Just Luhan

Just Luhan
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Baby face. Child-like. Innocent. Those are words that often people associated with Luhan. So, he was playful and cute, but he was still a man nonetheless. A grown man in his twenties. Surely, he was capable of what every other men were capable of as well. He desired the same too. All men are the same, they say.

Tiffany couldn’t agree more.

When they were together, Luhan demanded attention. He liked to be dominant and was stubborn as hell. Sometimes, they didn’t seem to communicate on the same wavelength which caused those occasional misunderstandings. He was clever enough to know where to stop, or when to set her heart all pounding for him. Maybe that’s what made him different from all the other men. Because he was Luhan. She just loved him for all that he was.



1 New Message.

Meet me outside.

It was over three in the morning. Yes, like any other men, he just did whatever as he liked. The text was an order, not a question, not a choice. Tiffany rolled her eyes. But it was her beloved boyfriend so she left her bed and put on a cardigan over her sleeping gown. Her hair was in a mess but she wasn’t in the mood to think about her hair so she simply gathered her hair in one hand and let it rest over one shoulder.

“Luhan, what is it?” Tiffany asked as soon as she opened the door. Instead of answering her, Luhan pulled her towards him, crushing his lips on hers. Tiffany laughed in their brief kiss until he pulled away, grinning at her.


Luhan just chuckled a bit. His eyes seemed a bit sleepy, which made him looked like a sleepy baby who refused to sleep.

“I miss you.”

“I miss you too,” Tiffany answered naturally, her fingers cupping his small face gingerly.

“I saw the full moon and it reminded me of you.”

Tiffany gazed at the sky before she looked into his eyes again. It was indeed a full moon night.

“Come with me,” he simply said.

“Where to?”


“I have to change,” Tiffany was about to turn away to head inside, but Luhan stopped her. With a lazy grin grazing his lips, he told her,

“Don’t. You’re gorgeous enough.”


Luhan led her to a rooftop of his workplace’s building. There was a picnic blanket readily spread out in the middle of the open space, a couple of candles lit up and a bottle of champagne waiting in a bucket of ice. It was a simple set up but Tiffany loved it more because it was. She preferred such simple and intima

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hope you guys check out my new story 'Nice Guy' ft. hunfany!


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Chapter 1: Omg
Chapter 1: So sweet and cute ;u;
owww so sweet!! i love it!!! is grest!! ;)
tiffany_pink_monster #4
Chapter 1: i love it... the sweet story of lufany... auhornim make another sweet story like this... i love lufany ♡♡♡
Chapter 1: So sweet.. I could totally picture all that
DeerMushroom99 #6
Chapter 1: I love it!