And hes gone

Dirty Dancing with Jongin

“This is my oldest son Kris” The oldest nodded, he looked… expensive and definitely serious.“ Suho, the second oldest” “Nice to meet you girls” Suho said with a bright smile he was very gentle and polite. “And where is Sehun?” The older man faced his sons quite irritated. Kris whispered something in his ear. “ I see” “ That little punk” The old man exclaimed. “I am sorry for that, but it seems like my youngest will not be accompanying us tonight”.

We all headed to the main dinner hall. Classical music was playing all over the place, it couldn’t get any more boring. I had to sit with our “new friends”. Apart from the Mr Oh’s sons there was a group of wealthy teenagers that were willing to accept us into their group. There was 4 boys, D.O,Chen, Lay and Luhan and 2 girls Krystal and Chorong.

D.O and Chen were hilarious, pulling pranks on poor Suho, but he seemed to enjoy it. Luhan was quite flirtatious not with me, with every girl. I was worried about Lay he seemed a bit out of it- literally but everything was alright. On the other hand the girls were replicas of Jen-Ah..

“… so the girl asked me how my fake Louis Vuitton looked real ? Because it is !” The girls chuckled. 

I don’t want to stay with them anymore one Jen-Ah was more than enough ! “Where is Sehun ?” Luhan voiced out. “With the commoners again” Kris said not amused as he took another sip from his expensive Italian wine. “Chincha? That brat is very rebellious this year, since he turned 18 he has been disobeying everyone” Luhan said irritated as he checked the next waitress . That was a sworn playboy.

Chen burst out laughing as D.O’s wine came out from his nose. “ Hyung ! You’re embarrassing me ! Don’t make any jokes when I’m drinking it’s not funny, we have a guest as well” D.O sighed. I chuckled. “ No worries guys do whatever you like I don’t mind”  Chen pinched D.O’s cheek teasing his friend as D.O smacked the back of his head.

Thankfully the boys were fun, unlike the girls but I wanted to get out of there. The environment felt foreign, I wanted a different kind of fun. Maybe I’ll explore again. I whispered in Jen-Ah’s ear. “I’m off for a walk” “Kay go”. I bowed and greeted my friends as I sneaked out from the dinner hall avoiding my parents eyes.

Walking out of the hotel my only destination, the beach.  It was so quiet and peaceful, you could hear the waves splash on the sandy sore. I took my sandals off as I walked down the damp sand. The tips of my feet getting wet feeling the breeze down to my spine. The moonlight was so beautiful as it reflected on the waves like a mirror. At the opposite end of the beach I could see fire and people, I think they were dancing. Not much I could see clearly. There were big stereos  but what I could hear was very faint.

  I decided to follow the light, but the only way you could get through is the small part of woods. But the area was pitch black. Taking a deep breath wearing my sandals on again, avoiding bloody feet . I walked in the dead woods, my heart rate went mad, I was scared like hell. Hearing footsteps towards me with every step I took deeper in the woods. Unknown in what direction I should go I  just walked fast towards the left . Goosebumps formed on my skin as I screamed. “AAAAAA” “AAAAA” A girl in front of me screamed. “ Yah! Chincha ! You scared me !” The girl said. She was the same height as me, with a lovely ponytail on the side. That’s all I could see to be honest.

“Want me to give you a hand?” I offered seeing her carrying two watermelons. “That would be great” She responded handing me the watermelon. After a few minutes we walk in the woods, just seconds away from the grand beach party. “Omona! Thank you so much! I think I would have passed out if I carried these alone!” Eunji said smiling. She was bright and positive we talked a lot during our little journey, we got along pretty well. “So what do you do here?”  “I am staying at the hotel” her face saddened. “Oh chincha ! I don’t know whether I should have brought you here, this is an only staff party” I pouted. “I’m only joking! You seem pretty cool you wouldn’t tell on us.” She said waving her hand.

