
My Mother & I

I glanced at her with bored look but she ignored me and continued her work like I wasn’t even exist there. I pouted and ruffled my hair which is even messier before getting up from my seat. I walked towards the book shelves where they put a stack of CD’s at there.

Did I forgot to tell you? Today is Teacher’s Day and Sunny noona has already assigned the club members to change shift so the other got to enjoy the event together. Well, until this day, I never knew the remaining mystery members.

I was about to pull out Green Day CD when Taeyeon noona makes a surprised announcement without informing me first. The CD was almost fall out from my grasp and I was glad I caught it at the right moment.

“Noona!” I groaned loudly but receiving glare instead.

Taeyeon noona cleared first before leaning in to the microphone. “Hello to everyone who is inside school or at the outside. Does everyone have fun as we celebrating Teacher’s Day today? I really hope everyone enjoyed themselves and put aside the study matters away for a moment. Now, I would played a request song from someone called himself ‘Cool Guy’ with a short note; ‘Happy Teacher Day to all the teachers not only in SM Private School but also global wide.’ Thank you Cool Guy and here is your request song ‘Sean Kingston – Beautiful Girl’. Enjoy.” She ended her speech with cheerful and light voice; a side that I never saw it before.

Right, this is the first time we’ve been cooperating together. She is very professional indeed despite her personal problem and she managed to make people felt ease between the struggling with their studies and extracurricular.

I really admired her. But merely as a person I looked up to, not a person I’m in love with. Don’t misunderstand that gesture, okay?

She turned her back at me and raised her eyebrow. “Taken aback with my voice, Baekhyun?” She said in icy cold tone.

Back to gloomy Taeyeon noona I knew. She is sure like a chameleon. Aish, noona!

I lets out a short sigh. “You could said that. Are you teasing me, noona? Because my voice at the last time and all you did was snickering at the corner.” I crossed my hand with irritation on my face.

She was only smiling a bit and resuming her work; probably has got to do with her school projects. After all, she is in the last year of high school and may graduate by the end of this year. Which mean Sunny noona, Taeyeon noona and Hyungsik hyung would not be part of this club and we have got to recruit new one. Just when I thought high school life is better.

“Shouldn’t you supposed to be study right now? Next week is test and this is not the time to play around if you wanted to stay alive – I mean having good performance at this school. I heard you’re betting with Miss Bomi regarding having first place in 7th years. You’re sure got some gut there.”

“It was misunderstanding! I – I felt bad seeing her sad face when the others pretended like she said nothing and talking to themselves as she wasn’t there at the first place. Th – that is why I said that I will. Is that wrong?”

She didn’t replied but looking at me with pitiful glance. Slowly, her lips curved upward and lets out a soft laugh from her small mouth.

I was taken aback with her action. I thought she was going to lecture me or making fun of me but she did the opposite way.

“You know – this school is not an ordinary school you’ve ever been. But that manner of your classmates were very rude. She is your teacher and all of you should have high level of respect towards her.” She said. She pressed the button and ushered me to come closer.

“What is it?” But I ended up getting a loud whack on my head. She pointed at the red blip on the dashboard which mean we’re on air and I done something stupid by talking like that absentmindedly.

I took that sign as a permission from her to make an announcement. I cleared up my throat and leaning in to the microphone as I speak.

“Hey, everybody! Having fun with all the activities held by each club in this school? Since today is special day for our teachers, this is a reminder from me. No matter how old your teacher is, please respect him or her since they are the one who is responsible to mould us into what we are now. Nobody is perfect thus, accept their weakness just like they accept us. Happy Teachers Day, Miss Bomi!” I announced before clicked the song to play.

Currently, the song of APink – Lovely Day is hovering all around the school.

I glanced at Taeyeon noona who is looking impressed at me. “How is it, noona?” I flashed her a winning smile.

“You’ve improved a lot. Now, I can let you work with other members aside Hyungsik. Good job, Baekhyun. Say, I wanted to get myself a drink. Do you wanted one?” She was getting up from her seat.

