Feelings: Part 2

Her Body is Perfection


(Jessica’s POV starting from the end of Chapter 5: In Her Arms)


I was tired from waking up early this morning just to bring Yuri back to my place after picking her up very drunk. At first I thought I was getting a prank call but Yuri’s friend somehow convinced me to help Yuri out...I mean Yuri and I weren’t strangers.

After making sure Yuri was settled in the guest room, I went back to the kitchen almost out of instinct to get her some water. My eyes were closing until I felt the cold rush of water on my hand which made me jerk awake again. I sluggishly returned to the guest room to give Yuri the water I brought from the kitchen, but when she tried taking a sip, the water dribbled down her chin and I couldn’t contain my laughter. She was so cute struggling but I decided to help her by guiding the glass to her lips. Still concerned that she was uncomfortable I asked, “Did you need food or anything else?” but she declined so I was going to just leave, “Okay, if you need me in the night, just call.” I helped adjust her so she was now lying down and cleared the hair on her face before getting up from the bed, but a gentle hand stopped me from going further.

“Wait. I want to tell you something.” I could hear my heart starting to beat faster.

She was struggling to get up but as I helped her, she fell on top of me. My arms caught her but the warmth of her breath on my neck sent chills through my whole body. I didn’t want to lose my self-control so I tried to lift her off of me but I had no strength and her hands were securely around my waist. I wasn’t sure if I could restrain my urges to let my hands wander on her body but I also didn’t want to release from her so I let her hug me. It felt comforting but my heart was still beating out of control. I am sure she could feel the rapid beat of my heart, but her voice had a way of clearing my head, “This is nice.”

Of course I wanted to say that I liked being close to her too but the words just didn’t come out. In the end I decided to just reciprocate the embrace by nuzzling my head into her neck and smell the scent of her shampoo which made my body melt into a complete relaxed state. Like this was something so natural and expected of us to enjoy. My body grew numb as my eyes closed:



I was splashing Krystal, the two of us behaving like children until the world stopped in front of my eyes. Yuri came running towards us and I suddenly saw time stop. *Badump...Badump* I could hear the sound of my heart quicken with every step she took towards me. At that one moment, I suddenly saw Yuri not as a friend or just some other stranger, but maybe something more, could this be love? What else could it be? She was running towards me and all I could think about is her bikini hugging her perfect body and I could now feel my heart aching. A familiar ache when I heard Yuri only offer personal training to Krystal.

In a matter of seconds time quickened and I felt something soft on my lips as the cold water splashed beneath me. How could time move so slow but then fast forward leaving me to wonder what is going on. I was afraid to open my eyes knowing what would be there when they opened. When I opened my eyes I saw Yuri on me *Badump...Badump* a familiar tug again on my heart. What to do? She is making my heart jumbled.


She released me from under her and I just wanted to escape, my heart was going to come out of my chest if I had to look at her. “I am going to the car,” I said as I quickly retreated to a different safe location.

I sat in the car frozen remembering her lips on mine. The feeling of uncontrolled pleasure with the intimate contact we shared. *Knock Knock Knock* I looked up to see Krystal next to the window of the car. I unlocked the doors to let her in, “Jess...is everything okay?”

Of course nothing was okay! My mind was racing as fast as my heart. “I think I am not feeling well.”

“Oh really? Did you eat something bad?”

“I am not sure. I just want to go home.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yeah.” I felt bad for ending our fun but I couldn’t think straight and my body was becoming drained with every passing second while thinking about the recent events. I was glad Krystal was with me to help soothe me until my heart jerked again when we saw Yuri come to the car.

Silence is what I heard, restlessness is what I felt, and tension was in the air the rest of the car ride back to our homes.

The next day I saw the opportunity to escape from the worries that consumed me in my familiar environment. There was a weeklong conference that my boss couldn’t attend so I went in her place. It was out of the country which made me feel much better. I wanted to get away, as far as possible. I needed to clear my mind so I added an extra week onto my trip.

I didn’t need two weeks to figure out my feelings. They were clear as day. The farther I went away from Yuri, the more I wanted her by my side. This is love. I admit that I am in love.


Krystal picked me up from the airport and I wanted to tell my sister everything. We never kept secrets from each other, but I couldn’t figure out the right words to tell her. Why does the topic involving Yuri seem hard to approach with my sister of all people. “Krystal...I ah um want to talk to you about something.”