We approached the fire as I saw him and his dame  dancing at the centre of the place. Instead of his normal outfit he wore a black vest top and a pair of icy blue swim tracks, emphasising his well-defined muscles and collarbones. The tank top was stuck on his chest drawing out the shape of his pecks. I found myself biting my lower lip. His dame was amazing as usually, I looked down. I could never be like her. She grinded against him before he grabbed her waist making her wrap her legs around his waist as he twisted her around. He placed her down as they danced, synchronised steps following the rhythm of the music.  I was in daze, I didn’t even realise when they were done.

“What is she doing here?” Jongin said in a serious tone, giving me an unwelcoming stare. I looked down feeling uncomfortable. I didn't know whether I was feeling uncomfortable because he was so damn attractive or because I was unwelcomed. “ I brought her here”  “Eunji-noona she’s a guest, she can’t be here, she’s one of them did you forget ?” “Come on Jongin-ah! She’s awesome and she won’t say a thing. Right?” Eunji looked at me for support.

“No, no I won’t say a thing” He frowned as he took a deep breath. “I don’t agree with this send her back” “Jongin-ah she will stay” A tall pale boy appeared from the back. “She seems safe, and I am one of them too. I’m your best friend” “Sehun nice to meet you” The young man smiled as he shook my hand. “Kim Han-Ah” “Oh! Right! I was supposed to meet with you and your sister tonight but these things are boring for me” “Sorry I ditched you girls” I chuckled.

“You seem like you are interesting enough, welcome to our party” Sehun wrapped his hand around my shoulder as he showed me around the place. It was amazing.  A small bar at the side, the moon as the disco ball music blurting out the speakers, dancy music not the boring stuff you got at the hotel. Everyone dancing sensationally; they were in couples girls and boys grinding against each other ending every move with a kiss on the lips. Not the romantic peck you would expect, a whole making out session.

Girls being twisted in the air by their partners while the boys held their ladies up and proud. It seemed like they were making love, their moves full of emotion. Their sweats mixed as their make out session continued. Couples making out while they held each other in their dancing positions.That was all new for me.

Jongin was already on the dance floor with his muse. Picking her up and twisting her in the aid as the others followed their lead. Eunji left my side as she and Baekhyun had their own romantic but sensual dance like most of the couples. My eyes were stuck on them two though, Jongin and Hyuna. His y smirk sent my heart to 7th heaven as he mouthed the lyrics of the song. I bit my lip watching them in envy, I wanted to be her. He affectionately grabbed her waist close to his body as she pushed him away teasingly. They swapped partners over and over he got to dance with most of females as I stood at the corner feeling lonely. Maybe that was a bad idea.

“I know the feeling” A young man said next to me patting my shoulder. Jonging pointed at me signalling for me to join him. “He want to dance with you” “What are you waiting for ? Go!” The young man pushed me towards Jongin, as I felt my heart jumping out my chest. My dreams will come true?! The problem is I can’t dance….

I stood in front of him, his intense stare magnetically making my eyes follow his. I felt so shy and flustered; he was very attractive, while I stood like a banana. He slowed his hip showing me the moves so I could copy his moves. I twisted my stiff hips round and round until they would automatically move to the music.

He gently cupped my waist bringing my body stuck against his, we grinded like mad against the rhythm. I could feel his crotch against my making me wet. The sweat from his forehead dripped down to his neck and collarbone as I felt my cheeks becoming hotter and hotter.  Our legs tangled between one another as we went up and down the flows of the beat.

He bit his lip as he released my waist separating us from our moment, showing me the dance moves again and again.

A last spin and he was gone….  

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Chapter 7: Ohmigod hyuna what happened??
Chapter 7: i love it~!! thanks for the update sjfgdgkdfjhg /feels/ ;-;♥♥♥
Chapter 6: BEST CHAPI EVERRRRRRR........updateeeee...sooooon....kusdhcj
Chapter 6: OMG IM DYINGGGG THIS CHAPTER IS PERFECTTT !! Update soon authornim <33
Chapter 6: ohmigosh ohmigosh!!!
the bast chapter so far♥
bunniesarepuffy93 #7
Chapter 1: woohoo! that was great! <3