Guess What? We're Brothers!


Guess What? We’re brothers!


3. Our siblings. They resemble us just enough to make all their differences confusing, and no matter what we choose to make of this, we are cast in relation to them our whole lives long - Susan Scarf Merrell



“I don’t think it was a good idea to send us here.”


Junmyeon gulps, nodding at Baekhyun’s statement while a drop of cold sweat falls from his forehead. 

The others have decided to send them to the closer gas station to seek for help for the car, considering it was Baekhyun’s fault they had gotten there in the first place, and Junmyeon had spent lot of money already, but the two brothers know it wasn’t a smart move. 


Now, with no one around to be seen and the writing ‘Out 4 Lunch’ written on a big sign in front of their eyes being the only piece of information the two have, the reason becomes obvious.


“So.. what does this mean?” Junmyeon asks, neck stretching, brows furrowed. Besides him, Baekhyun thinks hard. 

“4 is four right.. So this mean they will be back at 4PM?”

“What?” the eldest whines “We can’t wait until 4PM. The others will kill us, Tao is lamenting the hot already.”

Baekhyun lets out a judging sound at those words, he is not going to say it aloud but he hates kids and Tao is definitely not helping with his sneaky comments and whining personality, for how much he resembles Baekhyun himself almost perfectly. He is not going to say that aloud, either. 


“Look, hyung.” he says instead, noticing a little house only a few meters away from the gas station. Considering the closeness of the two places, he almost thinks it’s obvious they have to be related. “That must be the gas station attendant’s place.” 

Junmyeon hums as they start walking to the pretty, old-fashioned house. “Good, we can ask for help. Hopefully, we won’t disturb.” 


Maybe because of their awful English skills, maybe because they just don’t see the sign sanding almost outside the street, but Junmyeon and Baekhyun don’t know that’s not the gas station attendant’s place. 


When they knock on the door, hesitant and looking at each other wearily to decide who should talk, a tall girl opens the door for them. She’s beautiful, beautiful beyond words, with legs longer than half Jumyeon’s body and in fact, the man is staring at a flawless face framed by long, dark hair with his face completely brought up. 


“Hi guys.” the girl greets with a flirty tone, her smile friendly. The two immediately lose their enchanted smiles. 

“What?” Junmyeon turns to Baekhyun, lost, and raises two horrified brows “She called us gays?”

“Do we look gay?” Baekhyun investigates, confused because he doesn’t think Junmyeon looks gay despite his frail frame. He hurries to send the girl a look and pulls off his best confident expression “We’re not gay. We, uhm.. boys?” He doesn’t really know so he opts for miming, showing the now confused girl his arms to let her see his muscles. 


The girl chuckles, her eyebrow furrowed in a curious glance as she moves aside to let them enter. “Come in.” she invites, then turns around to walk, and Junmyeon gasps. Her shorts, shorter than anything the man had ever seen, are tight and revealing, reason why half the girl’s is perfectly into view now. Baekhyun gulps, but Junmyeon is horrified.

“Ok I get it’s hot around here, but doesn’t her father see what his daughter is wearing?”

“Honestly, if he doesn’t care I won’t either.” Baekhyun exclaims with his eyes mesmerized by the flawless figure, almost ethereal, standing at his eyes. The girl winks at him, making Junmyeon roll his eyes briefly. He hurries to remind Baekhyun why they are here, so to wake his brother up from the trance he has fallen into. “Right, right.” Baekhyun snorts, collecting his thoughts in hope to let out a proper English sentence. 


He ends up miming again. A tire, the necessity to pump it, something like that. By the end of his silent monologue, the girl in laughing in a flirty, extremely girly way, hand on and eyes glittering at the fun. Baekhyun feels miserable, but he hopes she has understood.


“Money?” she asks, and at least that, Baekhyun understands. He takes the metallic box Kyungsoo has unwillingly given him and nods, making her beam as soon as she sees the sum. She almost yells in joy, making the two brothers frown, and a moment later she is calling for other girls to reach them. Junmyeon and Baekhyun see other three girls, all flawless, all tall and beautiful, looking excitedly at their direction. 