“Did something happen on your trip?”

“Ah no...the trip is fine. I was wondering...”

“Wait, I want to ask a favor.”

“I got busy at work. Can you take over my personal training sessions?”

It was a golden opportunity, one on one time with Yuri. Maybe this will confirm my feelings with her. I never really spent alone time with her before. “I can do that.” I can always tell Krystal later that I like Yuri....


Really I can’t do these personal sessions! This girl was driving me to the edge! She is a beastly trainer working me to death and not to mention my heart was already beating faster than normal. Her touches, her body, oh my! I can’t take the close proximity which drove me mad since I was scared to confess. It was like having something I desired in my reach but I couldn’t grasp it.



I opened my eyes again and looked down at the heavy object on my chest. I dozed off not realizing that Yuri was still in my arms but she was still sound asleep. I carefully put her back down into the bed and made sure she was covered. I touched her forehead again to brush her hair to the side before placing a gentle kiss. “Good night.” I left the room smiling to myself remembering the closeness we shared. It was a tiring morning so sleep came fast once I returned to my own bed.


I awoke for work but the amount of sleep didn’t feel sufficient. I didn’t want to go to work but I can’t just ignore the reality of life even though I had my dream girl in my guest room. Before leaving, I carefully made my way into her room and gave her some clothes and a towel with a note. I became giddy that I was going to come back around lunch time to see her again.

After a tiring 4 hours, I was making my way back home to give Yuri the lunch I bought. I pulled up the driveway to see that Krystal was home. Not sure why she is home since she has work too, but maybe she came home for lunch this time. She does that sometimes, but I forgot to tell her Yuri was in the house! I rushed to find my keys and open the door. I stepped in and there was Yuri...and Krystal...kissing?

I went numb with my mind drawing a blank. I didn’t even feel the keys fall out of my hand but the sudden sound made all the attention go to me. Escape. My eyes couldn’t watch the two together anymore. My heart was in shambles already so I ran up to my room.

I was crying from the pain of seeing the girl I loved being affectionate with someone else. Even worse it was my sister who I also loved with all my heart. How could I steal someone my sister liked away from her? That doesn’t seem right. I need to protect her and support her. However, Yuri was making me want to tear apart everything I held dear for my own satisfaction. I wanted to go and steal Yuri away and break my sister’s heart. Such bad thoughts.

*Knock Knock* “Jessie it is Krystal, can you open the door so we can talk?”

“NO! Go away!” I didn’t want to talk. I wanted to be alone.

“Please Jess...let me explain.” I didn’t answer and after a while Krystal stopped banging on my door. The silence let me hear the front door close, and I could only assume that Yuri finally left.


My hour passed...I needed to go back to work, but I felt sick. The tears made me drowsy causing me to fall asleep.

*Ring Ring Ring* My phone was ringing. I didn’t want to answer it, but I already knew it was work.

“Jessica where are you?! We had a meeting after lunch.”

My voice was hoarse, “I felt sick so I went home.”

“You just had a vacation, how did you get sick already?” How do I explain lovesickness?

“I will be back in a few days.” I hung up not wanting anyone to interrupt my alone time.


It had been nearly a week since I saw the unthinkable. I couldn’t get myself to eat properly and I slept more than 20 hours a day. Nothing was letting me be released from the picture in my mind: Yuri belonging to my sister...

Even though I couldn’t face my sister she managed to convince me that I should get out of the house. She was persistent in getting me to eat normally so I could enjoy one night out. We went to a bar that I was familiar with since it was the only one that played live bands. One, two, three, four...I lost count how many drinks I used to drain my sorrows, but all that alcohol made me have to rush to the bathroom. After I relieved myself, I lost Krystal. She helped me to the bathroom since I could barely stand up straight but she wasn’t there when I got out. It was getting crowded and I was bumping into many people while I was still searching for my lost sister. I hit someone hard and fell down but a hand reached to help me stand again, “Thank you.”

I looked up to the face which was somewhat familiar, but she recognized me right away, “You!”


