The Time Man and the Five Whom I Used to Love

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I’m Lee Hye Min. I’m 17 years old.

In my 17 years of living, I was once a normal girl. I went to school. I used to date. I used to love. But that was all before. In all my life, I found people who cared for me, who were there to listen to me, but it didn’t last too long. Let’s not speak about family. All you need to know is that my family is no longer a part of my life. Friends? I don’t have any. I don’t believe in those things. People always left anyways, whether if they wanted to or not. Whenever something felt so right, something bad had to come to ruin it. Maybe for the better, maybe for the worst. Life is full of surprises. I know clearly that I shouldn’t dwell on the past but I still do. It makes me who I am today. If I actually never considered suicide I think that makes me sane… right? Every day is the same routine. Same thing every day, just a different day.

In my 17 years of living, I fell in love with five different types of people. We all had our stories, we all had our phases. Whatever I went through with them, I did truly cherish the memories. But I think I have bad luck with relationships, or maybe just with people overall. I found hope every time, just to get let down once more. Not only after my 5th lover did I realize that I was the problem here. Well, that’s what I believe anyways. There was always a way to tear us apart. Always a reason why we had to or why we did. Every time I had to deal with a breakup, my sickness visited me again. Once I fell in love again, it was strange because it went away as fast as it came. Maybe I’m just a lonely person? No, because I’ve been alone for the past year and I’ve seen no signs of the sickness coming back, fortunately. I don’t do dating anymore. I’m probably better off without it anyway. Haven't tried it for a while. It took a while but I started to socialize with others again.

It’s kind of hard to admit that you’re different. It’s kind of hard to explain to someone why you’re that way and it’s even harder to accept it. It’s hard to find the right people to hang out around with, afraid if they’ll accept you for the way you are or if they won’t. It’s hard to find someone to listen to you and what you have to say. It’s hard to keep someone around. That’s why I don’t have anyone. Everyone who was once here left me, because it was too hard. Heck, life is just hard. That’s why I’m not looking for anyone, so I hope no one’s looking for me.


Hi! I know I know. I'm already starting a new fanfic when I'm barely halfway through with my first one -.- I ran out of ideas for it, honestly. Well, I know what to do for the main points but not before really. I'm trying out different genres. This one is like a melodrama. I'm not sure if angst. I will try my best not to make it depressing (: I don't like those kinds of stuff because when I read angst and I'm done with it, I get all sad and stuff. No good. I'm not sure but how this story will fully be like but I also have some of the parts for it. I'm also not sure how quickly I'll update since I'm still new and it's hard for me to type nice chapters or whatever. But yeah, I'll try my best so I hope you guys will like this fanfic and support me and this account (not to mention B.A.P!) Yes, go watch 1004's MV 4304384298432948 times! :D If you haven't noticed yet, Daehyun is my ultimate bias and B.A.P is obviously my favorite group. Haha.


Please comment, subscribe, upvote! I'd be really thankful! :3

By the way, this was also like my only 4th time making a poster so I'm still an amateur D:

By chance, if my story is similar to any others, I promise I did not plagiarize. Coincidences happen. I do get some ideas from some people but I try to make it different and have its own colors. (: I did get inspired from this one blog I found one day though. I'll try to make this fanfic as realistic as possible but you know, it will have to be fiction too. Lol. Anyways, I talk too much.

You should follow me on Instagram! @bapoverflowers yeahhhh~ :D <3


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