“How many daughters does this man have?”

“All so damn hot?” Baekhyun supplies, incredulous, but soft as a spineless man with such celestial vision blinking prettily at him. One of them, a pretty blond with eyes as blue as the sky, comes to take his hand then, and he sees another one with red hair is doing the same with Junmyeon, to take them into oblivion.


Obviously, that wasn’t the gas station attendant’s place, but a brothel. 


“I can’t ing believe you two!”


Kyungsoo is more than speechless, two hours later, tire replaced and car okay but $3.400 missing from the famous metallic box, and Baekhyun and Junmyeon have no words to justify themselves. Luhan has offered Tao to sit at the back with him to listen to some of his music with his Beast Sound headphones, in order to prevent him from hearing what is going on in the car. Chanyeol is just as speechless as Kyungsoo for how much he is less aggressive, Sehun is just shocked. Luhan rolls his eyes when Baekhyun, to try saving his , says “I told you it wasn’t a good idea to send the two of us!”

“Doesn’t sound legit enough to spend more than $3.000 to -“

Luhan hurries to take his hands to Kyungsoo’s dangerous mouth while sending the clueless Tao a worried look, then he sends his younger brother a scolding one and Kyungsoo inhales, calming himself as Baekhyun and Junmyeon shiver in horror. They still have red lipstick somewhere on their necks and arms, and Sehun just doesn’t know if to mock them until the last day of his life or join Kyungsoo is scolding them because, really, they screwed them up even more. 


“We’re sorry, okay?” Junmyeon lets out an exasperated sigh, running away from the other’s judging eyes by closing in his shoulders. If you ask him, that hour and half was worth every minute, but thinking it over he hates having been so easy to manipulate. The over seven years as a single man with no time for a relationship have shown themselves in the worst timing possible. 


“Let aside the fact that I can’t ing believe what happened.” Sehun intervenes when it’s clear Kyungsoo is unable to find his words with Luhan staring at him as to steal his soul, well knowing he would like to let out lots of improper words “Do you guys know that not even $1.000 is left now?” 

“We’re not going anywhere with seven people and such a ridiculous sum of money.” Chanyeol helps, and it doesn’t really help, but apparently everyone is trying his best to make Baekhyun and Junmyeon feel even more helpless “We should also go and rest for the night.”

“Well thank you so much Yoda.” Baekhyun says acidly and Sehun sends him a look of ‘You have no right to be like this’ which makes him roll his eyes. 


“We’re in trouble, really. We should look for a cheap hotel to sleep in for the night.” Luhan says, already browsing his phone to look for what is requested, but Kyungsoo sends him a weary look. 

“Let aside tonight, we’re still in Nevada and we have $600, hyung. We can’t go anywhere.”

“Well, Luhan-hyung is rich, no?” Baekhyun butts in animatedly, after an enlightening thought has popped up in his mind and he hopes to switch attention to Luhan. Junmyeon has fallen into a depressive trance, and luckily enough Tao is too busy singing along to Luhan’s music while yelling out how amazing those headphones are to notice. 


“How is this supposed to help?” Luhan asks “I have no money with me, I thought we had enough, really.”

“‘Cause we had.” Sehun mocks with a smiling, evil face, eyes fixed on a dark Baekhyun and an almost crying Junmyeon. Kyungsoo hits the latter with a punch “Stop acting like a depressed prude, you were the one-“ he interrupts himself as he already feels Luhan’s eyes flaming behind him, and shivers “Never mind, just stop.” 

Baekhyun rolls his eyes. “Luhan-hyung, call your secretary and tell him to send money. That’s the only thing we can do.”

Sehun and Chanyeol hums and Kyungsoo has to admit that, despite it coming from Baekhyun’s mouth, it’s a good idea. But Luhan doesn’t agree.


“Impossible.” he states, suddenly small in himself and with his backpack covering half his face. 

