Goopy Ramyun

Code Name: A.D.



Bom screamed and flapped her hands in the air, running away from the group of 9 men wearing bright pink suits. She hid behind the stacked crates near the wall and watched as Dara and CL fought the pink men. It was 4 in the morning and they were trying to sneak in Dara’s cousin’s school to investigate about the missing guitar but somehow got stuck in this weird warehouse behind the high school and ended up in a brawl with 9 pink panthers.



The panthers were now circling Dara and CL who had their arms locked with their backs facing each other. Dara ducked and flipped CL over kicking panther 1 who tried to attack in the face leaving a mark from CL’s stilettos.






Dara turned her head to where Bom was hiding and saw panther 3 about to hit her with a pipe. She clenched her knuckles and punched panther 4 hard knocking him out. She ran up the crates and high kicked panther 3 in the head falling on the floor with a thump. She helped Bom up and walked over to the 7 men in pink who was ganging up on CL.



Dara grabbed panther 8’s arm that was about to punch CL then hit him on the stomach making him fall on the floor, gasping for air. CL elbowed panther 2 right in the face and was about to knee him when-



“YOU ARE SO F^CKING DEAD!” (in english)



Dara and CL turned their heads and saw panther 1 hovering on top of Bom who had a red mark on her cheek. They looked at each other, a knowing thought passing between them and pushed the panthers, running away from the scene and heading behind the crates.



Bom smirked at panther 1 and without a second, punched him hard where it hurts (*cough* balls *cough*) leaving him gawking in pain. She slowly stood up and grabbed the pipe near panther 3’s unconscious body.



A scratchy sound can be heard inside the warehouse as Bom walked slowly towards the remaining panthers with her head down while dragging the pipe in her hands. Every step she took caused the pink men take a step backwards while they look at the red headed girl with horror written on their faces.


Bom lifted her head, showing that creepy smirk plastered on her face and gripped the pipe tightly in her hands… Seconds later 9 dead-beaten bodies were piled up in the middle of the warehouse.



“And the Bominator strikes again…” The two girls behind the crates said as they looked at the pile of pink, and then walked over to the girl responsible for it. Bom dropped the pipe on the floor and ran dramatically towards Dara and CL with a hand on her cheek.



“Dara-yah! My cheek, it hurts.. Chaerin-ah it really really hurts~” Bom whined, pouting her face as she rubbed the cheek that got hit.



“Aigoo, let’s go get the guitar and get out of here. Our first class starts in 3 hours and I still haven’t picked out an outfit.” Dara said as she headed for the guitar placed on top of a pink painted pedestal at the far back of the warehouse. She grabbed it and they headed for the door.









Back at the YG HQ, a loud shattering noise was heard as Teddy threw his phone at the glass coffee table at YG sajangnim’s office.  He glanced the file he was holding, trying to make sense of the information he read from it.



Gummy entered the office her eyes widening as she saw the broken glass on the floor. “What the heck happened here?!” She whispered, closing the door behind her and walking towards Teddy.



Teddy looked at her with fear stricken in his eyes. He was contemplating whether he should let her know about the problem their organization is facing as of now. He glanced at the file again and sighed, handing it to her. Gummy took it warily, her hands started shaking and eyes widened in fear as she read every word.



“Is this… t-true?” she asked as she looked at him, silently hoping that this is just some sort of prank.



Teddy clenched his fist, looking away trying to avoid her gaze. “I.. called him four times… There was no answer so I tried tracing his phone but..”






“I’m not sure why, but it was blocked… And the tracker in his necklace isn’t working either.” He said as he picked up his phone from the floor.



Gummy’s knees gave away as she fell on the floor. “Wha-what are we going to do now?” she asked trying to bite back the tears forming in her eyes.



Teddy kneeled on the floor and held her shoulders. “I don’t know yet but we will get to the bottom of this. I’ll have Epik High investigate around for the mean time.” He looked straight in her eyes as if telling her to get herself together.



“And we can’t let the girls know about this yet… At least until we’re sure.” He said.



Gummy nodded her head, gripping the files in her hand.









Dara entered the dorm, the guitar in hand with Bom and CL trailing behind.



“AAAAAHHH~~~~!!!!!!” The three girls screamed, looking at the horror in front of them.



Their dorm room had been turned into a haunted mansion with black covers draped over the windows, hundred pieces of tissues scattered on the floor, and an eerie wailing sound coming from a girl sitting in front of the TV.






