Bad Start

The Fat and The Furious

Soo Jin stared at the man across her, her glare wanting to pierce right through his thick skull. She clenched her fists together, and for the first time, she forgot about her craving for chocolate.

"Argh!!" She yelled as she started to fling herself at him.

"Noona! I told you to stop!" Jungkook held her back with struggle-- after all, my mother was at least eighty kilos. Of course, he would've alomst been crushed. Uncle Jungkook is still really, really thin.

"No! No! No no no no no! Let me at him Jungkook! This puny little quarter pounder just called me a biaaattchhh!"

"... Did you just call me a quarter pounder?" Her opponent glared back, his eyes matching hers.

"You got a problem with it? Huh?"

"Yes I fackin do! You... You -faced Big Mac Combo!"

"OH NO YOU DIDN'T JUST--- Come on Jungkook! Lemme at him!"

Her opponent smirked and charged toward her like a bull seeing red. But he frowned as he saw that he wasn't getting any closer. Like, at all.

"What the-- guuyyyss! MOVE! Or I will finish you all off before that girl even finishes eating her cupcake!!" He pointed at Sora, who immediately shielded her precious cupcake from the 'rude' stares of the strange men.

"Hey, don't bring the cupcake into this," she reasoned, waving them away so that they can continue with their battle.

"That's right bro, don't bring the cupcake in this convo. Dude, you need to take a chill pill," his friend, Jin, pulled him back. "I mean, she's still a girl and you gotta remember our rule was to never ever hit girls so--" He stopped abruptly as a palm collided in his face. Jin looked up to see his buddy #2, who goes by the name V (as they called  him back in the day), standing there, his grin stretching from ear to ear.

"... I think I just broke that rule," he pulled a face, then paused. To which he threw his head back and cackled loudly.

"That boy has issues," their leader commented as he watched him giggling and skipping off like a little girl.

Suga breathed in heavily, steam coming out of his ears. "I DON'T CARE IF SHE'S A ING WOMAN, SHE RUINED MY $128 WHITE KANYE WEST T-SHIRT. SHE DESERVES TO DIE!" He struggled as his friends pulled him back. "JUNGKOOK, COME HERE. NOW. WHY THE ARE YOU STANDING THERE LIKE A TALL IDIOTIC TREE?! HELP ME OUT HERE!"

"Wait wait wait, hold up," Sora suddenly butted in, extending one hand out to tell them to shut up and keep quiet while she holds her cupcake in another hand. "Jungkook. You mean to tell me-- no, us-- that you... you know this bum?"

V suddenly reappeared, the expression of his face mirroring the shock of a Mean Girl. "Guurrl, you do not mean to tell us that you know those two, do you?" he snapped his fingers-- real diva-like (he still does, just in case you're wondering), no kidding.

Soo Jin stopped for a moment and stood up straight to look at Jungkook, also curious of his answer.

The young boy sighed as he realized that everyone had turned quiet and the attention was all on him.

Insert cricket noises here.

He let out a long, hard sigh and looked at the two opposing groups. "Okay," he grunted as a start. He faced Soo Jin first, reasoning that since she just came back from a two year 'elope' to America, she should know what was going on. "Noona, these are my friends and my..." He looked over his shoulder reluctantly and saw V trying to Jimin's elbow. He internally facepalmed himself and looked at his leader, who 'happened' to be standing there, all cool and suave. He nodded and gave a small smile to Jungkook to engcourage him for what he has to say next. "... and my uh... gang," he finished, almost hesitantly.

"Gang? Pfft. Friends, alright. But... gang? No ing way Hosea, this ain't a gang," she nodded over at J-Hope, who happened to be picking his nose right in front of them. She looked Jungkook in the eye, confused yet throughly amused at the same time. "Jungkook, where in the flying rabbit possum's poop do you find these kinds of people? Gosh, they're like, a whole new species of human."

Jungkook sighed, not exactly expecting her reaction to be like this. He imagined her throwing a fit and getting all angry at him-- but no. Guess he'd been hanging around a certain hyung of his too much to expect that kind of outburst. "They're not all that bad, I swear noona, just-- just let me... let me introduce them to you," he looked at her, his eyes almost pleading.

Mum always keeps on telling me, that whenever he does that, it makes her wanna grab a frying pan and smash his head into it for over a thousand times because-- and I quote: How could a ty little of a human be so adorable?

Jungkook took her silence as a reluctant willingness for him to continue. He smiled widely. "Okay, okay," he gushed. "Noona, this is first of all, out leader," he pointed to the man who was holding back his friend, known at the time as the 'raging bull'. He gave a small wave and smiled handsomely. "His name is--"

"RapMon," he cut off as he extended his hand out to them. Soo Jin managed a tight smile before reluctantly shaking his hand. "Pleased to meet you," he said in perfect English.

