Hello Yeobo

We Got Married?

Man I <3 all the comment guys :) makes me want to write so much more too bad my summer hw is consuming too much of it

here's the next one



Your POV

I’m four minutes late...oh well. I held my head up high and tried to ignore my heart. I wasn’t ready for this but I already made a commitment to this so I’m gonna do it. I looked back to Won Bin’s van but unfortunately he was already gone, I walked up the stairs slowly, trying to breath normally but I wasn’t doing a very good job of it. I reached for the door slowly and opened it....and the person who was staring at his phone was not the person I was expecting at all.


Seung Hyun’s POV


I was looking at my phone, she is five minute late. I looked to the door again and I saw a small foreigner enter the building slowly and timidly. She is pretty cute and I feel like I’ve seen her before. She’s looking at me now. When our eyes met it was intense but then she pulled away and she started to search around and saw that I was the only one in the lobby. She walked slowly up to me and I just stared at her. She’s wearing this cute tiger crochet shirt that complimented her figure with black skinny jeans. She’s also wearing those big “nerd” glasses that looked a lot like the ones Jong Hun hyung wears a lot and has the sock hat that’s much too big for her small head. She was wearing olive green leg warmers and a light green winter coat to fend off the cold night. She was also wearing these awesome combat boots that had about three inches at the heel but she still was only about five feet and a couple inches tall. She stopped in front of me and bent down in front of me since I was seated at a couch. Her hair was down, it was in an uneven bob cut that didn’t even reach her shoulders, kinda like Park Shin Hye’s hair in Heartstrings but it looked freshly cut. Damn she was cute.


She looked down at me, her face was really close to mine. I could smell chocolate on her breathe. Her eyes were a nice deep brown color and her hair wasn’t black like I thought it was...it was a dark shade of brown. She started to pout because of frustration. She kept biting her full lips as if to keep herself from talking. Then she got up to look around again as if there was someone else she was expecting and then turned back to me.

“It really is you, Song Seung Hyun shi,”

“Uh, yah, umm sorry that I don’t know who you are but umm...are you a fan?”

“Sure, lets go with that...a fan,”

“Oh okay,”

(AWKWARD SILENCE)....I waited for her to speak again

“Ne, wow, I can’t believe I’m meeting you here, but um can I ask what you are doing here?”

“Well~,” I tried to tell her the reason why I was here in KBS’s lobby...ten o’ clock at night but sadly... it was only to be disrupted by a couple of girly screams.


Jong Hun’s POV


To tell you the truth, I kind of regret sending Seung Hyun to WGM now...he’s been in a pretty bad mood since I’ve told him. And seeing him getting nervous while waiting for her...I just...felt really guilty. I just want him to know that it’s okay to have a relationship and have music in his life. So I resorted to this.

But when I saw the girl who entered the building...I was stunned. It’s SHINee’s doosaeng, Hime. I would have never guessed her. I watched her look at Seung Hyun for a couple of seconds as if in a trance but then quickly looked around to see if anyone else was there. She seemed reluctant to walk to Seung Hyun but when she did, she sure took her time looking at him...as if she didn’t know what to do in the situation they were in.

I saw her open to talk to him and he seemed to reply awkwardly...oh Seung Hyun. Here you have a really cute girl who is totally into you and you can’t even hold a conversation...have you learned nothing from your hyungs? Aish, what to do with this kid?

“Jong hun ah~, are my eyes playing tricks on me or is that Hime?” Minhyuk asked me with disbelieving eyes.

“Of course that’s her...that’s her favorite hat,” Jung-shin said with wide eyes.

“But that last time we saw her didn’t she have longer hair?” Hong Ki asks us.

We all looked back to the young girl. Although she had her hair up the time we met her...it was definitely longer. But the new cut looked really good on her.

“I wonder why she would cut it in this cold weather? Doesn’t she hate the cold, won’t her ears get cold...even in the summer she uses the thick comforters when she sleeps,” Jong Hoon tell us peering his head a little farther out.

“She still looks super pretty,” Min Hwan says in awe.

“Damn it, hyung you should have let me take Seung Hyun’s place...I would totally want her as a wife! She’s so cute in that outfit,” Jae Jin whined in envy of our maknae.

“I thought you were into noonas,” Hong Ki retorted back still looking at the younger girl.

