「What if?」Transmittance

「One-Shot Collection」Assurance [Sequel to Acceptance]

AU Story [Transmittance through Age in this case]

Definitions of transmittance

n. - Transmission

It was a beautiful day, a perfect day for going to the park actually. The sun was high in the sky, the sky itself was simply a brilliant a blue and there was hardly a cloud within it, the warmth was like a blanket around everyone who basked in it. But not everyone found this to be the perfect conditions for going to the park in fact one little boy was much opposed to the idea and was complaining all the way. For as he saw it, it was much too warm and the sky hurt his eyes every time he merely looked at his skin which was rather pale and so reflected the sun somewhat. Not to mention how he wanted to play his new game at home rather to be pulled outside by his 'loving' mother who said fresh air would be good for him. Saying that he should play outside more often like all the other boys did. But what did she know, the boy huffed. 

In comparison there was another little boy behaving quite well with his mother, he was holding his mother's hand albeit somewhat tightly practically swinging on it as he looked around the park excitedly for he couldn't wait to play especially climbing up the rope ladder now and going down the big slide after all he was a big boy now and he was allowed to. He had been waiting to do so for ages, of course his mother would have to wait at the end for him but he still had the chance to go down it! It was very exciting.

As chance would very much have it, the two were going to the same park. Considering that it was not a very big park then the likelihood they would meet was quite high and they did of course.

"Hey~" There was a smile as the two woman looked at each other, it was a pleasant surprise seeing each other there, they were old friends from college and they haven't seen each other in a while. They laughed a bit noticing similarities such as the pinned back hair considering the speed and ease to it, the accessories on both of their hands particularly on the ring finger, and the fact that was a five year old son on each their hands. Whilst they decided to catch up on lost time they decided to allow the two to play together after all the park was rather small and they'd be close and in eyesight range from the park bench they were at. Not to mention one hoped the other would convince her stubborn son into actually enjoying himself rather than not purely out of stubbornness.

"Kyuhyun." One of the boys said simply looking at the other blinking in curiosity, the other looked different than other boys he had encountered before he looked smaller and cleaner than the other boys he encountered at his nursery who were much more into tomfoolery and rough play.Half the reason he didn't want to go to the park in the first place. Besides he hadn't yet encountered another male his age shorter than himself yet, he knew he would have his growth spurt one day but until then he would have to settle with being short. The issue was he didn't want to settle with being short, being short was annoying as you couldn't reach things or see things and all the climbing and dragging of chairs just to do what tall people could do. It was ridiculous and totally unfair. But it felt good to be taller than someone for once.

"My name is Ryeowook buuut it's really long so loads of people call me Wookie." The other shorter boy exclaimed with a grin, spreading his arms out wide in order to emphasise how long he considered his name was which appeared to be as long as his arms' length. "I'm five." He said with a nod as after all at the younger years age was really important in comparison to being a teenager and an adult, age was almost important as names.

"I'm five too." Kyuhyun announced with an important nod, there was almost an instant bond merely from being the same age, age was special like that back then. Ryeowook had a smile plastered across his face at the news before he clasped hands with the other to drag him to the sandpit as if merely sharing the same age was all the reason to have to play at that precise second. Kyuhyun just went along with it partly from surprise at being manhandled besides if anything the sandpit would have been the place he would have went away. "Sand castle~ sand castle~" Ryeowook chanted happily as he sat down facing Kyuhyun before giving the other a look bordering the smallest of pouts. "Make one with me pleaase." Ryeowook asked nicely looking at the other with wide wanting eyes, after all it was way much more fun making sand castles with others than by yourself.

"Only if I get to decorate." Kyuhyun bargained after all he wanted some control and he liked having some things his way just like most five year old children. Ryeowook thought about it his nose scrunched up, he wanted the other to play with him but then again he wanted to decorate, decorating was always the best best part out of making sandcastles. It caused for a compromise, not that he knew that word or its meaning.

"How about I help decorate." Ryeowook stated with pursed lips and crossed arms, Kyuhyun thought about it thinking it to be a fair deal and so nodded and they set out upon making the best and biggest sandcastle in the whole entire world as they clumbed up sand into a sort of hill before adding random leaves, twigs and stones upon it. They had even dug a hole so deep that it reached the black weird shiny material underneath which of course amazed them for they didn't really understand what it was there for or how it got there, after all the sand had always been there hasn't it?