They backed away as the girl slowly turned her face towards them, tears running in her face, clearly ruining the eyeliner she had on which added to the horror theme even more. She was still wailing as she crawled towards the girls slowly, dragging along the white blanket she was holding. As she moved an inch closer, the girls took a step back while gripping each other’s arms.






The girl wailed loudly as she moved closer to them. Taking quick steps back, the girls now had their backs to the wall and accidentally clicked the light switch on, making them recognize the horror girl.



“NOOOOO!!!!! THE LIIIIIGHTTT~~~ IT BUUUURNSSSS!!!” Minzy grimaced as she toppled on the floor covering her eyes with the blanket.



“YAH GONG MINZY!!” Bom, CL and Dara roared as they closed in on the cowering girl.



“Mianhe *sniff* I didn’t mean to scare you guys *sniff* I swear.” she said, squinting her eyes to adjust to the light.



“Aish! Why are you crying anyway?” Dara asked and took off the covers from the windows and picking up the scattered tissues.



“I finished watching my Galaxy Angel series overnight and now it’s over. Huhuhu.” She pouted. From the corner of her eyes, Minzy noticed the pink guitar by the door.



“Where did you get this?” she asked picking it up.



“Oh it’s Dara’s cousin’s. It was stolen by some pink panthers so we retrieved it.” Bom said.



“Eh?” Minzy cocked her head totally confused.



CL sat on her bed her head creased as she was thinking of something. “Isn’t it strange?”



“Hmm? What is?” Dara sat on CL’s bed and scooted closer, reaching for the bag of chips under the bed.



“Those men in pink… I mean why would a bunch of muscular men, who were somehow good at fighting, steal a high school student’s guitar. And not to mention their crazy obsession with pink.”



“Gasp! You guys were on a mission and I wasn’t informed?!” Minzy exclaimed grabbing the chips from Dara.



“It wasn’t really a mission, it was more like a favor from my cousin.”



“Yeah, and besides those guys were lame. I had them on the ground in 3 seconds.” Bom fist pumped the air and reached for the chips.



“It’s still bothering me… Dara when did your cousin say she was coming?” CL asked turning to Dara.



“Uhh.. in a week, maybe? She’s at Busan right now for her MT.” she said taking the chips from Bom.



CL nodded, grabbing the chips. “Okay, I need to ask her something and-” she looked at the empty bag of chips and threw it on the floor. “Yah! That was my last bag!”









Bom, Dara, CL and Minzy were now gawking at their window with their eyes wide open. Swarms of screaming fan girls were crowded outside their dorm house, dreamingly waiting for 5 figures to walk out of the door. The girls, minus Minzy, had their jaws wide open as they stared in shock seeing the Bigbang boys walk out of their house, pass through the swarm of crazy hyenas and got in their car.



“What the.. I thought sajangnim said we’re the only ones living here!” CL exclaimed as she flopped on the bed.



“Oh, you didn’t know? Apparently, it was a huge hassle when the Bigbang oppas first lived in the Boys’ Dorms. They told me random girls were always sneaking in the dorm scaring the other students living there, I even heard one time there was a mob of fan girls and they broke the front door just to get in and the security guard even got punched in the-” Minzy explained as she got her bag ready for class.



“And how do you know all of this?” Dara cut in.



“Well they told me last night, when you three decided not to come home and had me waiting all night while watching my galaxy angel..” she said glaring at them.



“It’s not our fault you stayed at the mall the whole day yesterday. Anyway, are they really staying here? With us?” Bom asked, smilling widely.



Minzy scoffed. “You could have called or left me a message, but nooo you three wanted the fun for yourselves!” she said as she stormed out of the room and into the kitchen to grab a bottle of juice.



“Sajangnim has some explaining to do.” CL said as she and Bom left the room.



Dara smiled inwardly without knowing, grabbed her bag and left to follow the others.









After classes the girls decided to head home and get some rest. Who knew learning how to sew was harder than assembling a gun? They went inside the house and were greeted by a pouting Seungri, hands clasped with pleading eyes as if begging for a piece of bread.



“Minzy-ah, please please pleeaaasse can I borrow the dvd?” he begged.



“Get out of the way puke-face.” CL said as she pushed past him.



“What?! Yah what did you say?!” he yelled after her only to have the door shut in face.



Minzy giggled and patted his shoulder. “You can borrow it oppa, if you cook dinner for us.” She entered the room with Bom following after.



Seungri slouched and walked towards the kitchen, Dara following him. She was surprised to see Jiyong sleeping with his head resting comfortably on the table. She grabbed a glass of water and sat beside him, staring at his face marveling at his features while Seungri rummaged among the cupboards looking for who knows what. She was about to move the piece of hair resting on his face when she felt a wet slimy thing touch her legs.



