Chapter 2

The Girl Who Runs with the Wolves Are Not For Boys To Love

Hanuel jogged in the campus park.  She was out of breath and more tired than she was earlier.  I’m losing my touch, Haneul told herself and sighed.  She was the fastest, the strongest and she had a very good vision and sense of hearing. Of course her senses were 16 times sharper than an average human.  However, these all changed.  If they bothered catching up with her, they would have caught up.  Her pace had slowed down, her strength was weakening more and more as the days went by.  She used to hear conversations up to a mile away but nowadays it was so inaudible that she did not bother listening to them anymore.  Even though her sight was still intact, she could not see in the dark as well as she did.  This was all due to the fact that she has not morphed to her wolf’s body in two months.  She had been controlling herself to morph, well more likely refusing to do so.  Werewolves who stayed in their human forms more were likely to be more human and werewolves who stayed in their wolf forms more are vicious than the others.   As pups, they were taught to have a balance of both. They should be strong as wolves but compassionate and loving as humans were. 


After losing the people she loved two years ago, she stayed in her wolf form for weeks to months and eventually a year.  She had gotten stronger than the male members of her pack and her temper also got shorter.  There was a time that she was so angry for no reason and ended up hurting an iota of the pack Tao, the epsilon Chanyeol and the zeta Kyungsoo.  The epsilons were non ranking wolves that hunted for the pack; the zetas were wolves that were not appointed to anything.  They were the ones that just follow orders from higher ranking wolves in the pack.  The iotas were pups that just turned into wolves.  Even though they really did not mind the bruises and cuts since werewolves healed faster, Haneul’s heart was heavy with the burden.  She did not like what she had become; a monster.


The following year after her loss, she morphed back into her human form.  Her beauty was out of this world.  She had long raven hair that turns into a navy or purple colour depending on which way the light hit her hair.  She was tall, slender with brown glassy eyes that men would find completely mesmerized by them and quite foxy despite the fact that she was a wolf.  That day she went down from their mansion also known as the Den up in the mountains to the city with an iota Kai, where she drank her sorrow with liquor.  She got very drunk that she had caused a scene by punching the guy who tried to hit on her and then morphed into a wolf.  Suho, Chen and Xiumin, the werewolves were the selsa, delta and gamma who she had always treated as her brothers were always the ones who cleaned up her mess.  Their role was to protect the pack’s identity from the humans and to protect them from themselves.  With the help of their powers, they managed to put the people in the club to sleep and erased their memories of the scene Haneul pulled off.  And since they were from an affluent family, they managed to pay the damages made by their alpha.


And then there was Sehun, the beta and the younger brother of the zeta Kyungsoo.  It was very unusual how the brothers differed from ranking but Sehun’s personality was more dominant than his older brother.  Sehun had always been fond of Haneul.  He was willing to be her punching bag and bull’s-eye target whenever she turned angry.  He always watched her back whenever lesser werewolves would fight for her position.  He was her second right hand that she relied on him from time to time that she never had to watch her back when others want her position.  There was a time that she took Sehun for granted that made Sehun angry towards her and made him want her even more. He wanted her for himself and only himself.


So who was Haneul’s first right hand? Who did she rely on all the time? Who was the reason why she took Sehun for granted? Well it was none other than the omega.




Author's note:

I'm sorry to my subbies for updating this late. I have mentioned in my last update that if my story reaches 10 subbies, then I'd update. However that didn't happen and also no comments. Comments motivate me to be craetive and to update frequently.  Please show me your support and encouragement. Thank you!

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Chapter 2: updated!


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