But then this boy wearing clumpy green sandals and a top with a turtle upon had to ruin it all. The boy dared enter their sandpit which they claimed as their own now and start driving his plastic red digger everywhere as they were trying to build. Ryeowook got annoyed first after all he had worked so hard and spent ages on the sand castle he gave the boy an annoyed look and a huff.

"Go away, you... you..." Ryeowook said with his cheeks puffed out trying hard to think of a really good insult but finding it hard to,"... Banana." Ryeowook finished with a smug smile at his amazing insult, Kyuhyun nodded in agreement sending the newbie some what of a glare at invading their space.

"I'll let you play with my digger if I stay." The other boy bargained, Ryeowook thought about it before deciding it was a good idea and so he decided to play with the truck with the boy who he found out was called Jongwoon and was a whole six years old which was really impressive to a five year old Ryeowook. Ryeowook was quite happy playing with the older boy, Kyuhyun on the other hand was not pleased at all. This Jongwoon had just stolen his playmate and it wasnt alright with him. It wasn't fair.

"He was my friend first, go find your own one." Kyuhyun complained wrapping his arms around one of Ryeowook's and pulling the five year old back towards himself and away from the nasty turtle boy who stole Ryeowook from him with his fancy red digger. And then Kyuhyun did what most children did to objects they considered there's to put other people off them. He him. Jongwoon pulled a grossed out face before responding very originally "Ewww."

"Why you do that?" Ryeowook asked blankly, not really sure how to react to the . He was not sure whether he should burst out crying or to do something else, he would decide it a bit later.

"Cause you mine." Kyuhyun declared, Ryeowook shook his head in disagreement.

"No silly, I'm not yours cause we not married." Ryeowook argued looking at Kyuhyun deciding not to cry and instead deemed arguing the best choice instead. Kyuhyun thought about that statement hard before leaning forward and pecking Ryeowook on the lips. Ryeowook squealed a little before covering his lips.

"There, I kissed you that means you have to marry me." Kyuhyun said smugly, sticking out a tongue at the turtle boy with the fancy digger. After all he had just won, Ryeowook slowly nodded after all that seemed fair to him. Ryeowook nudged his nose lightly in thought before picking up two leaves and making a hole in each of them. He put one on his own finger and one on Kyuhyun's before he gave a smile.

"Have rings now, so married." Ryeowook nodded before deciding it best in order to just hug Kyuhyun tightly. After all that's what all the married people did after all.

WORDS: 1,533
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Chapter 8: HAHAHAHa the maknaes always come out on top! XD
ryeohaeme #2
Chapter 2: Haha... the last part and Heechul's part really funny... :D
Chapter 4: This is too cute I cannot
Chapter 2: That I'm topping honey part killed me xD
Chapter 7: Lmfao! You weren't joking when you said you'd embarass siwon! Hahhaha"coming out of the closet party" lol evil maknaes! I love how everyone has to ask those questions about gay stars from eunhyuk hahhahaha

You have such a great sense of humor!:'D
I'm enjoying this way too much lol
Chapter 6: Omg this is wonderdul!! Your work is great!! I have read the prequel to this one and the one before that too! Totally in love with this series!!!

A moment of silence for me because I just died because of a very awkward y wookie!! Lol omg I can so imagine hom / that popsicle and kyu checking him out!! LMFAO that was just so adorable!!
Jealous wookie is so adorable!!

Also, I love when wookie takes control and shows kyuhyun he can top! That was awesome lol That's right cho!! That's what you get for being ao arrogant!!

I love all your one shots!!
Keep going~~
hyoaby #7
Chapter 3: Lol at wook asking hyuk if he has some gay !!!! And siwon & heechul too!! I had to stop for awhile to laugh at that moment.. wook can really be innocent sometimes XD and wook on top is a rare scene in fanfics its nice too read it sometimes :)
hyoaby #8
Chapter 2: Awwww..kyu was sooooo sweet XD and i laughed at heechul's advice ... hahaha what a nice advice from a hyung!!!
Chapter 5: The popsicle...I think I died there.... XD