“Why?” Sehun asks wearily and now the whole car is looking at him, Baekhyun in particular because hell, he has had a good idea, they should take advantage of that. Luhan simply blushes, murmuring something against the fabric of his bag that sounds as a simple “dsbigyerwslhbiwòpybhs” to his brothers. They all stare, lost, and Kyungsoo has to smile gently to ask him to repeat because he is suddenly so little and scared like a deer in the highlights and it’s kind of adorable.


Luhan notices the worried glances and sighs deeply, ready to repeat in a human language this time.


“I have no cards with me. Kris doesn’t let me keep any because he says I lose them.” 


The long minute of pure silence that follows, exceptionally interrupted by Tao’s obnoxious singing here and there, ends when Baekhyun opens up into a frustrated scream.


“What the hell, hyung? You’re not a kid!” 

He receives a punch on the arm from Kyungsoo, as well. 

“How dare you getting angry at him? It’s your fault we’re in this situation!”

“Why are you getting angry at me only?” Baekhyun replies “It’s Junmyeon-hyung’s fault, too!”

“Because he is not getting angry at Luhan-hyung.” Sehun explains and Kyungsoo snorts, then adds, “And because I’d expect a bit of brain from you. Oh God I can’t believe I’ve said this.”

“Ehm, you guys, I’m still here.” Junmyeon poorly tries to make them notice. Chanyeol is trying to keep calm but internally, he’s sadistically laughing. 


Luhan keeps on pouting meanwhile. He has always hoped that little fact about him would never come to surface to anyone.. ever, and now here he is. He hurries to ask Tao for his phone for a moment, and writes Kris a 400 characters scolding text about the horrible situation his apprehension has put him in. 


Chanyeol is the one who tries to bring peace again, taking a breath and calling for attention with a loud cough.


“It’s pointless to argue, now. We need a solution.” he tells them all simply, with a firm tone Sehun himself is surprised to hear from him. The younger makes a mental note to spend an unforgettable night with his boyfriend, that night. 

Baekhyun, Kyungsoo, Sehun and Junmyeon fall silent, disappointed but still reasoning hard about a possible solution to the huge problem. Luhan is still angrily typing. 


“I know what to do!” Junmyeon suddenly exclaims, jumping from his seat when a big sign on the highway steals his attention. His brothers, plus Chanyeol, follow the path of his eyes and find the big sign too, but for some reasons it doesn’t manage to convince them at all.






So yes, Junmyeon’s brilliant solution to their problems apparently was Las Vegas. 


Like a divine sign hitting Junmyeon when he more needed, the city was just on their way and according to the eldest, they had to take advantage of that. 


“I still don’t know why we’re here.” Kyungsoo says wearily as they enter one of the big, classy casino and the remaining $600 are in Junmyeon’s hands. It’s not surprising no one believes Junmyeon now, but the man looks extremely confident right now and that’s kind of surprising considering his usual depressed self.


“Trust me, I’m a pro. Give me a hour and I’ll gain twice the sum Notary Cha gave us.”

“You mean.. with Poker?” Luhan asks, just one other time, to investigate and try to get the others understand what they are really agreeing to. Junmyeon sends him a bright smile.

“Dad is really good.” Tao supports him, surprisingly, and that makes his uncles even wearier.

“How can we be sure we can trust you?” Kyungsoo points his most severe eyes on Junmyeon and for how scary he looks, Junmyeon gives him thumbs up.


“I guarantee you guys.” 

Sehun sighs while Baekhyun snorts. “I suppose there’s nothing else we can do.” says the youngest.

“We are signing our death sentence.” 

“Don’t be so drastic.” Chanyeol ammonites Baekhyun while Junmyeon waves off their apprehension with a wide grin.


Luhan shrugs with Tao hugging his leg in an intense Koala style, obviously unwilling to let go. “Okay, hyung. We trust you.”

“Big words.” Kyungsoo corrects “But you’re our only chance. Let’s go.”


