Meeting the babies

Hello super junior M

???'s pov

"Mama whats going on" I asked as me the oldest, 10 to be exact lol i know, well im very mature for my age and my 5 year old brother and our dog han cookie, don't ask me ask my brother piled in to our car. "Now Soojoon don't worry" "Well i didn't actually tell you but you and your brother are going to be on hello baby with your dog that is and Super junior m" "WAIT WHAT BUT WE'RE IN CHINA" I freaked i mean i don't really like super junior m but my bffs obsessed with them but i do like hello baby and SHINee hehehe. "Well SBS decided to do a special" "Oh" I frowned. Then we arrived.

Donghae's pov

Can you believe it we're going to be on hello baby and well we get to take care of two kids, i love kids their so adorable im so excited and a dog plus plus hopefully they'll like me.... We waited for 20 minutes when we were offered a challenge if we don't pass the challeng we dont get to the see the kids >-< so we had to well do what we would do to comfort the kids when they get sad. And well it took two hours, yeah i know. Mochi did what he did best. Wookie acted like a mama. And will i acted like a fish.. Sungmin acted like a bunny. But our monkey was really awkward he messed up every time but we passes :) Then they sent us outside we waited for 20 minutes again until they finally got here :)

Wu Soojun's pov

We're finally here woot woot. Since well han cookies a huge dog and well my brother Su chen's tiny mama put him on top of Han Cookie and will Su chen held on to him as he usually did while Han Cookie acted over protective over us both and well mama sent us to the door and bid us farewell. Aish 3 months with super junior m i must have done something wrong why buddah are you messing with me now, is it because i wouldn't share a cookie with han cookie ? Well their unhealthy for him :( Aish oh well. "Jie Jie (sister in chinese) Why aren't you going in" My adorable brother said in baby talk. I raised my hand and pushed open the door.


Ryeowook's pov

We excitedly watched as the door slowly opened. And wow what cuties these kids were. A cute little boy probably around 5 came in on top of a huge dog while a girl well i mean shes cute but unhappy looking walked in, probably around 10. "YAHH U GUYS ARE SO ADORABLE" went the fish and he started walking closer. The girl walked backwards the dog started to growl. Not a good introduction "Yah hae calm down your frightning them" Went Henry. He slowly walked to the dog, with every step the dog growled more. Then he put out his signature mochi cheeks. "shh shh shh boy calm down" The dog stopped growling and let Henry pet up. Then Henry smiled at the little boy "Hi whats your name?" "Jie jie told me to talk to strangers" He shyly said. "Oh um well im you ba ba (chinese for daddy) for three months" Then something went wrong, the kid cracked. "NOO YOUR NOTTT MY BABAS NOT YOUU MAMAMAMA" He started screaming he got off the dog and started running toward his sister crying. His sister picked him up, wow such strength. And started to calm him. "Aish you guys are so stupid" She scolded us. Eventually the child fell asleep. We walked over to her "We're really sorry" I said. "Um no problem i guess, so um where can my brother stay i'll talk to you then" We led the oddly mature 10 year old into the house and into the bedroom for the kids. She softly put the boy on one of the beds and tucked him in. She kissed him on the forehead "
Sleep well chenny" she whispered then she closed the door and well i guess we started talking.

Soojun's pov

I watched as the idiots freaked my little brother out. Wow they don't know that dads dead well i wouldn't be suprised either way i still scolded them. Anyways after putting him to sleep i actually bothered talking to them. "NI HAO WE ARE SUPER JUNIOR-M" Their common introduction "Yeah whatever my names Wu Soojun" "Nice name um whats your brother's name" The one with the mochi cheeks asked "Wu Su chen, um im sorry about what happened hes just very sensitive our father died this year well, because Su chen almost was run over by a car and well he pushed him out of the way" Their faces all turned pale "Oh im sorry" The monkey said. "why are you apologizing its not your fault well it is your fault im stuck here" "Umm im sorry im saying this but why are you so rude" asked the korean bedhead "Because i don't like  you" I replied frowning. "you you don't like super junior" The bunny looked like he was going to cry will the bird started to comfort him. I sighed "Look im sorry im just not a big fan of you guys i like SHINee better" The muscle man started to look like he was going to cry. Super junior is really fragile..... "Ok im sorry lets change the subject im 10 years old while my brothers 5 years old" Then i remembered Han Cookie still outside how could i forget. I ran to the door. "Han cookie i yelled" Then he ran in. "This is our dog Han Cookie" He started barking. Of course he ran to mochi first he basically pushed him down and started mochi's cheeks. Mochi started laughing "Hi Han Cookie wow your cute" Han cookie got off and started sniffing the rest of super junior m. Aish since im stuck with them for 3 months might as well be nice. I smiled "Hey im sorry about being so mean lets start over" "No problem they all went" Then they all introduced them selves. Hey maybe life won't be to bad with them...



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