Chapter One

Crime Pursued by Vengeance


"Eomma, I want to go to the park! There's a new swing playset there! Eomma, I really wanna try it!" she pleaded to her mom who was wiping the dishes. "Not now," she replied. "I promise we'll go there tomorrow. I'll also buy you Mr. Fluffy. Isn't that your favorite toy?" 

"Promise?" she innocently asked.

"Promise." she finished and hugged the young girl. Sapphire Jung was this innocent girl. She believed in empty trusts and promises. She even imagined herself as a princess. She's cute and bubbly just like any other 6-year-old girl. 

Sapphire hugged her old teddy bear. "Mr. Teddy, tomorrow, I might replace you." she apologized to the toy. Mrs. Jung chuckled at the youngster's innocence and purity. Oh how she wished her daughter would be like that until her last breath. But she knew that wouldn't last long. Sapphire would be an adult and lose her purity. She'll be as mature as her mother. She hated it, but it's the truth. 


The next day, Sapphire and her mom was waiting for Mr. Jung to come home from the construction site. They suggested that 5 o'clock would be a family time. "Eomma, when will appa come home?" she asked. "In a while, sweetie." Mrs. Jung answered and kissed the top of Sapphire's head. A few minutes later, Mr. Jung came home with a stressed face and a sweaty body. "Aigoo, why do you look stressed out?" Mrs. Jung worriedly asked and wiped the sweat with her palms. "I'm fine. It's just that Seunghun hyung wanted me to work overtime so we can finish the project early. I disagreed because it's family time. And then he cursed at me. Damn, that guy's nuts." Mr. Jung said and wiped the sweat with his already wet towel. "Appa, will we still go to the park?" Sapphire asked again. Mr. Jung kneeled down to match her height and said, "Of course, hon. We will." Sapphire had her eyes gleaming with happiness.


"Yipee! I got Mr. Fluffy!" the young girl cheered while hugging her new stuffed toy. "Good for you." her parents smiled. As they git home, shocked faces were seen from the adults. Before Sapphire could see it, her mom immediately covered her eyes. "Eh? What happened?" she asked with much curiousity. "I-It'll be b-best i-if you don't s-see it. Sapphire." her dad stuttered. Sapphire struggled and lost the grip of her mom. She walked inside and saw the letter on the walls: Don't dare me, Jung Rian. Your life will be as miserable as mine. She didn't speak nor move. When she got to her senses, she beamed at her astonished parents. "Eomma! They want Ms. Rabbit!" she cried and hugged her parents. They thanked God for her innocence, but it's sure that it won't last long.


The threats went on for days until Friday that exact same week. Sapphire waited for her mom to come and pick her up but didn't come. "I guess I have to walk home." she silently said and walked home. What she saw next was surprising. As she got to the door of her house, red liquid was spilling out. "Did eomma spill the wine?" she asked herself. She had this bad feeling inside her. She slowly opened the door, revealing a traumatizing scene. Her parents brutally murdered, and the murderer, covered in blood infront of the dead bodies of the Jungs. "Ahjussi..." she mumbled, making the murderer face her. Oh how shocked she is as she saw him. "N-No, y-you d-don't.."

"I did. Now shut it if you don't want to be next."

"KILLER! MURDERER!" she yelled. He got irritated so he covered violently using his hand and the knife pointed to her neck. "You.. shut up." he whispered and about to stab Sapphire, but she grabbed the knife and stabbed him clean on the shin. Blood squirted out, covering her face. Police car sirens are heard, but she stood frozen. The policemen barged in, revealing the bloody Sapphire. "You! The killer!" the head police yelled. They grabbed her away and her house became an official crime scene. 


In the asylum, she stared into space. She felt helpless. Her hands trembled as blood covered her limbs. She still remembers the vivid thought of her parents' dead body and fresh blood. She couldn't even hug them when she saw them. The police even got the wrong idea. "T-that b-bastard!" she cried and kicked. She doesn't usually say foul words, but today was maybe the right time to do it. 


Sapphire Jung is innocent no more, pure no more. For the first time, her mind opened up. And she knows exactly what to do.



"Sapphire-ah, wanna eat lunch with us?" one of the girls in her class asked. "No thanks." she sweetly smiled and left. Sapphire is already 16. She's beautiful and nice. Well, in the day, she's nice. Because of her wits and guts and cleverness, she passed Seoul Academy, the most prestigious school in Korea. She still looked innocent, but not anymore. She's freshly started over again. Blood used to be her weakest spot, now it's her hobby seeing it from dead people. Sapphire is now a criminal in disguise. She does her work cleanly. No evidences can be seen, making investigators give up and leave each case hanging. When she's bored, she kills random people and whatever. She had a 360 degrees personality change. She's new and alive. She wants vengeance. That's all she wanted.


"So class, we'll have a transfer student from Mishin All Boys School. Sehun-ssi, please enter." Ms. Kang introduced. A flawless boy walked inside, making girls giggle except Sapphire. "Annyeonghaseyeo, Oh Sehun imnida." he bowed. Sapphgire's ears perked up as he heard Oh. An Oh? Suspicious. "Please sit next to Sapphire. Sapphire-ssi, raise your hand." she instructed and the young girl did what she's told to do so. Sehun walked towards her and sat down. They awkwardly sat with eachother and spent the day with eachother because they're seatmates. Which Sapphire hated. She had this feeling that Sehun looked familiar.


I'm close.  I can smell him right now. 

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