Junmyeon stops him as soon as he begins to walk towards one of the poker rooms, with a very displeased expression on his face. “Where do you think you’re going?”

“Uhm, playing Poker with you?”

“No way, it brings bad luck to have company.” the eldest shakes his head solemnly, then points a finger to the closest bar “You guys wait there.” 


Tao finally lets go of Luhan and goes bumping punches on his father’s abdomen, whining loudly. “I want to come, too!”

“No, baby, you can’t come in. It’s a place for big people.”

“Well, I’m almost as tall as you.” Tao replies acidly.


“Woooow, okay.” Luhan intervenes when Junmyeon’s pales in a worrying way, then hurries to take Tao by the arm to get him away “Tao, come with uncle Lu, okay? I will buy you ice-cream.”

Tao reasons on the offer for a moment, but melts down at Luhan’s pretty features looking at him with concern. “Okay, can we take lots of photos too, hyung?”

“Sure.” Luhan shrugs simply, and as soon as the little boy follows him with mesmerized eyes, Baekhyun, Sehun and Chanyeol motion Junmyeon to go. The eldest does, leaving for the closest table with a resolute expression on his face. 


Sehun and Chanyeol then decide take advantage of the time they are sure Junmyeon will take to finish his tourney to leave for a beautiful room, with their own money, and finally spend some quality time together. 


Baekhyun, Kyungsoo and Luhan stay at the bar with Tao torturing them with his “I want that.” and “I want this.” and “Baekhyun-hyung, you’re ugly please get out of this photo.”, bringing them at the verge of a mental break-down. Luhan’s own money are drastically draining with all the young boy’s requests, and more than once Kyungsoo ends up arguing with Tao about his immense stubbornness. When he manages to calm the situation down and Kyungsoo takes out a book to read while Tao starts playing Temple Run on his brand new iPhone and Baekhyun suddenly seems busy exchanging flirty glances with the Mexican waiter at the Bar, Luhan hurries to call Kris to calm his own nerves down.


“They are all crazy.” he whispers to his co-worker, unable to believe everything he has quickly told him about their long day has really happened in just one day. Kris, however, kind of finds the whole thing amusing.

“They are your brothers, Lu, what did you expect?”

“Wu Yifan, I swear to all the divine things in this universe that you’re not going to be happy to see me again on Monday.”

“I wouldn’t anyway, even without your silly threats.”


“You wish.”

“Well you.”

“Language, LuLu.”


“LuLu.” Kris repeats, just because he knows how much Luhan hates the nickname.

“Kri-Kri.” Luhan answers back, crossing his arms and with his flaming eyes fixed on an imaginary Kris head not far away from his sight. 

Kris pales. “ you.”

“Language, Kri-Kri.”


And they keep going for at least 10 minutes, with their usual lovely talks that for how absurd could sound to anyone, are exactly what Luhan needs to calm himself down and feel ordinary again. He sends Kris to hell twice before the taller boy from Korea really greets him goodnight, sweet and caring out of the blue and that’s ordinary, too. 


Luhan goes back to his table to notice that Tao has fallen asleep on the couch, phone almost dropping from his lap, and Baekhyun is gone. Kyungsoo is just reading, looking really into the book. ‘Things to do to be successful in life’, Luhan reads, and it makes him smile wearily.


“Where’s Baekhyun?” he asks to get Kyungsoo’s attention, and the younger boy snaps out from his trance at the unexpected voice. 

“Uhm, I think he left with the Mexican dude.” Kyungsoo shrugs.

“He really did?” Luhan widens his eyes, making sure Tao is really asleep before he leans closer to his brother and whispers, horrified “He has ed two girls only this afternoon!”

Kyungsoo sends him a flushed, annoyed look. “Did you see him? He just looks like that kind of boy.” 

Luhan finds himself pouting, finally taking his seat back besides his brother and with his cheeks red at such thoughts. He is 26 but apart from two disastrous relationships in the past years, one of them in high school, to be precise, he considers himself a complete idiot on such topics. 


