Drabble 07

You and I

Who is the more cuddly one?

Taemin shuffled downstairs quietly, rubbing his left eye with his left fist. He sleepily shuffled down the hall in search of his boyfriend, who had woken up before him again. Taemin seemed to be sleeping a lot on their honeymoon, just because he was so exhausted all the time from the high amount of times he and Minho made love. His schedule was also a bit messed up, because he had no certain time he forced himself to go to bed and no certain time he had to wake up. So lately, he'd been waking up as late as eleven o'clock while Minho, who was trying his best to actually start sleeping earlier and waking up earlier, woke up as early as seven o'clock sometimes.

Minho was watching an animé on television when Taemin finally found him. He was in their temporary living room in their temporary house in Florida. Minho had rented it for their three weeks they had off for their honeymoon. Taemin sat next to Minho and wiggled his way under Minho's arm, laying on his lap. That was his way of demanding that Minho cuddle with him. Minho did nothing for a moment, hardly noticing Taemin was there. He was drinking coffee and watching the animé carefully as if he was afraid to miss anything at all. Taemin whined and tugged on his shirt. Minho looked down and smiled, finally realizing his husband was laying on his lap.

"Morning, sweetheart." Minho said, giving Taemin a sweet smile. Taemin hummed, too tired to form any words. Minho smiled, amused, and ran his fingers through Taemin's hair. Taemin whined again, and Minho put his coffee down, shifting Taemin in his lap so he could lay down, too. Taemin lay on top of him, now, and Minho held him there, his hair as he continued to watch his animé. Taemin fell asleep again, much more peacefully this time with Minho holding him.

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Chapter 12: This dribble series was absolutely beautiful :) I love how fluffy it was, made the rest of my day :D
KDVega123 #2
Chapter 12: Loooooveeee this!!! Super fluuffffyyyyyy
MinMin_92 #3
Chapter 11: Love this shots, all were really lovely and warm, they really love each other so much, you write so well, congratulations for this awsome fic :)
Chapter 11: These drabbles were sweet and cute, showing snapshots of the couple's lovely lives and leaving it up to imagination to figure out what happened during the times between.
Chapter 11: ah so it's already over T_T i really enjoyed reading these drabbles so i'm kinda sad that this is the last one, haha~ Thanks for writing this! ;u; <3
Chapter 10: i subscribed to this a while ago but i just read everything now and i love this ;u; <3 its so cute and sweet and adorable~
this will be my go-to 2min fluff<3 haha, kinda agree on the Key part lol /runs away and hides
Chapter 8: I really like this story, it's just so fluffy and cute!
Chapter 7: kekekek. the last sentence. kekeke. update.soon please~
Chapter 4: Asggssjdhsbsxja Minho you cute little frog ;-;
poppykisses #10
Chapter 4: This is just the sweetest thing :) :)