“Well, bought me the same as yours. Wait, noona! Are you going to leave me alone in this broadcast room?” I think my face was funny because she lets out a short snort. , my reputation!

She didn’t said anything but approaching me and caught me off guard by ruffling my hair like eomma does as a sign of affection. “I already texted someone to accompany you since you’re still newbie. Probably, that member would answered your countless of questions in your mind regarding mystery member.” She smiles softly and the door closed behind her; leaving me dumbfounded.

What the hell just happened? I mean, is this the same gloomy Taeyeon noona or she just switched her personality to the brighter side? Come on, Baekhyun. She is also normal human who tend to be at the dark side sometimes. Don’t judge her just because she acted mysterious.

Wait, who is this member that I didn’t know about?

Chanyeol straightened his hair and his clothes as he checked his appearance using the glass window nearby. He checked his breath and his teeth. After making sure everything is intact, he took a deep breath as he placed his foot into the coffee shop.

He went straight to counter where the woman he admired is busy attending one customer who is he assumed an officer based on her suit. After she got her drink and thanked her, she left and Chanyeol is very happy it was his turn now that he is almost stumbled on his feet.

“You’re okay, Chanyeol?” Seohyun asked in concerned tone and jerked her body forward but he shook it off with a goofy smile on his face.

“I’m okay, noona. Urm, can I have iced Americano and make it less sweet, please.” He ordered; trying to refrain the atmosphere from being awkward than ever. She entered his order using the computer before proceed to make his drink.

As she put a scoop of ice into the plastic cup, the door for the staff swing open and revealing one of the staffs; Myungsoo who is tying an apron around his waist. She greeted him with a smile which he replied her back with a smile too.

“How ya doing, Seohyun?” He said while approaching her.

She was pouring the Americano into the plastic cup before answered his question. “I’m doing fine, Myungsoo and you’re coming late each day. What if Manager Jung knew about it? I hate that I have to cover your absence every time he asked me.”

“What should I do? I couldn’t find anyone who could taking care of my daughter and I had to wait for my wife to come back from school before I can go to work. From time to time, that little girl is getting into my nerve.” He complained and helped her to put a lid on it.

“She just entered into rebellious phase, Myungsoo. That little girl is a devil in disguise of an angel.” She chuckles and Myungsoo took it as a joke.

He placed the drink on the counter and accepted the money from the customer who is almost glaring at him with piercing eyes.

What’s with him? Did I do something wrong?’ Myungsoo thoughts but giving his best service to attend the customer.

“Thank you sir. Please come again!”

Seohyun who just realized it was Chanyeol, hurriedly come to the counter before the young man walked away. “Chanyeol, you’re not going to school today? I thought today was Teacher’s Day held at your school. Even Baekhyun is firing up today.” She lets out a soft chuckles when she remembered that her son is waking up much early than her.

Chanyeol grinned. “I had something important to attend this morning. That is why I skipped school today and was hoping if I could have lunch with you.” He said sheepishly while rubbing back of his head.

She grinned and shooed Myungsoo away who is shooting her a question look. “Oh, you’re just in time! Could you wait about 10 minutes while I wait for someone to replace me?”

He swears that his smile could reached his ear right now. “Of course! I – I will be sitting at the stool then. Call me when you’re finished your shift.”

Both of them exchanged smile and Myungsoo who is standing at the corner still eyeing their movement with curious glance. He do understand this young man who is harboured feeling towards his colleague but he couldn’t understand why she didn’t notice that before.

“You’re okay, Myungsoo?” Seohyun’s voice pulled him back into reality and she looked at him with worried glance.

“Oh – oh, I’m fine! Just be careful on your way out later.” He gives her a reassured smile.

Seohyun gathered all her hair into one ponytail and tied them. Her eyes were sparkling by looking at various of foods placed in front of her. She glanced at her company who is also amused with the big serving of meal they have ordered just now.

