Why Did the Chicken Cross the Road?


Why did the chicken cross the road?

To get to the other side.


Short little angst I wrote. Inspired by a video done by VSAUCE on YouTube called "Why did the chicken cross the road?" If you're interested in science stuff, check out his channel. No, it's not boring science. It's really interesting and I wish he was my teacher.This is coming from a person who fell asleep in sceince. Oops...


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channim #1
Chapter 1: odg the feeling;;;;
"the other said" yeah IKR AND IT JUST SO SAD
nabi_sonyeo #2
Chapter 1: Nice fic :) and sad :(
bytheway can i translate your fic into my language, i'll give credit ofcourse? sorry for asking like this since it's my first comment ._.
Chapter 1: Nice fic my little dongsaeng!! Very beautiful and great concept.
You're pretty good at writing angst; way better than me lol.
Seriously though, great job. Keep up the hard work deary!
"The other side"...
Oh my gosh, I knew it. <'3
Good job!
Aiiishh~ My dongsaeng fell asleep in science?! /gets slapped by fish/ Jokes~ Saranghaeyo!
fyehxn #6
Chapter 1: Aww ;^; his parents should at least gave him a little attention..