Dancing lessons

Dirty Dancing with Jongin

"1,2 open arms,3,4 link arms 5,-"  "Ouch" He shouted irritated as I smiled apologetically. 

"I already explained to you this is my space" He showed with awkward hand gestures.  

I frowned crossing my arms he was so mean today scolding me like a little child. But he was so attractive I couldn’t even stay mad at him. His shirt was ed to the third button revealing the well defined line of his tanned pecks. 

"Enough stepping on my foot" 

" Fine " I said annoyed, I was bad but he didn't have to be so mean about it ! He sat in the corner of the dance room. It wasn't very special since it was the room they used for training. Different luxurious rooms where provided for the guests.  

"Again, 1,2 open arms,3,4 link arms"  He raised his eyebrow as I stopped listening to his counting. 

"Why are your heels stepping down? I told you to step on your tiptoes" 

"But it hurts !" I complained. 

"I don't care if you think this is going to be easy then go out already"  I pouted as he put the music on again. 

"Again ! 1,2.." 


After a few god hours of practice I decided to sit down and have a drink.  

"What are you doing ?" His tone was irritated 

"Give me some credit here I'm tired" I sat down gulping down my icy cold water filling in my satisfaction. 

"You do know that we need to practice together now right ?" I mocked him deciding I wanted to be a bit cheeky, trying to spark up a conversation. 

"Don't tell me how to teach little girl" He chuckled at my comment as his bangs fell on his forehead.  

"We're probably the same age ! How old are you?"  I complained. 

" I'm almost 18" 

"I'm 16" 

"Whoa see you're little call me oppa" He said satisfied that I was younger than him 

"Dream on" I rolled my eyes as he gave me an icy cold stare that gave me chills. 

"Dance with me and I'll call you oppa" I again. His cocky laugh was like a mating call to my eardrums. I cant figure out if I like his cocky y laugh better than his carefree juvenile laugh. 

"Get up" He commanded signaling with his fingertips for me to follow his lead.  

His grip was rigid and firm on my waist as I placed my loose arm on his shoulder our  hands joined as if we were united, yeah right that’s what a romantic like me would think.  I couldn't help but ignore his well defined body as I stared into his dark abyss eyes. Those eyes where full of mystery, passion and secrecy I wanted to uncover.  Every time I think about it for some unexplained reason every time I am close to him I feel so weak and vulnerable. I detest that word. Vulnerable.  

"1,2 open sides,3,4, turn around, 5,6 twist … hip spin … then lift but we skip this" 

"We always skip the lift !" 

"Its too soon Han-Ah" 


Our practice was not that... bad, Hyuna joined us in some of the sessions..... 

"Your hips need to move along with each step you take" 

That was her main advice since I was quite, "rigid". I practiced and practiced like mad. My feet were killing since I had to stay for so long on my tiptoes. But Jongin was being relatively nice every day and more I think he appreciated my efforts. At the end of the day I was doing this for his friend.  

" You can relax your heels now" He said sympathetically I think he could see I was as tired as hell but I never complained.  I took a deep breath and stretched my legs and feet.  

"You're doing great Han Ah" He tapped my shoulder to show his support. He had this childlike expression I felt like pinching his cheeks.  I smiled in response as his white pearls made a guest appearance.  


" Every time you turn your hand needs to meet mine, its like there is a magnet between our hands so they need to meet in exactly the same position" But I obviously failed, I don't know whether it was that my knees went weak every time I made a turn so my hands landed on his shoulder trying not to fall on the floor.  

"No, Han-Ah" He pointed at his eyes looking at me seriously. 

"Look you need to keep the radius of your circle the same, keep your eyes focused on mine and your hand needs to meet mine before and after the spin" I got quite nervous not because I had to spin but because looking at his eyes made my knees go weak and wobbly. I did my first try but my body gave up on me, every single little muscle in my body was frozen in reaction to his intense stare and the shortening distance between us. He started explaining to me different way to understand the concept but I was long gone.  

"Yah ! Are you listening to me ?"  Jongin exclaimed annoyed as our hands were joined together. I looked at what I was facing right now in disbelief.   
"Yeah right sorry" 

" We don’t have time ! no more excuses" He complained as he led me to the dance floor.... 

Later that day I decided to pay a visit to our family friend that I didn’t get the chance to say how much of a jerk he was. Kris. Armani white suit with golden buttons showing his worth from afar. His hair combed back well as the scent of expensive male perfume filled the area.  

He was sat alone at the pool bar drinking a whole Bacardi to himself wasn’t that unfair ? I rushed as I sat down next to him. 

"Hey there Miss Kim" Kris said ironically as my unfriendly body language showed him that I wasn't there for a small boring chit chat. 

"Cut the bullcrap Kris you know for what I am here for" I said annoyed  

" I don’t remember having unfinished business with you." 

" So you get loads of women pregnant you little piece of trash !" I said as my temper took over me. To be honest I don’t think this was any of my business but I won't lie I was nosy as hell! 

"What?" he asked confused  

"Hyuna" I said widening my eyes  

"Who do you think you are ? I didn't get anyone pregnant ! That cheap got herself knocked up with that dancer and now she's blaming it on me. Please ! Low leveled people. They're all the same using you for your wealth and money and then they dump you cause they find their next prey" He took a sip of his Bacardi to push down the bitter words that broke his heart. 

The problem is he seemed genuinely serious. I could never imagine that.  
" I don't know what's gotten into you and my brother. Acting all friendly with them when at the end of the day they just use us like their banks.  People with no class that’s what you get !" 

" Kris what are you on about" I was about to expand my point but he didn't want to hear anymore.  

" Please stay out of my business, if that woman wants me to acknowledge her child as my own so she can have part of the Oh shares then she's mistaken ! She better find the father of the child because someone responsible needs to take care of this individual. And you better not come head to head with me I know your business with the dancer" His cold glare hurt my feelings but he seemed really genuine about what he said. He was hurt, I don't know what happened behind the scenes but there was definitely something going on there. I had to figure this out, I think everything could possibly be solved, only if people were more honest with each other..... 



Hey everyone I am very sorry I didn't update for so long ! But I'm in my final year and Im stressing over exams like mad @.@ I will have a second update tomorrow since I promised to my little friend JaeLi <3 I hope you like it ! Sorry there is no scene since I thought Jongin's and Han-Ah's relationship needs to develop a bit, they're like teens after all. Please comment below !  

Thank you !!

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Chapter 7: Ohmigod hyuna what happened??
Chapter 7: i love it~!! thanks for the update sjfgdgkdfjhg /feels/ ;-;♥♥♥
Chapter 6: BEST CHAPI EVERRRRRRR........updateeeee...sooooon....kusdhcj
Chapter 6: OMG IM DYINGGGG THIS CHAPTER IS PERFECTTT !! Update soon authornim <33
Chapter 6: ohmigosh ohmigosh!!!
the bast chapter so far♥
bunniesarepuffy93 #7
Chapter 1: woohoo! that was great! <3