“Yah, stop talking as if you’re not interested hyung. You are so checking her out!” Jae Jin exclaimed in annoyance.

“I’m not interested in little girls,” but it was obvious Hong Ki was looking at her.

“Guys, shut up...I wonder what they are up to?” I told the crowd of boys.

“Who are up to what?” a voice suddenly appears from behind us. We all screamed because the voice startled us. But it was only Yong Hwa. Damn it. I look back to Seung Hyun and Hime. I saw them looking our way. Yong Hwa looked where we were looking and widened his eyes at the sight.

He moved closer to the two and looked back and forth between the two. Hime seemed to be blushing and Seung Hyun looked to the ceiling. I walked close behind Yong Hwa and stared at Seung Hyun for a while. When I saw that he was purposely avoiding me I decided to look at Hime. Her face was scrunched up and she was tugging her bangs.

“It’s good to see you again Hime,” I told her with a small smile. She looked up at me in surprise since I didn’t really talk to her when we first met her and she was more focused on Yong Hwa. I saw Seung Hyun eye me when I addressed her. Hm, maybe sending him for the show wasn’t that bad after all.

“Huh? Oh, right, anneyong Jong Hun shi, umm I never got to say that your performance at the music bank was great,” she stuttered a bit and bowed but she gave me a bright smile in the end.

“Thank you, but you don’t have to so formal around me, oppa is fine,” I tell her, trying to get her comfortable enough to talk to me. She smiled a bit more and nodded her head.

“Gomawo oppa,” Hime said cutely. She really is such a cute little thing...she’s the type of girl I would die to have as a sister, but it seems like my wish is to come true if she’s going to be Seung Hyun’s wife.

“So it seems like FT Island kept it’s promise,” I told her while patting her head, well the hat really but hey it felt like the brotherly thing to do.

“Hm? What do you mean Jong Hun oppa?” she said as she tilted her head on to her hand as if trying to remember what we had said.

“That you’ll meet Seung Hyun ah~ the next time we meet,” I told her and she giggled a bit.

“Oh that, that you did...,” she said as her eyes drifted to where Seung Hyun was seated. And it seemed like it got awkward again.

“Jong Hun ah~,” Yong Hwa addressed me as he snapped out of his trance.

“Ne Yong Hwa? What is it?” I asked him.

“Is Seung Hyun the new husband for WGM?” he asked me fully serious while pointing at my maknae. I thought he already knew but I guess not. But that wasn’t what got me nervous. Hime looked at me with wide eyes as if her life depended on it. I’m not sure if it was a good thing that she was worried or not.

“Why don’t you ask him yourself?” I told him. Yong Hwa moved in front of Hime and stared Seung Hyun down. Hime was trying to look around him but it wasn’t working. She’s just too tiny. Seung Hyun took a couple of breathes and then nodded and of course Hime didn’t see him nod. The scene, looking at it from my point of view, was really hilarious. Yong Hwa looked like the over protective brother who would kill anyone who would try to date his younger sister. Hime was the cute little girl who tried to get her brother to leave the boy alone...and Seung Hyun was the boy she was fighting for. I think they’ll look good together.

“Well...Seung Hyun, if it’s you...I guess it’s okay,” Yong Hwa said and shook his hand. Poor Seungie looked so confused. Finally Hime got around Yong Hwa and bent down to his level and looked him in the eye.

“So you’re my husband?” she asked.

“Ne, please to meet you,” he said as he stood up and bowed. Stunned by the man in front of her, Hime bowed a full ninety degrees.


Seung Hyun’s POV

I didn’t think that Yong Hwa and Jong Hun hyungs knew this cute foreigner girl. She seemed slightly nervous around Jong Hun hyung, so I guess they weren’t close but that didn’t change the fact that they knew each other. For some odd reason I was slightly jealous. When she bent down to my level again her face was so close, I found my self looking at her eyes in wonder. Who is she?

“You probably don’t know who I am, do you?” she asked me realizing we haven’t introduced ourselves to each other yet while scratching the back of her head.

“Nope, no clue, not at all,” told her as I stood up. It was only when I stood up when I realized how small she was. She barely reached my shoulder when she stood straight again...so tiny. When she saw that I was that much taller than her she stepped back a little so I could get a better view of her and vice versa.