“What do you think, Chanyeol? This is my favourite place to eat especially when it comes to Baekhyun’s big appetite. Even he felt full seeing these meals served in front of him. Anyway, let’s dig in, eh?” She said.

Chanyeol complied and took a fried eggplant next to his bowl rice. He put it into his mouth and chewed it along with a spoonful of rice. “How do you find this restaurant, noona?”

Her face softened a bit. “When I was young, it was three of us; me, my late husband and our best friend would pooled our money to eat this expensive food once in a month. After we ended our high school, three of us worked at different place while waiting for study application from various universities. It was him, not my late husband, who found this restaurant and told us on how delicious the food served here when he had with his families.” She told him before put a stuffed cabbage into and she chewed with delicacy.

He said nothing but staring at her. “Did you see each other after this long years?”

She shook her head gently. “We lost contact after my late husband and I moved to States. I thought I will see him again if I came back but he wasn’t at the same place he used to live. I guess that’s that. I still missed his presence though. He had this special aura around him that distinct himself from everyone else.”

He felt his heart tugged with jealousy. “And what is that?”

“His generosity. He never differentiate between woman and man, kids and adult or older and younger. He always giving out help in various of way and never asked anything in return. He is that kind of man.”

He bit his lower lips and crumpled his fist underneath the table so she won’t see it. “Do you, do you like him, noona?” He asked; his voice was almost shaking.

Her eyes went wide before she lets out a loud laugh but soften enough for only two of them to hear. “Well, you can say I used to harbour feeling towards him but he probably treated me like his best friend though. However, I truly do loved my husband and not because he never return my love.” She explained; didn’t wanted him to misunderstand her affection towards her late husband.

“Can I asked you one question, noona? And I hope you don’t mad with me.”

“Sure. Asked me anything as long as I have an answer for your question.” She smiles and he was reluctant to ask that question which has been invaded his head for a while.

“Do you – do you mind if someone was younger than you like you?” He asked while maintain his eyes contact with her.

She didn’t showed any emotion but looked at him with blank look. She proceed in took a tempura shrimp and chewed it. She looked up to see a curious look on his face and she couldn’t help but letting her side lips curved upward.

“Why are you asking this kind of question, Chanyeol-ah? Are you, by any chance, like me more than a friend?” She casually asked but enough to cause the young man cheek reddened in embarrassment.

He absentmindedly rubbed his back of head. “Uh – uh, that – that…”

But she didn’t looked down at him but smile softly. “I knew it. You and your other friend, Kibum right? That was your friend’s name is? Aigoo, why?” She asked; still in soft voice like a mother talked to her son.

“You looked pretty and nice. Unlike other girls I ever been friend with. I don’t mind the between us..” But she interrupted his words.

“I’m your friend’s mother and most importantly, you’re still in high school. You have lot to learn and to enjoy. Don’t give up your dream just because you liked me. I may be different from others but that is because I have been through a lot in my life. While you, you’re still young.”

“Is it because I’m young? That is why you rejected me? You prefer man who is around your age? Is that it?”

She mentally slapped herself for confusing the young man. “That is not what I mean. Chanyeol, what I mean by the term young is if you started to fall in love, you intended to abandon important things around you and carelessly took a good care of it. You forgot that someone else, outside there could be in love with you but you didn’t even know it.

Trust me. I used to be in your place and I was glad that I opened my eyes before it’s too late. The fact is I really do like you but I merely saw you as one of my son too, along with Kibum. Thanks to you, Baekhyun had no problem at all in suit himself in new atmosphere. I’m really happy and glad when he said to me one day that he wanted to be deejay or radio presenter. You’re precious, Chanyeol. Don’t give up on that.”

He looked at his bowl and realized that his eyes started to crystalize. Then, the bead of tears started to fall one by one across his cheek and make a small pool on the table. He wanted to stop crying but he didn’t any effort in it.

Seohyun gasped and didn’t knew that her words could wounded his heart deep than ever. She hurriedly come to his place and soothing his back like she used to do when her son once sulked with her.