"Pleasure," she replied back in English, not bothering to hide the look of suspicion in her face.

"Psst. Jin," Sora whispered into her best friend's ear. "Remember, do not trust men who speak English, okay? Especially if he's a Korean man."

"Right," Soo Jin whispered back. "Especially if he's a man."

"Mm-hmm. Especially if he's the prince of Jotunheim."

"Right-- wait what? What's a... Oh, Sora, stop with the Thor stuff, or I swear, I will steal that cupcake."

"... You want it?" She looked up at her friend, truly unmotivated to eat.

Soo Jin deadpanned as she looked back and forth from her friend's face to the cupcake. "What the-- you haven't even eaten half of it!"

"Yeah, but I'm full!" her best friend whined, extending the cupcake out, insisting for her to just go ahead and eat the bloody thing. "Besides, I practically feel myself getting fat already!"

"You twig. You call yourself fat already?"

"Yeah because--"


Soo Jin paused as she looked around her, just realizing that their volume just got louder. She shook her head and looked at her friend, her face as offended as the cupcake. She snatched the cupcake out of her hands. "I'll give it the love it deserves," she spat as Sora chuckled and shook her head, amused by her best friend's behaviour.

"What were they doing?" RapMon leaned over to Jungkook, who squinted his eyes and observed the situation.

"It seems to me... that they were previously arguing about a cupcake," he shuffled just the tiniest bit closer and narrowed his eyes a bit more to further assess the situation. "Hmm... knowing noona, they are, in fact, arguing over a cupcake."

"Uh-huh," RapMon nodded, bothered by the fact that he didn't find any of this weird. At all. It seemed as if things like this happened to him everyday. "So... how long have you know this woman for?"

Jungkook lit up and momentarily bounced-- yes, bounced-- in excitement. "Okay, to answer your question, lemme just go over and introduce her. Properly this time. I swear, she's not as bad as you think."

The young boy cleared his throat loudly to get his friends' attention. "Okay so... before I finish introducing you guys to this lady, I just first of all, want you to meet my noona." He smiled widely as he latched onto her arm like an excited preschooler latching onto their guardian.

"Wait," one his friends spoke up. "I thought you said that you were an only child, Jungkook."

"Meh well, long story short, she saved my life when I was a kid and we've been as close as siblings can possibly be since then." He smiled then waved the thought away. "But this is... This is my Soo Jin noona, guys."

"This is your Soo Jin noona?" J-Hope spoke up, somewhat shocked. Jungkook nodded happily at the question. "Oh ," he fixed his beanie. "We got off to a bad start. My name is J-Hope." He bowed 90 degrees to them, well aware that Soo Jin was older than most in the group. "It's nice to finally meet you."

Sora gave him a judging look, examining him up and down with a slight scowl on her face. "Who is he to judge me?" she mumbled to herself. "How do you even know if it's nice to meet me? I'm a . Capital B for that."

"V," another said.

"Excuse me, what?" Soo Jin leaned in, thinking that she heard wrong.

V looked at her as if she was the one who was slightly mentally retarded. "II pprreeffeerrr ttoo bbee ccaaallleddd Veeeee," he said, stretching out his words and speaking in a loud voice, as if he was talking to someone who had an inability to hear.

Soo Jin and Sora looked at him as if he had two heads. And to be honest, I bet meeting Uncle V for the first time, he might as well have three heads. "Well okay," Soo Jin muttered. "Moving on."

"My name is Jin," the next one bowed.

"Hey, you have the same name as me!!" Soo Jin exclaimed, a bit too enthusiastic. "High five!"

"Ouch!!" Jin yelled in pain as he felt a heavy falm almost literally envelop his cheeks and collide with his face.


V cackled like a wild dog behind them, clutching his stomach due to the lack of breath.

"I'm sorry. Really really sorry," Soo Jin apologized.

"No no, it's... it's fine, Jungkook's noona. It was only... it was only my face," he smiled painfully while turning the other way. "I think I might cry," he whispered to himself.

"Heyy, I'm Jimin," he put out a palm for a high five as he was accustomed to whenever he met someone, but instantly withdrew it as he looked over at Jin. "Ehehe, sorry you might uh... you might miss my hand."

"On purpose," Sora coughed.

Soo Jin smiled at all of them, avoiding eye contact for the last person. "Okay so... it was nice to meet you all, but unfortunately, I have to run and take Jungkook with me soo--"

"But noona," Jungkook interrupted as she was pulling him away. "You haven't met my other hyung."

"Yeah,"  her opponent stepped up. "His favourite hyung."

Soo Jin paused and frowned deeply. "You know what Jungkook? How about you introduce me to him, after I eat his bones?"

"My... bones?" he glared. "Why you big assed er--"

"Yeah," Soo Jin spat. "Because at your size, there would be nothing to eat except bones."