Kris also thinks it’s better for him to keep his profile low and cold for his job at the magazine, enough to fascinate people with his look but not at the point of making them think of having a chance to get into his pants. Luhan kind of agrees. He knows how to work people out, but he would never date all of the CEOs and models and stylists he needs for the company to get them on his side. He is not a latin lover.. he kind of with love, full stop.


“Baekhyun seems to be a good lover.” he observes then, unsure of how to feel about that, jealous or disgusted. Kyungsoo looks disgusted. “What about you, Kyungsoo?” he then asks.

The younger shrugs, evidently having nothing to say and that takes Luhan off guard. Kyungsoo is pretty, a rare kind of pretty, too, and he is sure people couldn’t help finding him deeply attractive. If he has to be completely honest, Kyungsoo’s features and grumpy personality would have gotten to him, too, if the boy wasn’t his brother. 


Luhan makes sure to remind himself of that important detail, now and then.


“Uhm, that’s all? A shrug?” he investigates further, and Kyungsoo blushes when he looks up to meet his eyes.

“I like being alone.” 

Luhan has to hold back a laugh. “Yes, I can see that.”


The younger brother makes an embarrassed face, kind of sorry he doesn’t find himself able to hold that conversation some more, as usual. Luhan keeps gentle eyes on him until he takes that book with the absurd title and probably even more absurd content away from his hands. 


Kyungsoo stares at him questioningly. 

“You don’t need such books to learn how to live, Kyungsoo.” the older says “No one does.”

“My boss gave me.” Kyungsoo murmurs, ending up with his chin on his palm and with his cheeks flushed “He apparently thinks I do.”

“How can a book teach you something like this? Life is like cooking, the best dishes are those we make by adding a bit of ourselves.” 


Luhan smiles softly, closing the book and motioning to his younger brother to put it away. When Kyungsoo does and then looks at him again, softened, Luhan lets out a little sigh. “My mother used to say that. She was an amazing woman.”

“She.. was?”

“She died of cancer seven years ago.”  Luhan explains, and he can’t believe how sorrowful his voice still sounds when he says those words aloud. Kyungsoo startles, his stomach writhing in uncomfortableness at seeing the kind man like that, the softest person he has ever met in his own life. He only manages to bring a hand to Luhan’s shoulder, holding it tight for support, and holds his breath when Luhan unconsciously leans closer. 


“I’m happy to have found you.” Luhan whispers “You guys are strange and sometimes scary and some of you managed to make me angry after not even a day but.. I missed having a family.” 


It’s enough for Kyungsoo to feel stuck, unexplainably happy, guilty for having always been so hard on that situation. He suddenly wants to be Luhan’s family with all his heart for real, and realizes no one could disappoint such an unique, soft-hearted person. His hands slides on his brother’s shoulders until he is hugging him, and Luhan chuckles there besides him.


“See? You don’t need a book.”

Kyungsoo can’t help a shy smile himself. “I’m learning.”

“You’re doing good.”


They spend a long time like that, exchanging simple words about each other’s lives and when Baekhyun, Sehun and Chanyeol are done with their affairs, they join them, light-hearted as they notice the sudden softness their brothers are offering them. Even when Tao wakes up, lamenting the need for a bed and more important, for food, the nice atmosphere doesn’t get destroyed.


Junmyeon comes back and destroys it, though. 


“Appa!” Tao screams as he spots the man, running into his arms with a wide smile as he notices how satisfied Junmyeon looks. The other five rushes to Junmyeon’s side, too, questioning and hopeful eyes set on him, and Junmeyon starts nodding all by himself.

“I told you I was a pro.” he exclaims, making Baekhyun squirm. 

“This means you’ve won, hyung?”

“I made my $600 become $12.000 in less than a hour.” the eldest proudly explains, making everyone cheer loudly “There was me and this Italian dude at the final table, he had three time my money but my chances to win were three times more, too.” he starts telling them “I practically had victory in my palms, there were no ways I could have lost.”


