My Stupid Crush


"Argh! Why am I thinking about him all the time?"

"She likes me too? Really? REALLY?"

"Meh. He's not my style anyway."


Song Mirin,

the one that likes- no, loves Baekhyun since she was 10;

attend the same school and same class with Bakehyun since primary one.

Stalker sometimes.


Byun Baekhyun,

secretly loves Mirin back without letting her know.

A stalker too, he likes her too much that he has her pictures

on his room wall.

Theres once when he said that Minjung is his crush and Mirin got mad.


Park Minjung,

Mirin's best friend.

 A kind girl to everyone in the class.

Hates Baekhyun because he annoys her but still talks to him.




Aye. I'm back with a new story. I deleted the previous one cause I had no idea what to write about. v.v /shot/ ANYWAY, this story is based on my life. It's a story about me, my BFF and ahemcrushahem. And ma friends too <33

So technically, the students in the class thought that Minjung and Baekhyun suit each other and they keep teasing them like saying that they're dating or they're together(like couples ya know). Then there's a time when they were all primary four and teacher arranged the seats and Mirin and Baekhyun say side by side. Baekhyun was annoying to her that time then a few a weeks later, she realized that she likes him and thinks about him all the time. Minjung knew about it and she doesn't care. And now, Minjung was the one that keep teasing Mirin.

Well in real life, Baekhyun doesn't like Mirin back I guess.. /creys 10ever/

Thanks for stopping by! c:


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ilabya50 #1
Chapter 1: Aaaah he calles her kitty... Thats so cute!! Cx
Aw~Update soon. Author-nim I am so excited.