I Dont Know Love


So this is a Kryber story!!! I will update as soon as I'm done writing every chapters.


What is love? I dont know love?

love |ləv|
1 an intense feeling of deep affection : babies fill parents with intense feelings of love | their love for their country.
• a deep romantic or ual attachment to someone : it was love at first sight | they were both in love with her | we were slowly falling in love.
• ( Love) a personified figure of love, often represented as Cupid.
• a great interest and pleasure in something : his love for football | we share a love of music.
• affectionate greetings conveyed to someone on one's behalf.
• a formula for ending an affectionate letter : take care, lots of love, Judy.
Amber lost in Her own thought, She has passed lots of things but this is the hardest She will ever face.


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