tell, obviously HIS legs were longer), had bleached blonde hair that was styled with care, had the handsomest features Sehun had ever seen in his life, even the little flaws like his eye-bags, looked nice in the young man’s humble opinion. That day, like any other day, he was wearing some high-profile designer clothes that the non-stalker can’t name and was armed with just a simple leather wallet and a book.

The cover of the book was white with some black design that Sehun can’t make up from his distance. Is the second book he had seen the mysterious man with. The first one was also white, but with a red design and always brought a tiny frown on the man’s cat-like features. He supposed it must have been some sort of psychological thriller or something like it.

The blonde man went to the front counter and ordered what Sehun supposed it was his usual drink, since he only did a short hand movement for the barista to set herself into motion. The drink was probably something as simple as his Caramel Mocha, since it was finished in less than two minutes.

He took the table closest to the wide windows so he could have as much natural light as he could, sipped from his ceramic cup, got into a comfortable position for reading and opened his book.

It took Sehun a while, and a trip to buy a muffin from the counter, to decipher the name of the book. It was called “The Graveyard”. The young man frowned, now that was a happy book. Though his mind said it in a sarcastic fashion, apparently it was more than right in reality, since the subject of his research looked like he was about to burst in laughter every so often. Was this book one of those very ironically named books? It didn’t really matter in the end, the man’s laugh was just SO adorable, Sehun wondered if he could record it and put it as his ringtone. His mind helpfully supplied that his thoughts were creepy, and stopped in time.

They co-existed there in perfect silence for more than two hours: Sehun not-so-secretly-staring and sometimes watching funny fail videos on his laptop just to pass the time and the man reading his book with an amused expression

. The atmosphere was pleasant and once in his life, the young man found silence to be, as many said in those inspirational quotes, golden.

And of course silence was very easy to break.

Trust Sehun’s best friend, Luhan, to do so by calling him and indelicately announcing the younger man that he was stuck in his office dying of hunger couldn’t to leave the building so Sehun, being a nice friend that he is should buy him a sandwich and bring it to him. Sehun wondered why the the did he always agree with Luhan…maybe because the older man had a load on blackmail material on him (including the latest and most exciting: his stalker-ish tendencies).

Having paid for his drink beforehand, he packed his laptop and pun on his jacket, sent one last glace to the blonde man that was still very much immersed in his book and left the café in hurry.

It wasn’t until Luhan told him that he had texted his preference for the sandwich Sehun realized that he had left his (brand new Iphone) in the café.

He left his laptop in Luhan’s office and took a sprint for the café, dread settled in his throat thinking about what his mom would think about the loss of the (very) expensive handphone.

When he finally stepped into the café (in a manner that resembled a tornado) he was pleasantly surprised that his beloved phone was still on the table where he sat mere 15 minutes ago. He sighed and placed the precious piece of plastic in his jean pocket.

He looked around to notice his research piece had already left. Well.

He was eating a small meal alongside Luhan in his office when his phone did the small popping sound that signified that he had received a text message. He opened to find that the text message was from a man named Tao.

He didn’t know anyone named Tao.

He pressed the screen to open the message only to find a long text.

‘ “What are you doing Adam?” And Adam would have answered. “The hell, nothing. Relaxed. Playing Angry Birds on my phone, just closed a few million dollars account in bank and planning a trip with Eve to Caribbean Islands. The Devil: “Wouldn’t the apple of wisdom tempt you?” Adam: “Dude, you’re stupid? Why would an apple tempt me? I have a mansion with a pool, a car, all the fruits I like, including apples, served by servants none the less, and Eve is the iest chick cuz she uses the most expensive products. An apple? To tempt me? You make me laugh!” ‘

Excerpt from “The Graveyard”

-From Tao, The Graveyard Reader

P.S. Is quite an interesting read to be honest, is sad that you can only see the cover, but I am willing to loan it to you when I’m done. :3 ‘

Sehun couldn’t help jumping around for about 10 minutes or so, until Luhan threatened him to call the security to get him out.

A/N I tried therefore no one can accuse me. Unbetaed. I'm sorry.

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xBoyWhoCriedWolfx #1
Chapter 1: This fic is short and sweet. I smiled when Sehun recieved Tao's text message. So cuute! <3 <3
Haha this, to me, is a true classic :D
sarang_do #3
Chapter 1: Tao initiates first! Wowowowow i like it ^^
Chapter 1: awwww so cute
Chapter 1: Interesting