v — chapter five;

Between Past & Present
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v — chapter five;

as continued from the previous chapter;





a/n: I feel like this will confuse you, so here's the key to the dialogue:

Language (the one they're speaking in):

English - “English looks like this. It's just normal text/font.”

Chinese - “Chinese looks like this. It's in bold.”

Korean - “Korean looks like this. It's italicized.”

Please remember this so it doesn't confuse you!



Seoyeon turned around and bumped into someone she hadn't expected to see.

Someone whom she loathed.
Someone who broke her heart.
Someone who cheated on her.
Someone who used her.
Someone who made her stop believing in love.

That someone was no other than...

Byun Baekhyun.


“We really need to talk, Yeon-ah.”

Seoyeon snapped. “It's Seoyeon to you.”

Baekhyun hung his head low, as a sign of apologizing.

“Byun Baekhyun, I believe you have some explaining to do.”



Seoyeon played with her fingers while she stared out the window.

Baekhyun had brought her to their old café. The one that they always went to when they had a date. The one that brought back all the happy memories from their relationship. But also the one that brought back all the pain and tears she cried out here.

“Caramel macchiato. Your favorite.”

“Thanks for remembering...but that's not my favorite. I've changed...and I see you've changed, too.” Seoyeon said uneasily and gestured towards Baekhyun's drink, which had changed from a cup of hot chocolate to a cup of black coffee.

Baekhyun chuckled bitterly, “Can you stop being awkward with me? It's not like you don't know me.”

Seoyeon's expression changed into a dark, bitter one. “I never knew you, I really didn't. The Byun Baekhyun I used to know was sweet, caring, and kind. He changed his ways, for me. But you...you're a monster.”

‘You're a monster.’
‘You're a monster.’
‘You're a monster.’

Baekhyun cringed, in hurt and in guilt, as her sharp, unexpected words pierced through him. Through his heart, creating the deepest wound he would've never expected.

His conscience bellowed. “I told you you were so damn stupid to let her go, didn't I?”



“So...how've you been, oppa?” Seoyeon broke the silence first.

“Oppa?” Baekhyun replied, shocked by how she changed her attitude completely.

Seoyeon nodded. “I'll tell you this...after we talk the whole thing in the past out, we'll never have a reason to meet each other again. Is that okay...with you?”

Baekhyun nodded. “I understand. So...this will be the last time we'll see each other?”

Seoyeon let out a small smile. “Probably not. The next time we meet after this...it'll have to be like we've never met each other. Or else...or else the ones we love will be hurt.”

“I know about it. About him.” Baekhyun smiled sadly, referring to the phone call he had gotten a few months ago.

“What do you mean? What do you mean by, ‘I know about him’? Who? You know about who?” Seoyeon inquired, startled.

He couldn't – and shouldn't – know about Mark....could he?

“I'm saying I know about him. About your fiancé. About Mark Tuan.”

Nothing else was said as Seoyeon stifled in a gasp and her spoon, that she had been playing with, dropped to the floor.



“What do you mean? She's with that ?” Jackson questioned rather madly, turning to face his wife with his eyebrows furrowed.

“Jackson, calmly.” Camille said, rubbing her hand on her husband's thigh, as she knew his short temper all too well.

“How could he be calm when I'm furious as heck? I'm her fiancé. He's like Steph's older brother. It only makes sense.” Mark retorted, both his hands clenched into fists.

“What does that bastard want with her, anyway?” Jackson questioned suspiciously.

“He wanted to talk with her. Talk their past out, I guess.” Camille answered, bored.

“My sweet angel....just had to be so nice to let him talk...idiot.” Mark knew his girlfriend all too well, and he knew she always would give people another chance, even if that meant getting hurt herself.

“What are you going to do?” Camille asked, noticing the change of expression in Mark's usually calm face.

“Me? I'm going to call her. Right now.”



“Hello?” Seoyeon picked up her phone.

Baekhyun smiled. That was the first time she actually sounded happy when she was with him. And it wasn't even because of him.

“Where are you?” The husky voice, from the other line of the call, asked.


“Did Camille tell you?” Seoyeon replied.

“I asked first. But yes, she did.” Mark retorted childishly.

“I'm fine. I'd tell you if anything bad happened, wouldn't I?” Seoyeon could practically see Mark pout over the phone.

“Put him on speaker.” Mark declared.

“Huh? Put who on speaker?” Seoyeon was confused for a second. “Oh...you want to speak to him?”

Mark nodded, although Seoyeon couldn't see him. “Yes.”

“If that's what you want, then...” Seoyeon trailed off as she selected ‘speaker’ on her iPhone.

“Hello? Byun Baekhyun-ssi?” Mark's voice echoed.

Baekhyun was startled, “Y-yes?”

“Don't stutter,” Mark said firmly, with authority in his voice.

“Who are you to–” Baekhyun started, but was cut off by Mark.

“Boss you around?” Mark finished his incomplete sentence. “I'm Seoyeon's boyfriend. Wait, slash that. I'm her fiancé.”

“I know that.” Baekhyun barked rather harshly, to which Seoyeon noticed, as she sent a soft glare into his direction.

You could practically see Mark smirking on the other end of the line. “Well, is that so? Let me cut straight to the point, Byun Baekhyun. Don't mess with Seoyeon, in any matter. If something happens, you better know that you'll be filed a lawsuit and a straining order against both of us, me and Seoyeon. Got it?”

Seoyeon smiled and her eyes softened, very visibly. She couldn't believe how lucky she was, for everything. For Mark. For their love. For mending her broken heart. For protecting her, even in the darkest and deepest pits of conflict.

Baekhyun also softened, upon seeing Seoyeon in her most vulnerable state. She looked so innocent, so happy, so content...

“I won't harm your girlfriend. Err, I mean...I mean f-fiancée.”

Mark's tone changed into a soft one. “I'll trust you on that one. Please, don't hurt her again. I'm begging you. I guess I'll hang up now,” Mark paused for a second before he spoke again. “Oh, and stop stuttering. It makes you sound weird. In a bad way.”

Seoyeon let out a

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{BP&P} the final (gigantic-ly long) chapter is out, so why not check it out? if you can, please comment + upvote! ❤️ xoxo - apr. 6, 2014


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Chapter 6: Byun is indeed a jackass.
Yet I can't stand Mark more for some reason.
Confused af.
woohyunism #2
Chapter 8: beautiful, just beautiful. : )
70V3LY #4
Chapter 7: I LOVED THIS! OMG! How come I'm only discovering your story now?! <3 keep it up! ^^
ctnajihah #5
Chapter 7: HAPPY ENDING <3 IT
MerAngel88 #6
Chapter 8: I love all of your stories very much!!!
MerAngel88 #7
Chapter 8: I love all of your stories very much!!!
Chapter 7: Erm if someone is alr married they cannot be the maid of honor or best man. Just saying