“There, there. You can crying on my shoulder if you want. It’s not your fault to love me and I don’t have any right to stop you from doing so. I respect your feeling and I hope you’ll do the same. Okay, buddy?”

Chanyeol who leaned his head on her shoulder, sniffed and nodded. “Thank you, eomma.” He said softly but she heard him and felt grateful of that.

I almost stumbled backwards when I saw the person who is standing in front of me. Not one – but two persons who looked at each other with disgusted look. My lips were dried and so does my throat. I wanted to mutter anything I could but my body won’t complied with him.

In front of me, one of the best gamers in South Korea; Kyuhyun sunbae-nim is here with a black PSP tied around his waist. Since today the dress code is loosen a bit, he lets the upper button jacket opened, showed his white shirt inside. If I’m not mistaken, I saw him skipped class and playing games at computer laboratory but despite his obsessed in games, he still maintained his position as top students.

Next to him is head of cheerleader whom is very popular among the male students especially when her group attended another school for cheerleading competition. Thanks to her lead, our school has won in various events and championship. She’s a bit arrogant around people and have a nice body that most female students envied. Who doesn’t recognized Chorong sunbae-nim, senior who is in the same class as Sunny noona?

They were probably realized my presence when their gaze fixed on me. I raised my hand with an awkward smile on my face. This is so embarrassing. Taeyeon noona, hurried come to my aid!

“Who the hell are you? New member of Radio Club?” Chorong sunbae-nim asked; with a slightly snobbish tone on it. She tucked a few fallen hair behind her  ear and approaching me – seat next to me before slumped herself on it with a relieved sigh. “Damn tired!” She whimpered.

“Hey, be careful with your word! Who know you might accidentally pressed the button ‘On Air’. You didn’t wanted your reputation to going down, do you?” Kyuhyun sunbae-nim and took a nearby chair before make himself comfortable next to me.

Now, I was being sandwiched between the most respectable seniors in my school and I still didn’t said anything. Is the situation the same when someone from higher ranking came to your country and signed on peace contract?

“Hey, why didn’t you said anything? Are you mute, somehow?” It was Kyuhyun sunbae-nim asking me and all I did is swallowed a lump of saliva through my throat. This is depressing!

Chorong sunbae-nim throw a playful glance towards my way causing me to blush ‘till my limit. “Are you feeling comfortable around us, Kim Baekhyun?”

Ho – how did she knew my full name? I didn’t properly introduced myself but it felt an honour for me when someone popular as her knew my name.

“I – I guess. I never see you around so I didn’t know you’re one of the members. Neither Sunny noona, Taeyeon noona and Hyungsik hyung informed me anything. It’s really nice to meet you! Both of you!” I hurriedly standing up and bow 90’ degree towards both of them. I thought I’m going to be faint from blushing when I heard they were laughing.

“You’re funny guy, Baekhyun. It’s really nice to meet you too. My name is Chorong but addressed me noona too like you called others. I felt envious though.”

Kyuhyun snickered. “That is because you always walked with smug look on your face that people were hardly to approach you. I’m Cho Kyuhyun but called me Kyuhyun. I guess you’re already know my reputation as one of best gamers.” He smiles friendly; trying to ease my awkward feeling around them.

I nodded as I took my seat. “Alright, Chorong noona and Kyuhyun hyung. I – I guessed it was Taeyeon noona who asked you to watch over me?”

Both of them looked at each other with blank look before shifting their gaze towards me. “What do you mean by she sent us to watch over you? I thought it was our turn to take over the radio station. Didn’t Sunny told you about changing place every an hour?” Chorong noona asked; with a slightly amused tone.

My face fell almost instantly. Nobody informed me about this. Did she just pranked me into meeting them? I was so naïve.

“I guess not. Since you’re here, I wanted to ask you a question. Do you know about the mysterious members in Radio Club?”

Kyuhyun smirked. “Mysterious members? That’s what you dubbed us, Baekhyun?”