“I can’t believe I doubted you.” Baekhyun exclaims then, hands going to wrap around Junmyeon’s arm.

“Let aside the game, hyung, how much did you win?” Sehun asks impatiently, and then’s when Junmyeon’s face falls.


“I had a Full, I go all-in and I think that’s it, you , I go home with almost $20.000 and you go yourself.”

“Aaaaand?” the others chants for him.

“And that had a ing royal flush!”


Junmyeon throws his face in his palms with such desperation the others pale, Tao included, and it’s not much later that Kyungsoo finds himself holding his eldest brother from his shirt.


“What does this mean? Have you lost all of our money, hyung, have you?!” 

Luhan tries to get Kyungsoo down but as soon as he manages to, Baekhyun takes the short boy’s place and shakes Junmyeon by his collar. “Hyung!”

“Yes, okay? I’m sorry, I don’t know what to say.” Junmyeon almost cries “No one ever win with a royal flush, no one manages to get a royal flush!”

“My ing God.” Kyungsoo hisses, incredulous and speechless for the second time that day. Chanyeol and Sehun are shaking their heads helplessly.

“Dad,” Tao whines, incredulous himself “How could you? You promised us all to win!” 


Luhan watches as Junmyeon’s expression fall even more and has to admit he feels kind of sympathetic even though the situation is really unbelievable. Then, a thought hits him.


“Junmyeon-hyung, you said that guy had three times your money..” he begins wearily “How did you pay your debt?”


Everyone’s heads goes from looking from Luhan to Junmyeon, who sighs miserably. “I told him I had anything else to give him but..”

And the silence that follows gives the others a few minutes to realize the problem.


“You gave dad away?!” they all scream in unison, while Tao starts crying and his father verses in no better conditions.


“Are you ing insane?” Sehun accuses “Without that urn no one is going to get his inheritance!”

“Do you think I didn’t know? He could have killed me!” 

Baekhyun is once again going to attack his shirt while hissing a loud, “Oh I’m sure no one would miss you.” when Luhan and Chanyeol grabs his t-shirt and pull him back in place. 


“Calm down everyone, now.” Luhan commands, firm and serious, and manages to get all the others fall into an intense silence “We obviously have to do something to get dad back, so stop going crazy and let’s reason.” 

“How do you think we can pay our debt without a penny, exactly?” Sehun asks with sarcasm, and receives a slap on his head from Kyungsoo for that. 


“I’m trying to think about it.” Luhan replies calmly, motioning for them all to do the same with an expectant glare that brings even Junmyeon to obey. 

They seem hopeless, they really do, but then something hits Baekhyun and he pumps a fist on his palm in delightfulness.


“Oh no.” Kyungsoo says already.

“I’ve got it!” Baekhyun exclaims, and it makes them all foresee trouble already.






“So this is your exceptional, brilliant, infallible idea?” Luhan asks, a mix of defeated and horrified as he looks at himself at the mirror, and Baekhyun snorts besides him.

“You forgot ingenious, hyung.” 


Luhan turns around to glare, so intensely Baekhyun is admittedly shivering. 


“You’ve got to be kidding me.”

“No.” the younger states firmly, closing his eyes with nonchalance and then going to admire Luhan’s glamorous figure again.


He looks like the most beautiful girl Baekhyun has ever seen, with a y red dress glowing on his fair skin, revealing his defined back but covering his manly legs and private parts perfectly. The wig they have chosen fits his naturally pretty face, with elegant bangs and a classy chignon giving him a royal appearance, while a pearly necklace and earrings comple the perfect picture together with the make-up Baekhyun has accurately put on. 


“Nothing’s better than a to undress a man of his everything.”  


Luhan’s glare intensifies at those words. “I’m not a .”

“But you’re playing one.” Baekhyun shrugs, then hurries to get his older brother out of the room with nothing of himself left on and his dignity long forgotten.


