Little Tamtam

Code Name: A.D.

“Noona~ Wake up. It’s already 7 am!!”



Dara woke up to the loud ruckus her dongsaeng Sukhyun was making while jumping on her bed. She opened her eyes and saw him already dressed up for school, hitting her with a pillow.



She grabbed his arm to wrestle him. “YAH! Come here you NOODLEHEAD!!”



“What did I ever tell you about jumping on my bed while I’m sleeping, Huhh?!” she said, pinning him down while ruffling his curly hair.



“Good morning noona” he said cheerfully. “Hyung came home last night and he gave this. Merong~” he stuck his tongue out while showing her a white tiger beanie.



“Aish this little brat~” she started to attack his hair again but he defensively wore his new beanie before she could do more damage to his hair then he jumped off the bed and ran down stairs.



“Hurry up or I’m going to eat your breakfast!”



Dara smiled to the cuteness of her little brother, and then she remembered what he just said.



Hyung came home last night..



“KYAAAAHH~~!!!!!!!!!!” She dashed to her door opening it only to bump on the person she wanted to see falling hard on her .



She winced at the pain, rubbing her . “Ouch”



Sanghyun was standing at the doorway laughing his head off at her sister. He wanted to see her before she headed off to school.



“Well now I got a month’s worth of entertainment,” he chuckled amusedly. “It’s safe to say I can go back being the CEO of BJ Corp for a month without getting bored.”



 “Aish! Oppa, this is what I get for 2 weeks of no communication?” Dara said, pouting. “You even got Sukhyunie a present.”



“Aigoo, our little Ssantokki is so pitiful,” he cooed, helping her get up.



“Here” he said.



Dara’s eyes widened taking the little Tamtam cellphone accessory from her brother.



“Oh my gosh this is sooo cute~” she said, hugging her brother. “Thank you oppa!”



Dara always brings her Tamtam doll with her in every special occasion she goes to, whether its birthday parties, first day of schools, graduation.. even on her first date. It was her brother’s gift to her when she first started kindergarten, she couldn’t help but get nervous, and wondering if her classmates wouldn’t like her, so Sanghyun told her to think of the doll as a magical friend-making creature.


True enough when she walked to class at that time holding Tamtam in her hand, two curious girls smiled and talked to her asking what the doll’s name was. That’s when she made her first set of friends: Bom, Minzy and CL


Sadly thou she grew up and every time she would get nervous, she could only hide Tamtam in her bag and now that she’s in college she still needed the doll especially when today’s her first day in college but she couldn’t possible bring a doll to the university right? She’s already 20 years old.



Sanghyun patted Dara’s head. “Now you won’t need to squeeze Tamtam in your bag and create more damage to it than you already did.”



“Gomawo, oppa! This little Tamtamie is enough to get the nervous-balls out of me,” she grinned, pulling him for another hug.



“Aigoo.” he smiled, hugging her back. Sang Hyun saw the clock hanging on his wall and it was already 7:30. “Hey, don’t you have school?” he asked, pulling off from the hug.



“Oh no, I almost forgot!” she ran off to the bathroom to get ready but before she went through the door she shouted to her brother, “WELCOME HOME OPPA!!”









“……uhhh, Gaho, stop disturbing my sleep” Jiyong groaned.



Being the trustworthy and loyal dog he was, Gaho didn’t want Jiyong to be late for class, so instead of being obedient and following his master’s order, he kept barking and Jiyong’s face to wake him up.



“Alright, alright.. I’m up already.” Jiyong got up and tried to wipe the dog’s saliva off his face. “Seriously, I’m supposed to be the one ordering you, not the other way around.”



Gaho just barked at his response and pulled out a towel from the bathroom, signaling Jiyong that he should take a shower. He took the towel and leaned closer to the dog, patting its head and ruffling its ears. “Good boy! Now go and wake up the others.”






After taking a shower, Jiyong put on a black loose shirt, some pants and a Nike shoes Gaho picked out for him last night. He dried his blonde hair and checked himself in the mirror before going out to eat breakfast.



He saw Youngbae, Seungri and Top already eating. “Good morning! Did you guys get enough sleep last night?”



“Hyung, are you kidding me?! I only had 3 hours of sleep, you know I need 8 or more. Look at me, I have bags as big as Dae hyung’s head!” Seungri complained while biting a piece of toast.



Daesung, coming out of his room heard what the maknae said. “You always have huge bags under your eyes. Don’t go comparing it to my head.” He retorted while taking a seat beside Jiyong.



 The other three just laughed at the two bickering about Seungri’s eye bags.



Top sipped his cup of coffee. He remembered his visit at the principal’s office yesterday. The principal told him about the four new students transferring to their school from Yale University. And as the Student Body President and all, he was expected to make sure they were welcomed and is toured around the campus- which of course annoyed the heck out of Top.