Dara looked down the table to find a huge poop-colored monster her leg. She yelped backwards and was about to fall off her chair when an arm wrapped around her waist,breaking her fall.



Jiyong stared into her amber eyes, their face close to each other and their nose almost, ALMOST touching. Few minutes passed and they were still in the same position, Dara sitting on the toppled chair while Jiyong held her waist still staring at each other’s eyes, forgetting about the fact that Gaho was still Dara’s leg and Jiyong’s arm looking like it was about to pop a vein. What is happening? Why can’t I stop looking at her?



Seungri was grinning as he looked in awe at the two. He cleared his throat loudly and saw his hyung flinch slightly as he helped Dara up while looking everywhere except her face.



“Hyung, it seems Gaho already likes Dara noona.” He said as he saw the dog come out under the table heading to the living room. He turned his back from the flustered figures at the table and started opening the Ramyun packs.



“Gaho? You mean that poop-colored monster?” Dara asked.



Jiyong rubbed the back of his neck. “Uh yeah… He’s my dog.” He said, looking at the glass in front of him as if it was the most interesting thing in the world.



“Oh.” Dara grabbed the glass of water and stood up. “Thanks, by the way for.. um helping me.” She said running away from the kitchen and heading for their room, leaving a slightly red-faced Jiyong,



And a weird Seungri in front of the stove with a really stupid grin plastered in his face.




……… (An hour later)




The gang was now in the Dining room. They were looking disgustingly at the bowl in the middle of the table, filled with a goopy green glob of who-knows-what. Seungri, however was all smiles as he crossed his arm and grinned proudly at his masterpiece.



“Are… you sure this is what Ramyun is supposed to look like?” CL said taking a scoop of the so-called Ramyun and pouring it back to the bowl, making *plop sounds.



Suddenly they all burst out laughing at the chef. CL was on hysterics as she clutched her stomach, Daesung was now on his knees pounding his fist on the table laughing his head off along with the others.






“S-seungri ah… *laugh* Where exactly did the noodles go?” Top said trying not to burst out laughing.



The blushing panda was now glaring at them. “It’s in there.” He pointed at the bowl.



The gang looked back at the bowl then at each other. “AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH~!!!!!!”






Seungri grabbed the bowl and dumped it on the sink. He glared back at the others who were dying from too much laughing but stopped when the doorbell was heard. Everyone snapped their heads at the front door all focusing on it as if something will burst it open and shoot their heads off.












Everyone sighed in relief.



“Oh right. Forgot to tell you guys I ordered Chinese just in case.” Jiyong shrugged as he opened the door and paying the delivery guy. He put down the food on the table and they all started eating.









CL woke up earlier than everyone and went down to the kitchen to make breakfast. She glanced at the bowl rested on top of the sink and chuckled, remembering Seungri’s “Ramyun”.



Last night’s dinner went smoothly. If you would call -CL and Seungri’s continuous bickering about jajjangmyun vs. jampong, Daesung and Minzy’s random giggling, Bom’s dreamy stare at Top who in turn kept scooting away from her, Dara and Jiyong silently eating their food as they avoided each other’s glance and Youngbae who just chuckled at the scenes in front of him- smooth, then I guess you can call it smooth.



CL picked up the bowl and was about to put in on the cupboard when her phone beeped. She got her phone out from her pocket and read the message. Her eyes widened and dropped the bowl, breaking it.









From: Papa T ;)






YG hyung is missing…







Hey guys! :)


So it took a while for me to update this chapter


Because I have been busy packing cuz we’re moving, yeah


Anyway, here’s an update to make up for it :D





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ramAppler27 #1
Chapter 9: are you gonna update soon?...i really want to know what will happen next..i just started reading this fic..and its can ramyun be color green?that is so hard to...hahaha
mrschoi09 #2
Chapter 9: Lmao!seungri's cooking is epic fail cant stop laughng lol!
Chapter 9: kyaa!!! they're all living together!! nice!!
daramaegon #4
Chapter 8: interesting story, they are all spies, cant wait doing their action and stunt ~~pls update soon:)
Chapter 8: poor seungri..hahaha
ladynikka05 #6
Chapter 8: waaaah, interesting story!!! lot of secrets .. hehehehe
mrschoi09 #7
Chapter 7: This is interesting..update soon:-)
Chapter 7: waaaaah.... looking forward for this story.. kekekekeke
gene0821 #9
Chapter 4: i guess the girls are the YALE students transferee