Him and Her Collide

Rainy Days and Cups of Coffee



Sandara stared at the invitation that she was holding. She started thinking that maybe, Kwon Jiyong was really as evil as his friends—they always knew how to torture her. He just invited her to his engagement party on February 14th. A part of Sandara wanted to go—after all, she was curious on who the lucky girl was. But a bigger part of her didn’t want to go—she wasn’t a masochist after all, she just couldn’t allow herself to be tortured some more especially on a Valentine’s Day.


But then, when it came to dilemmas like this, curiosity always win. And as she was going nearer and nearer the location of the party, she somehow started thinking that maybe curiosity would really kill the cat.


She was all fidgety that she didn’t realize that the taxi had stopped already. She looked through the tinted window of the car and she almost fell on her seat. The taxi driver asked her if she was okay, making her realize that she wasn’t able to pay yet. She took some cash and gave it to the taxi driver before she went out. She didn’t even hear the driver when he told her that she gave too much cash.


was still wide open and she couldn’t believe what she was seeing. The house and it’s every detail—it was like what his father designed. Somehow, she was feeling a bit mad because someone had stolen her father’s design. This was her dream house.


She saw Kwon Jiyong walking out of the house and she didn’t know whether to be mad or be happy. Four years was so kind to him and his physical appearance and he never looked more handsome than today. But then, she was hurt too. That meant that he had stolen this.


“What’s the meaning of this? How were you able to get my father’s design?” Sandara angrily shouted as Jiyong walked towards her.


“I can explain.” He started. But Sandara was too mad that she didn’t let him talk.


“Explain? Is there a logical explanation for this? You have stolen my father’s design just as you have stolen my heart and...” Sandara stopped when she realized what she just had said. She turned her head away as she blushed.


Jiyong was shocked too. “You said what?” He asked in the hopes that Sandara would say it again. But she never did for a woman wearing a yellow cocktail dress walked out of the house calling for Jiyong.


“Ji, what’s happening?” She said as she hooked arms with Jiyong. She stared at Sandara, who was still blushing madly, before she proceeded to ask Jiyong once again.


“I better leave now.” Sandara excused herself, not wanting to stay in such awkward situation any longer. “You should better go back inside and enjoy your engagement party.” She was about to leave when Jiyong stopped her.


“Dami noona, can you please go back inside? I just need to talk to her...alone.” He said to the woman wearing yellow cocktail dress. She nodded and went back inside before she gave Jiyong two thumbs up.


Dark clouds began to cover the blazing sun and threatened to pour out some rain. And somehow, the thought of rain calmed the two young people. Jiyong broke the silence and started to explain.


“Show and tell. This is what you showed in class right? Your dream house. When I listened to you that day, I was so enamoured. I told myself that one day, I’m going to build this house for you. That’s why I went abroad. I got an engineering scholarship and even if I was a student, I began with this project already. I secretly went home every summer and with the help of some local carpenters, I was able to build it.” He paused when he felt tiny droplets of water fell from the sky. He took Sandara’s arm and pulled her an area with a cover.


“But why are you telling this to me just now? Didn’t you know that I liked you ever since that day too? If you have told me, it would save me from having numerous heartaches. And now, you’ll only make me want you more. And you’re getting engaged!” Sandara said as she began to cry.


“Well, that’s uncertain yet. You know, the engagement. I wanted to propose to her, but I’m still uncertain if she would say yes or not.” And then, even if the ground was wet, he dropped on his knees.


“I wore this promise ring in my finger as a sign that after I finish this house, I would let go of the past and start thinking of the future. I don’t want to be a coward anymore. I know that I maybe making a fool out of myself right now, I wouldn’t care. If doing a foolish thing is the only way I could tell you how much I love you, then let everyone think I have lost every ounce of my sanity.” He took a black velvet box from his pocket and opened it, revealing a diamond ring.


“Park Sandara, I have loved you ever since I have laid eyes on you. You made my heart thump so bad that I thought my chest was about to explode but at the same time, my heart continues to beat just for you. You made me lose my breath, but at the same time, I knew I was still breathing because of you. So, Park Sandara, would you make this foolish man the happiest fool in the world and marry me?”


Sandara felt constrict. She couldn’t say anything. And so, she grabbed Kwon Jiyong’s hand and nodded. And it was like pre-school all over again.




A/N. Hope you enjoyed the story. :)

PS. It was meant to be a oneshot but I just cut the story in three parts. :)

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Chapter 3: ommo.. i vote the story but don't remember read it..
it's a relief that i read this, maybe again.. 'coz daragon is sailing~!
Chapter 3: Chapter 3: This is really good.. I love how he made a promise to himself and proposed to Dara. ^^
Chapter 1: Chapter 1: I think Jiyong is the one who really gave the flower and who wanted a hug., it just that he doesn't know show to how his affection properly?
lightning_TabiSan #4
Chapter 3: This is so heartwarming and sweet!

I love it! So DARAGON :p
heyitsj #5
Chapter 3: <3 <3 <3 <3
mslittleoc #6
Chapter 3: This is really good. I hope you can write more stories like this, short but complete :)
Chapter 3: OH MY GHAD!! omo omo! this is so heartwarming and so sad but happy!! T__T i teared up y'know~! *huk huk*
juniejd #8
Chapter 3: Kyah! Love it! A lifetime LOVE! :)
strongurlx #9
Chapter 3: Awwwwwwwww i loved it!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 3: you're really one of the best fanfic authors I know. I love your stories, how you wrote them is very creative like this one. You made your stories special and hard to forget. may I ask if you were the one who wrote "look only at me" on DGH? that story is very special to me because that was the first daragon fanfic I read. I forget who was the author of that story and I don't know why I have a high instinct right now that you the one wrote it.