Red as a Flame


          Seoul Elite Middle and High School, S.E.M.H.S for short, was possibly the biggest thing in headlines currently. Already they had been featured on international news stations around the world because of their new and unique teaching style. And then after that had been tested with some standardized testing, the scores were broadcast. Now, four years after their private opening they were doing something unheard of from their school. Opening it to a select few international students. They had one from China, USA, Russia, Germany and Italy coming in. The names and identities of the students were being protected, but none the less it was a big deal. The school was functioning as a private company, and so to allow people outside the usual insiders was... new.


          Even in fancy, new schools there was a hierarchy. S.E.M.H.S had one based on groups. There was f(x) like the math symbol. Jung Soojung was the leader of f(x). She was also the youngest Senior in the entire school. She was only 15, and a genius. Her pals were Park Sunyoung and Choi Jinri. For the sake of their group they had English names. Krystal, Luna and Sulli. Respectively..


          Krystal was cold-hearted and a bully. She would pick on people just because she felt like it or they did something she was unhappy with. Luna and Sulli were bullies too, but to a lesser extent. They did whatever Krystal did, because she was very generous to her 'friends'. Honestly, she couldn't care less about these people who she hung out with. All she cared about was making people feel as horrible as she had her entire life.


          So, it came as no surprise that Krystal was standing in front of a girl's desk with her arms crossed. "Yah! I asked you a question? Why aren't you answering?" The girl looked up and sighed. "I told you, I don't know where Eun Young is. She said something about practice yesterday, but I have no goddamn clue what that was about. Now will you leave me alone?" Krystal raised her hand and went to bring it down on the girl when the door to the classroom slid open. Pulling her hand back slightly, Krystal patted the girls hair like it was out of place. Giving a sweet smile she nodded and giggled. "There we go! Bomi, I fixed your hair. It seems class will be starting now, let's talk more afterwards, arraseo?" She gave a cute little wave before walking back to her desk.


          The teacher gave a frown. "Miss Jung, I believe I asked you to dye your hair back to another color. A natural one. I'm afraid to inform you, once more, that bright red is not an acceptable color for school." Krystal looked down at her desk and laughed. Looking back up she shrugged. " Kim Seonsaengnim I already served my punishment. In the school policy we don't have to change our offensive accessory as long as we serve the punishment. I'm not breaking any rules anymore."


          ​Mr. Kim scoffed and shook his head. "Fine, we'll see. Anyways. Class we were given one of the foreign students." He pulled a manilla folder from his papers and opened it. "The Korean name assigned is...." He skimmed the page. "Ah! It's Taeyoung. He's from Los Angelos, America. Be sure to treat him well. Remember, self study periods are not for trouble causing. Today we have a different schedual. Just be prepared. Now, I have a meeting to go." He waved at the door. "Come on in and introduce yourself."


          Amber walked in, looking a bit confused. Shaking her head mentally she thought to herself, Did he just say he? Is this because I wanted to wear pants? Letting the thought slip away for now she walked to the front of the class and waved. "Annyeong! I'm Taeyoung, from America. It's a pleasure to meet you. Let's all get along, and feel free to ask one another questions." Giving a smile she waited for the teacher to assign a seat.


          The teacher had placed her in the back near a girl with bright red hair. There was an empty desk between them. Glancing over, Amber thought she looked a little worried. But it was just barely there, so she could have been wrong. Then it hit her. Wait, isn't... isn't Taeyoung a boys' name? Then she brought her palm to her forehead. No wonder everyone was treating her like a guy, with absolutely no problems. Her dad must have filled out the application wrong. Groaning internally she slid down in her chair a little. Suddenly, a girl was infront of her.


          The girl had a slightly tanner skin tone and he hair was back. In a weird way, if you squinted she looked a little Indian. Then she spoke in English. It was a little shaky and very accentuated, but understandable. "Hello 'dere. I am Luna. It's bery nice to meet'chu. Want to be friends?" Amber was a bit taken back, because Luna then leaned an arm on the desk and forwards. This put them a little too close for comfort. "Umm... I... Haha." Amber let out a slight laugh. "Sorry, Luna. I'm... focusing on studies?" The girl nodded. "I geddit." Grinning she spoke, speaking Korean now. "Why don't we exchange phone numbers and meet up sometime then?"


          Just then Krystal scoffed. Her legs were propped up on her desk and she was reading some book. "Luna, he's not your type. You like guys who on the first date. Clearly, he won't. He's the type to date Sulli or me. And that's just by hearing him talk. You're beating a dead horse. Besides weren't you going to find Eun Young for me? Tsk. Tsk. Musn't be lazy. I hate lazy people."  Luna laughed. "Ah! I got distracted. Thank you my kind chingu." With that she waved and winked at Amber before making her way out of the classroom.


          Krystal spoke again, looking at Amber directly. "Alright. So, you've met Luna. She's kinda flimsy like that. But it's fine. She's harmless. And rarely ever dates people." English. Perfectly fluent English, Amber was surprised and impressed. "Anyways, this school is special. It's student driven, and only good students get it. Amazingly good students. You're lucky. The point is, don't talk to me. Don't talk to Luna and not Sulli. You'll regret it if you do. Mkay?"

Slight cliffhanger! It's not as good as I hoped, but I couldn't get the amazing picture in my head to turn into words. It came out pretty close to it though! Amber's situation will be further discussed, no worries! But what do you guys think? Are you excited for chapter two?

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jadeway123 #1
Up date soon :)
MhyeLiuJung #2
Chapter 1: Cant wait :)
angelamik_18 #3
Chapter 1: update plssss :)
I'll be waiting for 1st chap :))
AlexRage #5
Oooo, your theme song should be the I'm a barbie girl song... or is it not fitting?
Oh, well, sounds interesting.
Always love mean Soojungie!
KwonJK #6
Sounds interesting. :) Can't wait.