When I was .. When You were .. (part 1)

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When I was .. When you were .. (part 1)


Eric can’t sleep that night . After Jihye break up with him he felt like someone lift the burden in his shoulders. He felt so free . And it was weird , he expected that he would feel sad or lost like when he break up with Hyesung but when Jihye said she want to break up he surprisingly happy. He wouldn’t lie to himself again that he still have a feeling toward Hyesung . After 6 years become a couple there is no way that the feeling would completely disappear like a smoke. It just .. he don’t know how to explain it .

Eric get up from his bed and walk toward his window . With a sad heart he opened the curtain and look toward the sky . He try to remember the time he and Hyesung still together , how they always be there for each other and how they turn each other tears into smile when things get so hard . How Hyesung always said that when the night get so cold look toward the starry sky and you would feel warm. He miss those old times he spent with Hyesung which cannot be replaced by anyone even Jihye.

He walk toward his desk and open the second drawer . He took out Hyesung’s photo that he almost threw away when he cleaned his room with Minwoo . It hurts so much that he can’t even look at it now. He drop the photo and sliding to the floor .

He sit there in his dark room with his eyes opened . Drawing out Hyesung’s face. His shy smile and gentle eyes .

He took out his phone and dialed the very familiar number for him

“ I want to hug you , what do I do ? “


Hyesung feel that his life is slightly better than a few months ago . He smile more , he laugh more and even though he is busy with his part time job but still he spare a time to hang out with a couple of friends. His performance in band is getting better too and it make his boss to extend his band contract and increase their salary.

Since the day he decide to let his feeling toward Eric go and follow Jihoon words , ““ All you have to do is leave things as they are , and they’ll come back around to where they should be , “, he feeling better , like a heavy burden is being lift from his burdened heart . And he was believe if he and Eric is really meant to be together than God would give them a way to be back together again and if he’s not , God must have another good plan for him .

Andy once said “ If force you into a vacation can help you to heal your broken , I should asked you earlier , hyung . I was sad seeing you living like that , but I’m I glad that you’re okay , now , “

Hyesung just realized that he was wasted his time for the past few months and he slightly regret for it . Jihoon said it was because he underestimated himself and now he was happy that he can put himself back and live his life.

He was in backstage preparing for the late performance in the club tonight when his phone start buzzing . He frowned when he look at the number , even he already delete his contact but he can remember it well , that it was Eric’s number.

He bit his lips , hesitant to answer the call for a few second , before his finger unconsciously move toward the button answer .

Hyesung was about to said hello when one of his band mate said it was their time to be on stage but he was freeze when he hear what the voice from another line said

“ I

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Chapter 9: I love Ricsyung happy ending!! But I think the getting back together part got way too fast!!Eric has got off too easy because Hyesung just love him too much. Hyesung should have made Eric suffer a little before forgiving him for his suffering!! But that's just me.. hehe... I still love it! Thanks author-nim!
milan0613 #2
Chapter 9: thanks authornim
I like it
Chapter 9: Oh this is daebak
I love the ending
Thanks dear...
feelgyo #4
Chapter 9: Jihoon udh merit?? Tidaaaaaakkk...*nangis slow motion*
But I love this jealous-moment,hihihihi (>̯͡⌣<̯͡) my heart keep degeun degeun when read the intimate ricsung together in a bedroom, Eric's bedroom. B) kekekeke
Thank you for this story author-nim (uwaahhh..udah tamat.. T^T)
hyuu_hikari #5
Chapter 9: "Jihoon is already married anyway..." dan aku bisa mendengar suara 'kretek' 'kretek' *mencoba untuk mengumpulkan serpihan hati yang pecah*
it's a good thing ricsyung got back together, but jihoon.... *mencoba untuk menggapai jihoon*
seriously ka winda, rather than ricsyung got back together, i'm even more surprised over jihoon already married.... OTL *emot petir menggelegar a la ktalk*
Chapter 9: Yeayyy happy ending ^^
thanks for make this FF authornim...
hope U will continue write FF about Ricsyung
letzerella #7
Chapter 9: I love this fic <3 i'm glad it's a happy ending kyaaaa :)
esluve #8
Chapter 9: The end??????
I was listening to shinhwa song ' destiny of love' while reading and I am crying but .....yesss..cry of happiness bcos finally they are together again <3<3<3

Thanks for the story authornim ;-) ;-)
Chapter 9: This story the end...thank u winda for ur story..I love ur story..bikin baru lagi ya windaaa...#greedyfans hahahha ricsyung lagi ya
anurim #10
Chapter 9: yes!!! a happy ending!!!