“You don’t remember me? I am Yuri’s friend from last time you picked her up. Come with me!” She started to drag me against my will somewhere. I tried to resist but she was more sober than me. I heard a familiar name being yelled out when we reached the bar, “Yuriiii!!! Look who I found in the bathroom!” She pulled me so I was in front of her now. I stood there frozen at the girl who broke my heart. “You two have fun. I am going to find Yoona.” The safety of the other girl left so I attempted to leave after I heard Yuri say my name, but she took ahold of my wrist.

 “Wait.” I froze at the sound of her voice and she turned me to face her, but I was already in tears for my emotions became a mess whenever I pictured her face. “Jessica what is wrong?”

I wasn’t thinking straight and I was tired of keeping in all my feelings, “Yuri…I can’t help but like you even though I know you like someone else…” I said it finally, but it took my last bit of strength to say those causing me to just fall onto the floor.



My mind was fuzzy. The alcohol did a number on me and was causing the whole room to spin when my eyes opened, but my eyes shot open when I heard the bedroom door open seeing Yuri walking in. I  am not sure why but maybe out of instinct, I looked under the covers to make sure I didn’t do anything stupid while I wasn’t in my right mind, but my clothes were still on, “We didn’t do anything right?”

“What? What would we do?” I was being paranoid for nothing.

“Ah nothing...am I at your house?”

“You drank too much so I brought you here.” When she said that, the memory of last night came back...oh crap. I confessed to her! I had to get out of there.

“Thanks but I should get going now.” I was close to making my escape but she blocked the door.

“Wait, let me get dressed and drive you home.” I really wanted to leave. How could I face her when I told her all that last night?

“I can just call Krystal to pick me up.”

“Really. Let me. Just wait for me a few minutes.” I was going to insist that Krystal could just pick me up again but she had ways of making my heart melt with that cute aeygo, “Please...”

 “I will wait in the living room then.” I regretted those words as they left my mouth but she let me leave the room after telling me about the spare bathroom. I made my way to see how horrible I looked in the mirror but I was surprised that there wasn’t much to fix.

After making sure my makeup was fixed, I went back to the living room and checked my phone to see several missed calls from Krystal. I should have thought about her being worried after just leaving the bar like that. I quickly texted her to tell her that I was fine before Yuri came out looking amazing like always. “Are you ready to go?”

I quickly put my phone away, “Ah yea.”

I was happy that the car was silent for the most part. I didn’t want to talk about the recent events, but she had to bring it up, “Do you remember last night, at the bar?”

Of course I remembered it clear as day, “Memory is a bit fuzzy but I remember it mostly.”

“Even what you said to me before you passed out?” I started to blush again with the scene replaying over and over, but I was glad the light changed so I could avoid the subject.

 “The light is green...”

We finally made it to my house so I assumed she forgot about the pending question, but she was persistent, “So do you remember?” I tried to open the doors so I could get out of this situation but the door was locked.

I had to admit defeat that I was not going to get away from this question, “Maybe we can forget about that part. I wasn’t thinking straight.”

“How can I forget when the girl I love confessed to me?” I immediately looked her in the eyes to see that she was being sincere but was she referring to me or Krystal?

 “Girl you love?”

“Pabo...I love you.” The three words I wanted to hear since we went to the beach together. She loved me...I was so happy that my body just reacted with the one action I had held back for what seemed ages. I leaned over and latched my lips onto hers. She didn’t leave me hanging but returned the kiss letting her right hand lay on my shoulder. We kissed until I broke the kiss to look her into her eyes.

“Me too...”

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Chapter 10: Releído
Chapter 10: I can read this ff over and over again, I love it!!!
Thanks Catsba!!!
Thank you sooo much!!
williammozart #3
Chapter 10: Are you a taengsic shipper???
Cos most of your stories are about taengsic.
I only found three stories about Yulsic.
Are there other stories about Yulsic that you wrote?
If so, tell me.
Thank you for writing YULSIC stories.
Chapter 10: Kekeke hot yulsic
Author, can I have a .pdf file of this story so I can read it offline? Thanks! :)
mymh_bee #6
Chapter 10: ohhh i love yulsic so much.. keep up with another stories :)
aullia22 #7
Chapter 10: Woahhh..yulsic is so hot..
I really loved it..
Please write more..
Chapter 10: Loveeed itt !!
Thank you!!
YulSicSLTTR #9
Chapter 10: *-0-* That was..........Hot!
Really good !!!
Hope you write more YulSic :)