The guys talked about this last night, being members of the student council and all, Top figured he should let the boys know about it, also slightly hoping one of them would volunteer to do the touring.



Top sighed, standing up. “Let’s go before I miss those Yale students.”



The other four snickered at each other, feeling sorry for their hyung yet laughing inwardly at his misfortune.






Feeling refreshed after a soothing shower, Dara noticed it was already 8:00 and her friends are already outside waiting for her.


Having no time to think about what she’ll wear, she just picked out a white tank top and a black leather jacket bigger than her size, a pair of distressed skinny jeans and her favorite low-cut pink converse. She dried her hair really quick and went down to greet her parents.



“Good Morning, umma, appa!” Dara grabbed the piece of toast her dongsaeng was eating and a bottle of water then kissed her parents on the cheek.


“Sorry. No time for breakfast. Gotta go. Don’t wanna be late for school. Annyeong~” and she headed for the door, hoping not to face the Bominator.



“Aist! Noona owes me a piece of toast!”



Mrs. Park giggled at his little boy and gave him a new piece of toast. ‘Oh! Dara's first day at her new school!’ she smirked trying to remember where her husband last placed the camera.



“Yeobo, don’t even think about it. You know our Ssantokki doesn’t like it when you secretly take pictures of her and the girls.” Mr. Park, who was drinking his coffee and reading the newspaper, sternly reminded his dear wife.



‘O-omo! How did he know I was planning on doing that?’ she thought while removing the smirk on her face.


“Aigoo my husband, w-what makes you think I would do.. such thing?” she replied trying to sound convincing and faking a laugh while drinking her coffee.


'Hmm, I guess I’ll have to tell him I’m just going to meet with...'



“Bommie’s mom is in Japan right now, so don’t try to make up an excuse like you’re going to meet with her.”



Pfft! spitting coffee at her son, she gawked at her husband. “Y-yah! Are you some kind of mind-reader?!”



“No, you’re just so easy to figure out.” He chuckled at the scene in front of him.



“Umma! Don’t you know how hard it is to remove coffee stains? And at my favorite shirt too.”



“O-omo, I'm sorry baby,” she glared at her husband who was now snickering. “Umma will just buy you a new shirt, okay?”






“Hey girls!” Dara greeted her bffs.



“Sandara Park! Do you know how long we’ve been waiting here?!” Bom, who is a very impatient girl, started fuming as soon as Dara took the front seat beside her.



“Sorry, Bommie," she pouted at her best friend. "I'll pay for today's lunch to make up for it."



Fortunately for Dara, it worked and Bom’s crossed brows relaxed.



“You’re lucky I’m in a good mood today,”  she sighed and started to drive their way to school. “And you better have a good explanation other than oversleeping.”



“Of course!” Dara grinned at her. “Oppa came home last night and I just found out this morning, so we had to catch up.”



“Sanghyun oppa is home? Kyaah~!” the blonde girl behind Dara shrieked.



CL has had this huge crush on Sanghyun ever since Dara invited them over for her 8th birthday party.



“Dara, why didn’t you tell us earlier? We could’ve went inside and greet him.”



“Aigoo CL, you know Sanghyun oppa only treats us like his little sisters. You should stop crushing on him already.” Minzy, the youngest of them reminded her.



“I know that. Still, I wanted to see him at least before we go to school. It’s our first day in college after all, I need my inspir-”







Bom stepped on the brakes real hard before a black van that came out from a left turn-corner almost hit them.



“THAT JERK!!! DOESN’T HE KNOW HOW TO DRIVE?!” Bom screamed in fluent English, fuming with anger as she tries to get out of her car.



Dara faced the girls behind her. “O-oh no…”



They knew too well Bom never spoke in English unless..






“Let’s go before she bursts."




Hey guys! (:


Hope you liked the rewritten first chapter ^^


So yeah..


 In case some of you didn’t know, the dongsaeng I used is Wang Suk Hyun, soo cute~





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ramAppler27 #1
Chapter 9: are you gonna update soon?...i really want to know what will happen next..i just started reading this fic..and its can ramyun be color green?that is so hard to...hahaha
mrschoi09 #2
Chapter 9: Lmao!seungri's cooking is epic fail cant stop laughng lol!
Chapter 9: kyaa!!! they're all living together!! nice!!
daramaegon #4
Chapter 8: interesting story, they are all spies, cant wait doing their action and stunt ~~pls update soon:)
Chapter 8: poor seungri..hahaha
ladynikka05 #6
Chapter 8: waaaah, interesting story!!! lot of secrets .. hehehehe
mrschoi09 #7
Chapter 7: This is interesting..update soon:-)
Chapter 7: waaaaah.... looking forward for this story.. kekekekeke
gene0821 #9
Chapter 4: i guess the girls are the YALE students transferee