Drabble 09

You and I

Who would pay for dates?

"We only have a few days left here." Minho was speaking into the crook of Taemin's neck, his hands roaming Taemin's thighs. He knew if he didn't stop soon, he would get Taemin aroused. It was difficult to pry his hands off the boy.

"Should we go out?" Taemin asked, intertwining his and Minho's fingers so Minho wouldn't start touching him again. "You've been keeping me locked up in here for like two weeks-"

"Hey! I was not locking you up!" Minho protested, but Taemin ignored him.

"-and we just keep on having -"

"Making love!"

"-so I think we should go out." Taemin finished. He pulled a pout onto his lips. "Please, Minho? Please take me out, please, please, please?"

"You don't have to beg." Minho muttered. He drew Taemin in for a kiss. "Go get dressed, I'll grab my wallet."

A/N: So it's been a while. Sorry! I missed writing about Taemin and Minho and all their little adventures. I was actually reading back on this the other day and I realized how horribly written my Key character is. Gosh. I'll probably go back and edit later.

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Chapter 12: This dribble series was absolutely beautiful :) I love how fluffy it was, made the rest of my day :D
KDVega123 #2
Chapter 12: Loooooveeee this!!! Super fluuffffyyyyyy
MinMin_92 #3
Chapter 11: Love this shots, all were really lovely and warm, they really love each other so much, you write so well, congratulations for this awsome fic :)
Chapter 11: These drabbles were sweet and cute, showing snapshots of the couple's lovely lives and leaving it up to imagination to figure out what happened during the times between.
Chapter 11: ah so it's already over T_T i really enjoyed reading these drabbles so i'm kinda sad that this is the last one, haha~ Thanks for writing this! ;u; <3
Chapter 10: i subscribed to this a while ago but i just read everything now and i love this ;u; <3 its so cute and sweet and adorable~
this will be my go-to 2min fluff<3 haha, kinda agree on the Key part lol /runs away and hides
Chapter 8: I really like this story, it's just so fluffy and cute!
Chapter 7: kekekek. the last sentence. kekeke. update.soon please~
Chapter 4: Asggssjdhsbsxja Minho you cute little frog ;-;
poppykisses #10
Chapter 4: This is just the sweetest thing :) :)