My eyes went widen. “You – you! You’re the mysterious members? Along with Chorong noona?” I pointed my finger towards them with unbelievable look. “I -  I couldn’t believe it.”

“Oh, why is that?” Chorong teased me.

“I thought Radio Club is for underrated people and famous people like both of you didn’t find this club interesting unlike cheerleading or gamers. I guessed I didn’t know everything that happened around here, eh?”

Chorong smirked and playing with her hair as she acknowledged my words. “True. You’re new here and you didn’t know everything but you’re lucky. I mean you’re the only sophomore among the seniors here. And for your information, there are other two members whom you still didn’t meet yet.”

My ears perked up. “Do I know them, noona?”

“Probably. Both of them were also famous in their field like us but I’m sure you’ll be getting along with them just nice, They were very friendly people unlike us. So, since you’re already know everything, mind if I take over the station? You’re supposed to rest; not hiding in here.”

Kyuhyun hyung agreed with her. “You’re already had your share and now it’s our turn. Enjoy yourself while you can since you’re going to be compete with other smart students in 7th year next week. If you had any questions in your mind, don’t be feel ashamed to ask. Both of us could help.” He offered his help.

Chorong noona bids me goodbye by sending me a wink on my way. “Good luck, Baekhyun! See you around.”

After the door closed behind my back, I couldn’t feel my feet as I sit on the floor with bewildered look my face. Wow, I couldn’t wait to tell my mother about this!

“…eomma, if you were at my place I wonder if your reaction is the same as mine. I thought I’m going to faint any minute there. Then, when I meet Taeyeon noona, do you know what she said? ‘Oh, I forgot to tell you that our turn is done! But you managed to talk to them right?’ She said that with teasing voice and gone with Sunny noona. That witch!” I pumped my fist high to the sky but my mother seemed like she’s unaware that I was talking to her.

I tugged her arm to attract her attention and I succeed when she looked at me and apologized for not paying attention. I wonder what happened at her workplace but she didn’t wanted to share anything and reassured me it was nothing.

“Eomma, are you tired? Do you wanted me to massage your shoulder?” I said in cute voice.

She nodded and smile slightly. “This is great, son. Thank you! I felt tired from doing overtime and your massage ease the pain away. And I took your word that your question about mysterious members already being answered?”

“Yep! I thought they were a bit snobbish but they were reliable and friendly too. They even offered their help for upcoming test. They knew about the bet.” I laughed happily.

“Dear, did one of your friend said anything to you?”

I shook my head. “I don’t think so. Why are you asking, eomma?”

She smiles gently. “Nothing. It was nothing. Thank you anyway for being my son. I love you.”

I couldn’t help but hugged her from behind. “I love you too, eomma. Always.”

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newfishevil #1
Chapter 8: woah... I really... really... love your story author-nim~
you are daebak 👍👍👍
thanks for write this beautifull story.
and I love your another story too ❤❤❤
romeotakeme #2
wow nice story.
another good job author!
btw who is baekhyun father?
Chapter 8: Damn it, this such a great story!!! I was out of words right now...you're great writer, author nim!!! Eomo, saranghae!! For making my overnight worthing for read the whole story at once!! Saranghaeyo author nim muah muahh~~
farahhudasyamimi #4
Chapter 8: This is the best story i ever read.... thank you author-nim..... ^ ^
Acebabymilky #5
Chapter 8: Aigooo even this whole story is about Baekhyun i still can feel that Seohan feels!:3333 this story is very light and sweet,i want to have Son like Baekhyun and for his brother is Chanyeol! Aamiin haha
ssulseul #6
Chapter 8: i loved this story><
mylovefromneverland #7
Chapter 8: i really loved it wohoo~~\o/~~~~~ seohan ending<3
mylovefromneverland #8
Chapter 8: i really loved it wohoo~~\o/~~~~~ seohan ending<3
mylovefromneverland #9
Chapter 8: i really loved it wohoo~~\o/~~~~~ seohan ending<3