“Okay, well I’m Shanna, but you can just call me Hime. I’m almost eighteen years old internationally and nineteen here in Korea. I’m from America and I kinda live with SHINee and work as SM Entertainment’s new lyricist...so I’ve worked with others like SNSD and Super Junior but mostly with SHINee. I’ve also worked with CN Blue and Oh Won Bin from your company...FNC and plenty more. I have started college in Seoul Uni for a major in public and foreign affairs and a minor in music management and composition. I know Korean, Japanese, Spanish, Latin, English and learning French, Chinese and Italian. I love to travel and I absolutely love Kpop. My favorite groups are SHINee and FT Island. And...never mind. Well that’s all about me,” She finished telling me quickly. I liked the nickname Hime...it was easier to pronounce and it was cute how she talked really fast.

“And...what?” I asked her bending closer to her, noticing her her stop talking out of no where.

“And, nothing. It doesn’t matter,” she told while blushing a bit.

“Well it should matter...after all I’m your husband and I should treasure all your words,” I told her, I knew I was smirking since she just kept getting redder. Her face was still inches from mine. her hat was slipping down her head and moved her bangs in front of her face. I don’t know what made me do it, but I slowly pushed the hat up her head and moved her bangs to the side again so I could see her eyes. There was something different about this girl.

“I was about to say you’re my bias in FT Island, that’s all,” and that’s when I started to blush. She turned her head to the side so her hat was facing me instead of her face.

“Uh...well that’s good to know. Seems like I won’t have to fight for your affection,” I told her as I noticed my friends coming out of their hiding spot to talk to my wife. I don’t know what’s gotten into me but it seemed natural...talking to her like this.

“Just because I know who you are, you think you can get away without introduce yourself?” she asked me with a hint of a smile on her lips. So she’s witty. That’s fine by me. It seems like we’ll get along.

“Hmm, I guess I should introduce myself then. I’m FT Island’s maknae Song Seung Hyun and I’m in charge of rhythm guitar, sub vocal and rap. I am twenty three years old, so I’m your oppa. Please take care of me,” I told her with a small bow once again. She smiled.

“Aw, they make such a cute couple!” Min Hwan squealed like a little girl as they came even closer. Yong Hwa and Jong Hun hyung moved to face Hime and I moved to her side. She was trembling a bit but kept her confident smile. She took a glance at me then stared at the rest of my members.

“It’s good to see you all again Hong Ki shi, Min Hwan shi, Jae Jin shi, you did amazing last night as did you guys, Minhyuk oppa, Jung-shin oppa, Jong Hoon oppa,” she said with a smile and bow to each of the members.

“I guess there’s no need to introduce you to the rest of the members, it’s upsetting though, I’m the only one who didn’t get to meet such a cute girl,” I pouted a bit but she just giggled at my reaction.

“That’s what you get for abandoning your hyungs for friends,” Jae Jin said while reaching over to me and fake punched me which earned another giggle. Then stretched out a hand to Hime and she shook it.

“What do you mean?” I asked.

“We met during the preparations for Music Core while you were greeting your good old friends a couple of days ago,” Jong Hun hyung told me. Hime nodded when I looked at her. So she was the girl from that time. The one the hyungs talked about.

“Hyunnie your so lucky that your wife admires you so much and doesn’t hate you already. She even likes you more than Won Bin ah,” Hong Ki said with laughter in his voice. I turned to Hime and she tried to turn her head from me but her ears started turning red.

“Whenever we talked about you guys she would always pay the most attention to the Seung Hyun stories. She even told us that if she were to write any of your songs she would give you more parts since she thinks your voice is so sweet and nice to listen to,” Jong Hoon hyung started to trying to imitate her comically while she pouted.

“Aigo, I have such a cute wife,” I told her as I turned her head to mine and pinched her cheek lightly but her eyes headed towards the ceiling.

“Aniyo...it’s not’s like that. Not at all,” she tried to convince me otherwise as I let go of her puffed cheek.

“Oh yes it is,” Yong Hwa said as he pointed his finger towards her and tried to poke her but she quickly stepped behind me and clutched the back of my shirt. The action surprised me. But Yong Hwa didn’t seem the least bit worried.

“Look at that, she even hid behind him when she was about to get poked...ah, she doesn’t even hide behind me...Seung Hyun ah~ your special,” Minhyuk added to the teasing. She poked her head back out to everyone and stuck her tongue out at him which got everyone to chuckle a bit. Once Yong Hwa put his hand down she came from behind and kept watching him. Every time he moved his hand she flinched. How cute.

