
Her Body is Perfection

After the sudden love confession I was still pretty shocked, but I waited in the kitchen a bit longer hoping someone would come down. Not too long after, I heard someone coming back down the stairs and to my dismay it was Krystal…I must say I was a bit embarrassed to see her. Not knowing what to say to her or anything I wanted to escape as fast as possible.

“Yuri…ah I am sorry…”

I didn’t want her to bring it up again, “…No need. I am ummm going to go now. Can you tell Jessica that I was thankful for last night?” I practically ran back to the room to get my stuff and left that house. Not the first thing I expected on my visit to the Jung residence but I must say these two girls made my life so much more interesting in the past month.

I started walking back slowly to my home. I really should have grabbed a taxi, it wasn’t like we lived close in any respect, but walking helped clear my mind of the events in the past 24 hours. I was trying to put together all the pieces of the puzzle. How did I miss seeing that Krystal was interested in me? She had a good poker face like her sister, but I can see now why she may have backed out on the personal training. Maybe she felt like me when I trained Jessica?

Several hours later I reached my home. I was mentally exhausted so I just went to my sofa and laid down. I didn’t want to be disturbed but my phone doesn’t listen and it went off. “Hello?”

“Yuri!” Ah a bright and cheerful Sooyoung, “Did you make it back okay last night? Jessica seemed nice. I didn’t know you had other friends than me and Yoona?” So many questions at one time and she was asking about the one girl I was trying to forget for the past several hours.

“I made it home fine. Jessica is someone…” I couldn’t quite explain my relationship to her, was she just a student or are we friends now? “Someone I met at work.” I know that didn’t sound right to me, but after today, I feel like we slumped back down to that level again.

“Okay…” I could hear the doubt in Sooyoung’s voice. I knew she didn’t believe me, “Well we should get together more often. Next time you can bring Jessica.” I am going to kill Sooyoung if she keeps bringing up Jessica again…I really wanted my mind off of her for one day.

“Okay…well got to go bye.”  I am a bad friend but I was so tired. I loved my friends Sooyoung and Yoona but they were always trying to pair me up to anyone decent looking. I am not sure if they are afraid I will die alone or not but they sure make it seem that way.


It crossed my mind several times this morning to cancel my yoga lessons today, but bringing personal problems to work would be unprofessional and I still needed to make a living. First time I actually dreaded that is was Wednesday. If I ran into Jessica or Krystal…I am not sure what to say or do.

I walked into the room to see my usuals already there. I was actually glad that I saw them again. Getting the latest gossip was always a good distraction, but that happiness faded when I saw Krystal walk into the class, but no Jessica. It was weird how I always managed to get one Jung but the other goes missing.

Although I was afraid of ending my class for I knew Krystal was going to come talk to me, the time had already come. I knew I couldn’t put off the inevitable so I approached Krystal first, “Krystal we need to talk.”

I saw Krystal breaking down in front of me, “Yuri what happened a few days ago. It was a mistake and I think we should forget about it…”

I knew she was avoiding the topic so I just gave her the answer I wanted to give her that day, “Krystal, I know you meant what you said but I can’t return those feelings. There is someone else I already like…”

Krystal was trying to be strong but I knew she was hurting. Her eyes were telling me the whole story. “It’s okay. Like I said…a mistake.” I wanted to comfort the girl but I just stood there like an idiot while she composed herself. “Anyway, I came to tell you Jessica can’t come to personal training this weekend. I will see you later.” I felt bad that we had to part on those kind of terms, but the harsh reality would be better than hope.


The days were going by slower so I decided I needed a break from the mundane so I called Sooyoung to go out again. I must say I am becoming an alcoholic because I can’t seem to get my feelings and life straight.

“Yuri lets go to a new bar. I heard there are lots of hot guys that go there.” Who was I to argue with Yoona, she was going to drag us to her location of choice anyway.

After an hour or so I started to wonder why I even came out to begin with. I should have seen the situation unfold; Yoona and Sooyoung get swept away by the guys and leave me alone. I wanted to get drunk but the fear of Sooyoung calling Jessica to pick me up again made me control how much I was drinking tonight. It was lonely just sitting at the bar but looking into the half empty glass gave me some comfort or I the alcohol was just making me relaxed.

“Yuriiii!!!” I turned around to see Sooyoung running up to me and she was pulling some girl along too. “Look who I found in the bathroom!” She pulled the girl so she was in front of her now.

I looked at the girl from the bottom up but I almost died when I finally saw her face. Jessica?!

Both of us eyed each other up but we were at a loss for words until Sooyoung spoke up, “You two have fun. I am going to find Yoona.”

“Jessica…” I wanted to say so much to her but I could see she was panicking.

“I should go.” I was desperate to keep her with me this time so I grabbed her wrist.

“Wait.” She froze at the sound of my voice and I turned her to face me, but I was surprised that I saw her crying. “Jessica what is wrong?”

She turned to look me into my eyes and I saw what seemed like a scared lost little puppy. My heart palpitated faster as I awaited her to respond. “Yuri…I can’t help but like you even though I know you like someone else…” She lost the strength in her legs and fell to the floor crying.

I wanted to say something and tell her the girl I like was right in front of me but when I went to pick her up I saw she already passed out. When I got her up onto a seat I could smell the alcohol off her body and knew that she was very drunk. I sat with her for a while as she leaned into my embrace. She might not remember what she said to me tonight, but tomorrow I will be sure to remind her.




Author's Note:

SNSD  comeback day! Thought I would give you something to read while you wait for them to take the stage. 

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Chapter 10: Releído
Chapter 10: I can read this ff over and over again, I love it!!!
Thanks Catsba!!!
Thank you sooo much!!
williammozart #3
Chapter 10: Are you a taengsic shipper???
Cos most of your stories are about taengsic.
I only found three stories about Yulsic.
Are there other stories about Yulsic that you wrote?
If so, tell me.
Thank you for writing YULSIC stories.
Chapter 10: Kekeke hot yulsic
Author, can I have a .pdf file of this story so I can read it offline? Thanks! :)
mymh_bee #6
Chapter 10: ohhh i love yulsic so much.. keep up with another stories :)
aullia22 #7
Chapter 10: Woahhh..yulsic is so hot..
I really loved it..
Please write more..
Chapter 10: Loveeed itt !!
Thank you!!
YulSicSLTTR #9
Chapter 10: *-0-* That was..........Hot!
Really good !!!
Hope you write more YulSic :)