As soon as they meet the others, the expressions forming on everyone’s face make Luhan become as red as his dress. 


Junmyeon has his eyes out of their orbs, looking like a fish out of the water; Chanyeol is gulping and Sehun verses in no better conditions, the sight of Luhan in that way being too much even more two boyfriends like them; Kyungsoo is frozen, unblinking, throat dry. 

Tao has his eyes glittering. “Uncle! You look so gorgeous!”

“You actually look more than that.” Chanyeol says honestly, receiving a slap on his arm from Sehun even though he knows the younger agrees. 


Luhan is still red and fuming with anger, but Baekhyun proudly stands besides him with hand on his hips. “What did I tell you guys? This is infallible, he will steal that dude’s sanity away with a glance.”


It takes other five minutes for Junmyeon, Chanyeol, Sehun and Kyungsoo to gain their own sanity back, and that doesn’t help Luhan feeling less miserable about the absurd situation. If Kris ever comes to know about this, he won’t be able to look at himself in the mirror ever again. 


Baekhyun snaps him out from his trance by pulling his arm. “Let’s go, hyung. We’ve got no time to waste.” He drags the poor older boy along and that manages to awaken the others, too, following them until the bar where the Italian guy is drinking while Luhan stutters. 

“Wait-Wait, what am I supposed to do? I-I don’t want that dude to touch me!”

“Come one, don’t be a prude now.” Baekhyun scolds “You just have to get into his room, then do whatever you want, punch him, whatever. Just take our urn out.”


Luhan reasons over his words, still highly uncomfortable because well.. he is acting like a , and a female one, too. 


“I hate you, Baekhyun, you know that right?” 

“You will thank me when we’ll have our dad back. Also, call your hot secretary and tell him to come here because there’s no other way we can gain some money back at this point.”


Luhan resists the urge to send his newly found brother to hell and bites his perfectly glossed lips, shivering as soon as Junmyeon points to the guy he is supposed to get. 


“There, the big one.” 


The dude is big, Luhan notices, as big as a closet, and is fat and kind of disgustingly looking too. Judging from the way he is treating the waiters and some of the people around him, he is disgusting inside, too, or at least, he is drunk.


“He looks drunk.” Sehun voices his thoughts wearily “He is big but if you make him drink some more, he’ll fall asleep with a kick on his shin.”

“And remember to be flirty, hyung.” Baekhyun helps, receiving a death glare from Luhan that makes him shiver again so he backs up a little.


Kyungsoo hesitantly pats his bare shoulder then, gulping at his gorgeousness but trying to sound supportive and convincing. “I’m sorry you have to do this. If it helps.. you look really pretty.” 

“Pft, he looks like a ing y bomb.” Tao scoffs besides him, and Junmyeon widens his eyes in horror at that.

“Tao! Who taught you such words?”


“Uhm, you actually.” Sehun snorts “Earlier, after your ridiculous Poker experience.” 


Luhan ignores them all, finds a bit of strength in Kyungsoo’s genuine smile and takes a deep breath. 


He walks to his target with a sudden elegance, already in character for the win, and that takes everyone aback. He works in fashion and Luhan supposes that’s how he manages to find that all easy to do. Elegance is the first thing they all seek for in models, and he has spent the last six years of his life working with models. 


He tries to ignore all the looks he is getting from the people around the bar, even some whistles, and walks felinely to the Italian guy already looking his way with wide opened eyes, his heart beating a bit too fast. 


From their position, everyone startles at the sound of a click that wakes them all from the trance Luhan has made them fall into.


“Baekhyun, what are you doing?” Kyungsoo investigates as the boy smirks at his phone.

“Taking a photo of that gorgeousness. I think it needs to be immortalized.”

Sehun snorts. “You’re not going to let him forget about this, are you?”

“Absolutely not.” 


Meanwhile, Luhan has already reached the guy, flashed him an elegant smile and asked if he could take a seat with him only a glance, louder than any word. The guy looks dumbfounded, staring at Luhan as he sits down nonchalantly and then flutters his long eyelashes open, eyes fixing on him. Luhan has to hold back a laugh as he notices the guy looks like he can’t believe he has chosen him, and he is not the only one. 