“Well, since it’s getting late and we have a schedule tomorrow, we’d probably should get going...so you two have fun together. Don’t stay out to late and go home soon, arasso kids?” Hong Ki hyung told me after trying to hit me and then patted Hime’s head. All the hyungs nodded along.

“You guys take our car and we’ll go back with CN Blue,” Jong Hun hyung said to me but he looked at Hime. He grabbed her shoulders gently and gave her a genuine smile “Anneyong,”. And she smiled right back.

“Okay Jong Hun oppa, take care...all of you,” she said to him as he withdrew his hands. I guess he thought of her as a little sister already. He wouldn’t have any other type of feeling since, after all, hyung only like noonas.

“Why do you only call Jong Hun hyung, oppa? I want to be called oppa too sister in law,” Min Hwan cutely complained while Hong Ki hyung and Jae Jin hyung all nodded. She did another giggle and nodded.

“Arasso, have a good night and a safe trip, Hong Ki oppa, Jae Jin oppa, Min Hwan oppa, Jong Hoon oppa, Jung-shin oppa, Minhyuk oppa and Yong Hwa oppa,” she told them.

“Ne~,” Minhyuk, Jung-shin, Jong Hoon all replied and gave the small girl a hug before heading to the door with the rest of my bandmates.

“Yah, Seung Hyun, take care of my doosaeng or else I will kill you,” Yong Hwa said as he patted my shoulder.

“Ne~ hyung,” I told him and then he turned to Hime.

“Yah, Hime, if he tries anything tell me and I’ll come right over,” Yong Hwa tell her as he hugged her. He patted her back and gave her a wink and left.

“Oppa, I don’t think he’s like that...that’s not nice to say,” she yelled to his back. For some odd reason, I was really happy she said that about me.

“Really now?” I asked her once we were all alone. She just turned to me and nodded slightly. The atmosphere got awkward again. It was easier to talk when there’s other people around.

“Your hyungs are all really nice,” she told me.

“Yah, they’re good guys, they are always taking care of me,”

“Kinda like my SHINee oppas,”

“Yah, it seems like I’ll have to meet them soon. But Hime there’s something I wanted to tell you first, originally I didn’t want to be on this show...Jong Hun hyung arranged it for me but I kept trying to get out of it. I’m sorry to say this, but it’s okay now. I’m happy. Really happy right now,” I told her. It was better to confess everything straight up then later. Honesty is the best policy.

“Okay, then there’s something you should know as well, originally, I wasn’t suppose to be on this show...honestly your wife was suppose to be Jessica unnie,” She told me. Her statement took me by surprise a little. I was suppose to be married to the stone cold Jessica Jung?

“As in Jessica noona from SNSD?” I asked her disbelieving her words.

“Yup, but then she and the rest of SNSD had to go on their world tour so she suggested I do it. It’s okay if your disappointed though. I thought I’d tell you since you were being honest with me,” she told me, but during the last part her head dropped a bit.

“I’m happier this way. I see her a lot and I don’t think I’d be able to connect to her well. I’m happier that you’re my wife for this show,” I told her truthfully and she smiled.

“Gomawo, for saying that, Seung Hyun...oppa” she said and then she shivered a bit. The cold wind open the door and let the cold air make the room even colder than it was. I took the scarf I was wearing and put it around her neck. She looked surprised but then smiled her thanks.

“No problem. Well it’s almost midnight now, shall we go somewhere to eat? So we can get to know each other? I’m actually kind of hungry,” I told her and her face lit up.

“I’m ok with that, as long as it’s something warm,” she said.

“Okay, well I know the area good enough so I guess we’ll go to a restaurant with my company car, I’m craving Chinese. Do you mind?” I told her but she nodded no so I took her hand in mine. Her hand was so small. Her fingers were really thin and long but still smaller than my hand. Her skin was soft but cold. I was pondering whether or not I should give her the mittens that were in my coat but then I remembered I gave them to Min Hwan.

“Sure, but I’m going to have to go home soon. I have a meeting at SM Entertainments about a new album for Super Junior in the morning and I think I should rest a little before then,” she told me while staring at my hand.

“They’re making another album....don’t they have enough as it is? You should write for us instead! But of course. I don’t want you to go without any rest,” I told her as I put the hand I was holding in my large coat pocket. She looked at me again but it was in thanks and she put her other hand in her own pocket as we walked outside to the car. Maybe having a yeobo wasn’t so bad, I smiled to myself as I opened the door to the back.


