

There was something about Jung Daehyun that made many people keep their distance. He rarely made eye contact, rarely spoke to anyone. He didn't fit in, he didn't belong. He was adamant he was one of a kind - if only he knew.


Jung Daehyun

No one really knows much about Daehyun, he just turned up outside the school gates one day and that was it. He keeps himself to himself, gets average grades and spends the majority of his time in the cafeteria, alone. He does nothing in his spare time, or people haven't seen him around. It's not that he's terribly insulting, rather, people just can't help but distance themselves from him. He's different,  not normal.


Yoo Youngjae

Yoo Youngjae, the star pupil. He doesn't socialise with other people apart from his select group of friends. Born and raised just North of Seoul, his family run a local restaurant. Form what everyone can see - he lives an ordinary life. He's far more intelligent  than the average student but no one ever sees him actually, well, working. He sits outside with his group, crowded on one bench, he never carries around books yet has the top grades. It startles people.


Moon Jongup

Moon Jongup is one half of the younger pair in the group. A schools sports specialist, he's one of the most sociable out of the lot. He talks a lot,  is completely obsessed if his hair looks OK and tends to gain a lot of female attention. His grades in academic studies aren't so good but when it comes to sport, he's first in almost anything he competes in. He walks home with Junhong, hangs out with, Junhong and spends the rest of his free time - with Junhong.


Choi Junhong

Fashion-concious Junhong makes  up the younger team. Another average student, there's nothing particularly 'special' about him. He's an all rounder. Minus the fact he stands a good few inches taller than everyone else. Single handedly the most 'popular' member of the most closed off 'clique' in the academy, he's been seen hanging around with a couple of other people, a shock to the system for some.


Kim Himchan

Kim Himchan graduated last year and now has a part time job in a bar. He, alongside Yongguk meet the other 4 after school hours. His loud-mouthed and very straightforward. If he doesn't like something, he'll let you know. On top of that, he's also sarcastic and inappropriate at times. Nonetheless, the group wouldn't be the same group without him. He's considered the mother of the group.


Bang Yongguk

Bang Yongguk is the eldest and therefore, the father of the group. He looks after everyone, makes sure they're ok. He works in the kitchen of the bar which Himchan works at. To everyone, he's an ordinary young man with a average wage job whose just trying to sort himself out. That's far from it. He has a nice apartment, he can afford whatever he needs; the job is to keep suspicious low. So far - it's working.


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Chapter 3: oooohh daehyun as pokemon!!!!!!!
Chapter 3: I'm glad Jae was able to approach him! Dae will learn about it now and I hope me too haha xD it was very interesting, thank you
alicedivergent #3
Chapter 2: Aww please update it getting interesting
Chapter 2: ohhh so do all of them have special powers or only a few?