Am I really that distracted? Am I Really Losing my Mind?

We Got Married?


Seung Hyun’s POV

I heard some mumbling coming from the bushes. I was about to move the branches to see what was making the noise but what was the point.


Your POV

I took a sharp breathe seeing the tips of Seung Hyun’s calloused fingers reach for the bush. You were about to jump out of the bush and ask for his forgiveness but it seemed like God was on your side for once.

“anneyong giram mal, hello hello
non good bye good bye”


“Hello? Oh hyung, nope. She went to the bathroom. Okay I’ll tell her, I’ll probably go back to where we were sitting so I can be there when she gets there. We saw some, but none that made us go wow. Yeah, okay thanks YongHwa hyung!” he answered the phone. He turned it off and looked at the bush again. Geez...just leave already so I can sneak back yeobo!

“Shisus, what am I doing? I’ll go get us some pretzel and wait for her return like a good boy,” he mumbled to himself before walking away.

“DAMN THAT WAS CLOSE,” Kyu Oppa sighed from right next to me.

“Yup and you better thank us for that hyung, and Hime ah~ come and give oppa a grateful hug” a familiar voice said from behind us.

“YAH! WHAT ARE YOU GUYS DOING HERE?!” Kyu Oppa yelled as I turned around. It was none other than Yong Hwa oppa and Jong Hoon oppa standing right behind us. Yong Hwa oppa was holding his phone and waving it back and forth in the air with a smirk forming on his face.

“I thought you guys didn’t like each other,” Jong Hoon oppa said as he threw a glance at Kyu and I with a playful smirk.

“ANIYA! That’s not what we are doing....”

“Then why are you hiding? Behind a bush?” YongHwa oppa said with laughter playing in his eyes.

“Why are we hiding..., I’ll tell you why we are hiding....actually....I HAVE NO CLUE WHY I AM HIDING! WHY THE HELL AM I HIDING? AISH KYU OPPA AND TEUKIE UMMA YOU GUYS ARE DEAD WHEN I SEE YOU AGAIN” I just realized before running back to Seung Hyun. Shisus, what the hell am I doing? I’m losing my MIND! I turned around one last time only to see Yong Hwa oppa laughing at me (-_________-')


Yong Hwa’s POV

“Teukie hyung...,” I said while turning my attention to my hyung. He was blushing when I sent him my accusing stare.

“Ne~~~” he said before shyly ducking behind his maknae. Aish~ how old is this man?

“Yah....why are you guys stalking your doosaeng?” I asked him.

“Well, it’s not a bad reason....we just wanted to help them out. It is VERY hard finding a house for a couple without really knowing what to do. HONESTLY!” He pleaded with innocent eyes.

“Geez you guys are too gushy!” Jong Hun complained before taking Teukie hyung’s binoculars.

“Hmm, actually that’s not a bad about we join,” I asked my doosaeng before giving him a classic smirk:

“Eh? Wae hyung?”

“Cuz, it seems fun...and imagine them trying to find a house? They look sooo it’d annoy her,” I told him.

“Well, I guess we can go, we have nothing better to do today anyways, I guess,” Jong Hun agreed.

Your POV

“Aish, these idiots...I’ve completely lost my mind? AISH!” I told myself while I walked back to Seung Hyun.

“Aish, this guy...looking all attractive.....sitting down....on the ground! Aish I really am loosing my mind!” I tried to calm myself before appearing in his view.

“Hime ah~” he called out once he saw me.

“Ne~, I’m coming,” I replied before sitting next to him. He had all the papers scattered around him and took out a couple of pictures of houses.

“Do you like any of these?” he asked me while going through the pages in another folder.

I looked carefully to make sure we could find a good house and for once something popped out to me:

“Seung Hyun ah~, I like this’s spacious and cute,” I told him while pointing towards it

“Let me see,” he said and picked up the photograph and held it close to his face. His eyebrow drew together and he stared at the photograph long and hard. It took him a minute before he put it down.


“I like it too, it’s traditional, just like you wanted and there’s enough space,”


“Let’s go take a look, shall we?” he asked before getting up and giving me his hand.

“Ne!” I said while getting up from my spot.

“We finally are on our way to getting a house,”

“Yup, hopefully no one will come to bother us when we get there....,” I whispered apprehensively.

“What was that?” Seung Hyun asked me before heading into his car.

“Nothing,” I sighed before getting into the passenger seat.

Seung Hyun’s POV

“Do you” I asked Hime while we drove to the house she picked.


“Ummm, you had to go, that time of the...” I tried to explain without saying anything weird but my words weren’t forming correctly.

“Oh, that! Yah, I’m fine, fine, fine...” she said before sinking into her seat. I looked to her face and saw a slight blush forming.

“Are you sure? You still look a bit flustered...”

“Oh, don’t worry about me...I’m fine,” she told me but I saw her mumbling to herself in the seat. I guess when it’s that time of the month they just act weird~

Your POV

Aish! Why did I use that excuse for those good for nothing...AISH! I decided to avoid any other questions from Seung Hyun by looking out the window but guess what I saw.... LEETEUK’S CAR IN THE WINDOW!!!!! WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON!?!

I saw up a little straighter in the seat so I could look outside to find some type of way to prove it wasn’t them.

“God damn them,” I whispered to myself quietly.

“God damn who?” Seung Hyun asked me, I guess he could hear my whispers.

“Umm, the corporate’s nothing...,”. It wasn’t a lie, that was annoying me...but it wasn’t the truth...but what am I suppose to tell him? Hey my oppas and your hyungs are stalking us cuz they don’t trust you? Yah, I would totally tell him that.

“You know, you looked a bit upset the last couple days...if you want to talk...”

Have I really been that upset?’s been hard considering my “newest task”....I haven’t really told anyone about it yet... Maybe it’s the reason I’m all out of wack.

“Well I guess there is something that’s been annoying me lately...” I started.

“Talk away yeobo...there aren’t any cameras here, nobody but me, and I’m not gonna judge you,” he said sweetly before shooting me a grin.

“How long till we get there?”

“Quite awhile Hime ah~” he cooed before grabbing my left arm in his right and brought it to his lips. He kissed it gently and held my hand there for a minute before releasing my hands.

“Okay, here I’s quite a story,”

“Fine by me,”

“You know EXO?”

“They are SM’s newest boy idol group,”

“Yup, they are the source of my annoyance,”


“Okay it isn’t really them but the corporate heads...,”

“Go on,”


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Hey, there is no Jonghoon CNBLUE.
14 streak #2
awwwww you didn't get to finish writing the last chapter!!! TwT..... update soon!!! i am a seunghyun fan *sigh* i wish they have a seunghyun fan club.... it would be nice
the story is awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hime is friends with a lot of guy group which i am quite jealous of..... i wish i was hime i like that name ^^
anyways update soon!!!! hwaiting!!
kyeoul #3
MewNikkiChan #4
Unnie Saranghae~ <3 another amazing update!
kyeoul #5
MewNikkiChan #6
Yay yay yay! You're so awesome! Love the new banner! Can't wait for the new updates! Hwaiting!!!!
MewNikkiChan #7
Unnie! I've been re-reading this for the umpteenth time because it's so good! I hope that your exams and everything went well, (or are going well). I hope you update soon, I miss your updates... <3
VIPgal #8
This is amazing!
lol so many funny faces =D...