"But with your size," he struggled as he was being held back by his friends-- yet again. "We could feed all of North Korea! The kids would be so full, and what's even better is, you won't even be alive!"

"Woah woah woah," Jungkook stepped in. "Don't bring the kids of North Korea in this argument. I really apologize for his temper, noona." He turned to Soo Jin. "He's almost always like that, but I swear, he's not that bad once you get to know him. His name is--"

"SUGAA!" he yelled out before Jungkook could say any more. "My name is Suga, and it is not ing nice to meet you."

"The feeling is mutual you ugly little Quarter Pounder."

Suga's face turned purple(seriously bro, his face was wayyy past the red anger stage. It's purple now.) in anger, and as he was about to lunge forward and make his attack, a hand cut him off.

"Waaiit, hang on a minute," Sora cut off again. "So, your name is Suga, and... and what did you say your name was again?"

"Me?" RapMon pointed to himself.


"... RapMon...?"

"SEE! That's-- that's a weird name. It's kinda exotic you know like, does it have some sort of Mediterrenean origin or from the South West or maybe it has like, some sort of meaning--"

"It stands for Rap Monster."

Sora deadpanned as she looked at all of them. "What the hell is with all of your weird names? I have no idea why a parent would call their children Suga, Rap Monster or... or V!"

"Well umm..." J-Hope started, not exactly knowing how to explain, yet getting cut off again.

"A-and you too! Why in the world would yo' momma call you J-Hope?!"

"The thing is..." he tried again, raising his volume so that he can be heard over her voice. "They're not our real names, yeah?" He nodded to see if she was following along. "We use them because we don't want others to know our real names... and also to look cool." He whispered the last part and chuckled to himself.

Soo Jin chuckled at her best friend as she made an 'O' shape with . It was practically the. Most. Obvious thing. Evarr. "Sora, your brain isn't functioning properly. You should eat more."


Okay. And so this was how mum and dad met. Obviously, it isn't the most attractive way to meet because seriously, who in the world gets married to someone who spills hot chocolate all over their $128 white Kanye West t-shirt? Tsk tsk tsk.

But what did I say? This is not some cliche story. Mum's always had it hard way, and she takes it on well.

At the time, mum said that she thought that this Suga daddy boy would be someone she would hate till the end of eternity.

But apparently, she thought wrong.

They had no idea that this was, in fact, not the start of a war, but the start of something beautiful.


"Hey hey. Psst. Hey Jin."

"Mmm. What?"

"How about I change my name to A?"




"Okay, how about C?"

"... Sora, go to sleep."


"... D?"





For me personally, I think that this is a really, really, really weird chapter. Like seriously, I was running thin on motivation, so I had to freewrite. So everything on this screen is the stuff that go through the top of my head. Yeah you caught me, i don't have a plot outline written for it yet plz dont kill meehhh.

Again, lemme just thank my new subbies. I think I'll be doing this for every chapter now for my new subbies because I do not have time to thank through your wall.

Here goes :D :








StalkerOfSehun (nice to see you here bro (☞゚∀゚)☞)


(☞゚∀゚)☞ kpopboybands (mehehe <3 you are awesome)

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taejunghyung #1
please update! :)
Chapter 7: Ouh mannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn SooJin I love you coz you keep patient over the girl mocking about you !!!!! Seriously ~

V and J-Hope ... well ... they're always weird after all XDD
WhySoSerious_Icicle #3
Chapter 7: Hahahahaha, omg, this is one hell of a story, I really can't see how they fell in love! I mean, maybe we're a long way from when they even began to be friendly to each other, but I can't imagine it yet, I can't even imagine them in the same room without cursing at each other hahahaha. So anyways, amazing story you're writing here, and know always that we'll wait for you to update, don't worry about that. Hmmm, that situation happened to me not too long ago you know? I lacked the motivation for everything and I was too stressed by the exams… once they finished I could loosen up a bit, and I had to rest of everything just for a while because I was too sick of everything hahaha, so don't worry, keep going on, it'll pass soon and I'll be waiting patiently for whenever you can update.
Btw, I'm a HUUUUUUGE Otaku *^* I can't believe Naruto is going to end already though hahaha. See ya~
DeadHearts #4
Chapter 5: Man....Soo Jin sounds a lot like my sister. Well, not as hotheaded, but her attitude toward her weight is exactly the same! Haha. :D
anne2231 #5
When are you updating????
Chapter 6: Oh my God this story is hilarious xD
I'll be here waiting for your next update! ^^
Just by reading the title I already laughed I mean I cracked up bcs the idea was really smart. And knowing that this story delivers the plot in a new and fresh way just got me more excited to read this story. lol i haven't even read the first chapter. gonna enjoy it soon!
93yogurt #8
Hello! This is the best story I've read! I kept re-read the story even though it's not completed yet. I hope you can write stories like this (with comedy).

P.S. I really love your writing and your sense of humor :)