

Aish! I can't believe I'm lost! Where are they anyway? That doesn't matter now! Where the heck am I?

What the hell! "Ou,ou,ou!!!" I get Hit by a freaking....god dammit... A Ball!!!

"Ya! Who threw this ball!" I yelled angerly at no one in particular, of course there's no one.

I'm in an 'empty' park and a ball just randomly hits me! Aish! So frustrated!

"Mianhi! Did the ball hit you to?" I looked behind and saw a little girl, no more than six or seven years old, wearing a white dress just below her knees and had her hair down and had white pear of flats.She looked cute, but I am not a pedo bear!

"Did you throw this ball?" I kneeled down in her level and polightly asked her, she's still a kid anyway, she shyley nodded " I'm sorry I hit you with the ball, but I'm trying to get a good angle" why is she trying to get a good angle when she already has so much strength in throwing it.

"It's alright but don't throw to hard, okay?" She nodded and politely ask her ball back, I gave her the ball and stood up. Their was no one else at the park except for her and me "where are your parents?" She shrugged and said "I don't know." 


"YOUR SAYING YOU DON'T KNOW WHERE YOUR PARENTS ARE AND YOUR PLAYING HERE ALL BY YOUR SELF WITHOUT ADULT SUPERVISION?!?!?!?" What the hell is she thinking?! She's only six or seven years old and she's just saying she doesn't know where her parents are? Where the hell are her parents? I need to sue them for leaving a seven year old by herself! 

I calmed down when I felt a tug on my pants no looked down, " I don't know where they are," of course you don't yo-"But they said I would be joining them soon" good, but who's they?

"What about I play with you until they come to pick you up" at least do something to wait for those stupid idiots to come and find me, oh wait "Kid, what's your name?" I asked her as we made our way to the play ground "My name's Ji rae, what about you?" Ji rae, if only was yong, we would have the same name "My names Jiyong, where are we by the way?" I would like to know where I am so I can tell my idiot members to pick me up "Where in xxxxxx" I took out my phone and made a masegge to Bae knowing he was driving "Thanks"

when we got to the playground Jirae ran full speed, dropping the ball, and headed to the swings, I chuckled as she played by her self, but when you look at it, it looks like a broken doll.

I frowned, she's not a broken doll, she seems bright and happy, but I'm still curious of where her parents are and who are 'They' recalling from what She said, she was going to be with them soon, that's good.

I joined her on the swings and we talked about ourselves, it turned out that they were the doctors and she doesn't remember her parents! What the hell is wrong the kids life!. I told her about me as a kpop star as G-Dragon from Big Bang and I was shocked, not just because she didn't know Big Bang (which still got me a bit sad) but the fact that she doesn't know Kpop!

"I don't know it because I only like to read, I'm sorry I don't know, but I'm sure unnie knows you guys" ummie might be her sister or her doctor, still don't understand why she has one. We talked more and it was nearly dawn, Jirae looked up at the sky and looked like she just thought of something "What is it?"

she smiled and said "I remember now where omma and appa are now" That's good I thought oh how wrong Was I "Doctor Unnie said that they were in a place called heaven and that I would be joining them soon" ........


"T-that's a j-joke r-r-right?" Please... Please say its a joke..."Why would I be joking?" T-that's n-not true... She-she's to young... "Jirae-ah... When did you say you were going?" She gave me the look saying she's thinking "mmmm... They said later tonight"

that can't be right...

she's only seven...

Why would this happen to her...

she's to young to go to a place like that...

or worse...

for her to be so you to lose her parents...

she only has tonight...

I look back at Jirae-ah and felt something warm on my cheecks... I realized I was crying...she realized it to "oppa, why are you crying? Don't cry it will make me sad" she whipped my tears with her tiny hands... Two tiny hands that will disappear from this world... I looked at her eyes...two eyes that won't see anymore... Pull your self together Jiyong, this is not a drama.

I'm sorry but this momment just became one.

we spent a few more time playing until it was night a few more hours Jirae's going to be with her parents.



me and Jirae-ah looked at A woman and my four idiot members that has finally come to pick me up... I'm guessing the woman there is Doctor Unnie...

I held her hand while walking to them while she was picking up the ball, when we reached there I let go if her hands, and she gave me a smile, the woman looked up at me and gave me a sad smile, she told Jirae-ah to go to the car and wait, she did, she was such an obideint girl.

"Hello, Thank you for looking after Jirae-ah." I nodded saying it was alright, she gave me frown "by that face, you must know what is going to happen with Jirae-ah, am I correct?"... I nodded, she took something out from her bag, it was a piece of paper, she gave it to me "It's an invitation, I think you know what it's for..."...her funeral... "They can come to." She must be talking about the members... I finally said something to her "Why are you giving this to me."

she had a sorrowful look and her eyes went to the car that Jirae-ah was waiting in... "She doesn't normally just let anybody touch her, and the only people that let her touch her is me, I'm her friend, your her friend to now"..." Why is she going so early?" She had tears in her eyes now.

"Jirae-ah was in an accident, along with her parents, there was a bomb in their house, and her parents died, she survived, but she got in a coma for a years, she looks like a seven seven year old, but she's eight."... Who would do that! Why would anybody do that!? I'm practically crying right now, she was to

"please come... It would mean a lot to us..." I nodded "I'll come, look after her for now please..." She nodded and headed back to the car where the last time I saw Jirae-ah, the windows came down, and I saw Jirae-ah happily waving her arms and smiling. I smiled back.

One week later

Here I am standing in front of a stone carved as an angel child and in front was a dozen of pink carnations, I'll never forget you...

Here lies

Jirae Ming

A wonderful loving friend and Daughter

Rest In Peace

I wish that Angel didn't excise...

I went back to the park where my first and last meeting of Jirae, I saw a ball.. She must've forgotten it...

don't worry Jirae-ah I'll looks after the ball...

I felt a gush of wind and blew away the dry leaves from the grass and felt like the wind was whispering to me...

'Thanyou, oppa'


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Chapter 1: :( heartbreaking