Your POV

I am beyond overly ecstatic. Not only did I get Seung Hyun oppa as a husband but he said he preferred me over Jessica unnie. I mean...I love her but really, she’s pretty and popular so taking her place seemed a little impossible to me. All the FT Island members already seem comfortable around me and I’m getting to know Seung Hyun oppa better. He’s a real gentlemen. I might actually fall in love with him though, which is a big no no. This is just a show.

He opened the door to the car for me with his free hand and his other hand was still holding mine in his coat pocket. He climbed in first so he wouldn’t break our hands holding each other. I sat down next to him and closed the door with my free hand. We sat close to each other since it was so cold. His manager was in the front of the car and he smiled to us. I returned the smile and returned my attention to my husband.

He put on his seat belt and then took mine in his free hand and buckled it with a smile. I smile back and I leaned back in the seat. I was a little tired. I was up for a really long time. The day before yesterday I sent off the SHINee oppas and the Super Junior oppas and then went straight to the SM Town building to work on a few songs that Minho oppa had started from that night to the next morning. Then I went to school and then went to meet with Won Bin oppa to talk about his new album that was coming out in a couple of months. Now here I am for this show with the most amazing person.

“You tired?” he asked me as I started to nod off and leaned a bit on him. Finally realizing what I was doing, I pulled myself up and nodded no.

“How could I be tired? Aniyo, there’s no reason to worry, I was just thinking,” I tried to coverup my actions but he just nodded knowingly and then rested his head on my shoulder.

“Since it’s gonna take like thirty minutes to get to the restaurant because of traffic, might as well just use the time to rest, don’t mind me,” he said before he closed his eyes. My heart started to beat faster. His hair was soft and smelt like fruits. It fit well on my shoulder. The way he placed it was good for me to lean on his head comfortably without really feeling any of his weight. I felt my eyes droop a bit. Maybe accepting the offer was the best thing that has ever happened to me. Gomawo God.


Third Person’s POV

Hime leaned her head on his and fell into a sweet slumber. As soon as Seung Hyun felt the weight of her head he opened his eyes to stare at his new wife. He picked up her head and readjusted it so it would land on his shoulder softly. He smiled at her and grabbed a blanket from the seat next to him. He often used it when he traveled in the morning with his bandmates. He put it around the two of them. He fixed her bangs again and caressed her cheek gently. At the warmth of his touch she unconsciously inched closer to him and wrapped her arms around her petite body to warm herself up a bit more. Noticing that she was still cold, he wrapped his arm around her and brought her so close that their bodies were side by side touching.

“Hyung, can you put up the heat a bit, she’s still cold,” Seung Hyun whispered to his manager. He smiled in response as he watched the youngest member act so mature and caring when he was just protesting against the show that morning. The manager thought to himself joyful thoughts of this girl teaching Seung Hyun how to make music from the heart. Seung Hyun was amazing but there were times where his performance had seemed like it lacked. He knew of Hime’s reputation as being the music soul finder. She could help anyone out of a slump and get really into their music. She knew what the secret to music was, and Seung Hyun has the potential of reaching that level.

“Seung Hyun ah~, take good care of her,” he told the younger boy. The boy nodded and leaned on the girl and fell asleep. It was one of the most peaceful sleeps he’s ever had.

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Hey, there is no Jonghoon CNBLUE.
14 streak #2
awwwww you didn't get to finish writing the last chapter!!! TwT..... update soon!!! i am a seunghyun fan *sigh* i wish they have a seunghyun fan club.... it would be nice
the story is awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hime is friends with a lot of guy group which i am quite jealous of..... i wish i was hime i like that name ^^
anyways update soon!!!! hwaiting!!
kyeoul #3
MewNikkiChan #4
Unnie Saranghae~ <3 another amazing update!
kyeoul #5
MewNikkiChan #6
Yay yay yay! You're so awesome! Love the new banner! Can't wait for the new updates! Hwaiting!!!!
MewNikkiChan #7
Unnie! I've been re-reading this for the umpteenth time because it's so good! I hope that your exams and everything went well, (or are going well). I hope you update soon, I miss your updates... <3
VIPgal #8
This is amazing!
lol so many funny faces =D...