“Can I keep you company?” he asks then, in his best girly yet y voice, and he sees the dude gulping besides him. A moment later, the big boy opens up into a mortifying laugh.

“I’m sorry baby doll, you look wonderful but I fear I’m not interested in taking you home.” 


As Luhan widens his eyes, embarrassed, the guy sneaks an arm around his shoulders and leans closer to whisper a funny and vodka-smelling “I like , you know.” before he laughs loudly by himself and stands up to leave Luhan there, dumbfounded, incredulous. 


The others stare at the scene unblinkingly, questioning eyes going to set on Luhan and Luhan only answers with a death glare going to find Baekhyun which clearly says nothing more than a simple, “You’re ing death, Byun Baekhyun.”


And Baekhyun shivers.










Okay really I can't with Junmyeon always being the unfortunate one XD

Uhm.. I'm not sneaking Hansoo into this, really, I'm not..

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Chapter 5: I like this story very much .. just a little Krishan and brotherhood SuLuBaekSooHun hahax it's soo cute
Aww this story is so cute! :) The brothers make such a great family, i loved their relationship with each other! and lol poor junmyeon and all his unluckiness though! hehe and i enjoyed all the little bits of krishan and chanhun ^_^
AsianCupcake #3
Chapter 3: I seriously can’t stop laughing at this absolutely funny family. I love them all and my goodness, Baekhyun is just so silly and Tao, I think he’s my long lost brother in here because he’s my spirit animal. No words can explain how much I love this fan fiction so much. It seriously makes me scream and makes me cry. I just, really really really love love love it.
Chapter 5: It's a pity there's no kailu since it's a not hansoo though ;; I really miss your kailu fics. ;;;;;;
Chapter 5: ohmygod I love this fic, it's kinda sad and so sweet based on the brothers' relationships, it's amazing to see how five strangers and be a beautiful family in a few days, and grow closer each day- ;;;;;;;; I love this so much! Great job ;; i cri-
Chapter 4: this chapter is so sweet I'm suffering from diabetes lol-
Chapter 3: omfg- I pity junmyeon so much but I'm laughing- LOVE THIS.
haeri0610 #8
Chapter 5: Well, what should I say?
This story is Daebakkkk...

Nan choha :)
Chapter 5: Nya~~ kkkyaaa~~ jdhudcb~~~ that's it, it's compleeeete~~ :D :( I want more :)

Ahaa xD Baek is a reactive child xD he can be so silly xD and Tao.. What a girl!
It's kindda a miracle that they've reached their destination xD happily, they did xD so much feels! XD
BROMANCEEEE~~~~ :D hansoo's brmance is so cute! I'm sure they could have an affair [when Kris is far away in a buisness trip and Lu feels alone ^^ xD] oh and who did Baek meet?? ^^ if you know what I mean xD
Baek and sehun are so witty xD they passed pro in the art of annoying Lu xD
I come back on the Krishan scene because it was so good xD yeah, so I liked [a bit too much] how naturally they switched to chinese. It's like they entered their own bubble, something that's between them~ and somehow, Lu fights back, but now really Kris' "hug" but only because he wants to strangle Baek and Sehun. So he's totally ok being near Kris. Nyyaaa~~

It was a nice conclusion, LWM :) *feeeeels~~* the horns and the moustache [the moustache is pure denial, I'm sure!!] was well thought! Really, a punch in the somehow serious mood :D

Thank youuu~~
wishful_promises #10
Chapter 5: Adorable Brotherly Hansoo as ever, and Tao has grown on me :3 Sehun and Baekhyun are just something, aren't they? xD Also, KRISHAN. I adore all these rare pairs something fierce.

The family situation overall was just so heartwarming, and the end just made everything come to a close perfectly. Your stories are wonderful, Hansoo or no, and I really do mean it.