Deadline announcement! + v.important stuff

··malice // graphic contest [closed!] (winner announced!!)

hello all u cuties I'm so sorry that this contest's run on for so long but yay! finally a deadline yiss. 

more about the voting process:

  • submissions will be closed on 17th November ye plenty of time to get any final submissions in if u want
  • because there are about 100 entries (and loading the whole chunk in the survey thing at once will be absolute hell)  i will be splitting the entries into 5 sets (20 posters each) according to date with only 1 entry per designer in each set. so the second or third entry submitted at the same time by the same designer will be bumped up to the next set and so forth (i hope im not confusing anyone here pls ask me if you're unsure about anything!)
  • 4 votes will be allowed for each set and u can vote for yourself if you want! of course u can also vote for less than 4 posters too
  • voting will be open from 17th November to 1st December! winners will be announced on the 8th yAY and i will post the 5 links to vote on the 17th as well
  • i will be choosing the 3 winners from the top 15 entries but the favourites will not necessarily be from the top 15 

also if you have made a blog post about this contest please comment down below with a link to the post thanks!! 

!!i am so so sorry but I've made some changes to the prizes again I was looking over it and I thought the gap between the prizes was quite unfair so the second and third prizes have an added 100 karma points each! sorry for any inconveniences caused ><

and thank u all so much for being so very patient! i'm sorry that it's going to end at such a late date ye if you have any questions pls dont hesitate to ask thank u 

ok finally if there are any username discrepancies please tell me! I've changed all that I could find but I might have missed some so ye if there are any problems tell me pls thank you 

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all karma point portions of the prizes have been sent out! please confirm that you've received it thanks!!


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squirrelnextdoor #1
Chapter 113: Congratulations to the winners!
Chapter 113: whoooo the contest has come to an end and congratulations to the winners and some of the honorable mentions. :D
Chapter 113: Congratulations to all winner!! Daebak!
Chapter 113: Woah, thank you so much!! I'm very grateful and it's been nice seeing everyone's entries! They're all really amazing^^
Chapter 113: Congats ^^
Chapter 113: Wah thank you very much! i just want to say that everyone did their best! c:
Chapter 113: congrats to the winner!!!!!!!
everyone did so well
_Sona_ #8
Chapter 112: Nam Potter XD