That Girl

That girl

It was a nice spring day, and a Friday no less. Sungmin arrived home, with a contented smile, about two hours before his usual arrival time. Therefore he had the whole apartment just for himself. He took a long bath, ordered some Italian take-out for dinner and sat in the living room savoring a glass of wine while listening to some classical music. His perfect way for relaxing after a troubling week at work.

But it wasn't a minute after he had finished his first glass of red that the doorbell rang in an absolutely annoying way. There could only be one person in the world that would do such a thing: his next door neighbor. She was a nice spirited girl, about 70% of what she says can be blocked and don't really have any quality, the problem was the other 30% for they usually hit the right spot and made Sungmin lose sleep thinking about them.

Come to think of it the situation he was now was pretty much her fault. Yes.

He opened the door and there she was with a bright smile on her face shoving on his chest some book he was sure belonged to him, but that he was also sure he didn't allow her to take from his little library.

"I'm giving back the book I lent last week, oppa, it was great. Today I can't have dinner with you, my boyfriend came over." She happily chirped and Sungmin raised an eyebrow at her.

"Since when do you have a boyfriend?" Sungmin questioned not remembering at all the girl blabbering away about the new add to her long list of flings.

"Since you got yourself a boyfriend." The girl winked and skipped to her own apartment next door, leaving behind a dumbfounded Sungmin, that - blushing - peered out of his house, only his head looking in the direction the girl disappeared, mumbling a quite annoyed "aish, that gir" that was effectively cut by another surprised voice.

"Min, you're early!" It was surprised and certainly happy because of it.

Sungmin straightened as the other walked closer and stopped in front of him by the door with that nice smile that punched all the air out of Sungmin whenever it was thrown in his direction.

"Yeah, finished my job earlier than I was expecting." He countered with an equal happy tone. "Welcome back." He added stepping aside to let the other in.

The taller muscular guy nodded and stepped inside kicking off his shoes and leaning in to give Sungmin a quick peck on the cheek, or maybe on the lips since the other visibly had lost his balance while trying to do the two actions at the same time.

Sungmin slightly blushed at that. Thinking that a few weeks ago he would have snapped and hit his roommate and surely he would have minded the action a lot. Yes. Blame the hyperactive girl next door for him not minding it anymore.

Only then the other noticed Sungmin holding up one of his favorites books. "She stole another of your books?" he questioned pointing at it.

"I'm considering locking my room from now on." Sungmin replied with a huff and the other merely laughed and messed his hair, turning around then to go to his own room, needless to say once Sungmin glanced up he blushed at the sight of his roommate taking of his t-shirt while walking away. A few weeks back he would have minded that, shouting for his roommate to respect other's privacy and change clothes locked inside his own room and not in their shared spaces. Yes. Blame the hyperactive girl next door for him not minding it anymore.

Sungmin only stopped staring once the door was closed behind the other and he could hear water running in the bathroom.

He blinked and then went back to his room to put his book back on the original place, when he was back in the living room the doorbell rang again much more composed and obviously stating it was not his hyperactive neighbor.

Indeed it was the delivery guy with their dinner. Sungmin paid and smiled at the guy as a 'thank you for your hard work' when he noticed the later was sneaking a peek inside his house, at that Sungmin promptly closed the door on his face with a unbelievable huff. When he turned around attempting to search for what could be so eye catching he frowned and blushed at the sight in his balcony. There was a circular rack full of lacy and frilly bras on the floor.

Sungmin silently cursed and rushed to the kitchen to put down the food and then rushed to the balcony to retrieve the unexpected underwear, only to notice the clothes were still humid, looking at his neighbor's balcony he was graced with the view of night dresses and more underwear nicely drying at the balcony despite the fact that it had rained a little about half an hour ago. He shook his head in dismay and threw the rack at the other's balcony.

"hey, pumpkin! Put your underwear to dry somewhere it won't come flying to my balcony!" he shouted annoyed but blushed furiously when the other replied with a staggered 'sorry, oppa!' and right after a rather loud moan.

When Sungmin turned back to the insides of his safe house muttering something to the likes of "aish that gir" only to stop mid sentence as he thought that maybe his house was not so safe since his roommate was looking at him with a raised eyebrow, clad in sweat pants and no shirt, with a white towel thrown up his shoulders and his hair still dripping wet.

Sungmin swallowed loudly. "The take-out I ordered arrived. Today is Italian." He informed the other and attempted to walk to the kitchen to put the food in a plate so they could have a nice dinner.

He was stopped midway by his roommate. "That pumpkin is drying her underwear in the balcony again?" he inquired before pulling an arm around Sungmin's waist and pulling him to him, just to remind Sungmin with a breathtaking kiss that they were not only roommates but also lovers. Yes. Blame the hyperactive girl next door for that.

Sungmin breathed heavily and pulled out of the other's grip once he felt hands sneaking under his pants.

"Youngwoon, stop." He managed to say when the other growled to indicate he was not pleased with the distance.

"Fine, Min, I promised to take it slowly. Let's have dinner then?" Youngwoon offered reaching a hand so they could go to the kitchen together.

Sungmin smiled and complied. While they were having dinner Sungmin pondered again how all that could have happened. He wondered when exactly he had fallen for the other, maybe it was when Sungmin fell sick about two weeks after they moved together, maybe it was a year ago when Sungmin convinced the other to go budge jumping with him, or maybe three months ago when Sungmin found out his roommate was afraid of thunderstorms.

What he was sure was the reason why they were dating now. Yes. the hyperactive girl next door. Since the girl moved in a few months back she seemed to adopt Sungmin as her male best friend, confidant, and awesome older brother, the girl started spending much more time in Sungmin's place than in her house next door.

It was an innocent comment. Or so he thought. "You and Youngwoon seem to be married! So cute!" she chirped one day when Sungmin showed her a new shelf of books Youngwoon put in his room for him without him knowing. Yes that comment started everything.

Sungmin noticed how his roommate always did everything he asked him to do, despite always saying he wouldn't, how easily they would communicate, how they always found a way to pay the bills together when one was short on money, how he would feel bad on those times they fought over stupid things.

When he confessed to his neighbor her comment had caused him to think of weird stuff, the 30% of her words that actually made sense and could be used for future reference hit him hard. And there she planned the 'perfect plan to make Youngwoon fall in love with Sungmin' just that the plan was a perfect fail since the other was already in love.

He had to admit. If it was not for her the two wouldn't be together now, thank her for asking Youngwoon to acquaintace her to his best friend and then ask if she could flirt with him. Sungmin will never forget that day.

"Youngwoon Oppa! Could you acquaintance me and that gorgeous friend of yours? That is if you don't want to keep him to yourself." She chirped to him as he was grumpily eating his dinner.

"Only if you promise to let me keep Min to myself from now on, like it was before you moved next door." He countered leaving both of them dumbfounded. It was easy like that. Maybe, just maybe, Youngwoon had been in love with him for a long time, maybe it was the time he first took care of a sick Sungmin, or when Sungmin tricked him and they did budge jump together, or even when Sungmin kept teasing him for being afraid of thunderstorms.

All in all it was all her fault. That's what he wanted to believe in. 

After dinner, when the two were watching a movie in the living room, the doorbell rang in an annoying way. Youngwoon grumped and stood to open the door.

"Oh Youngwoon oppa, night! I just came by to give my Minnie a good night kiss!" she chirped and Sungmin looked at her over the backrest of the couch. She skipped happily to him before the older guy could prevent her from getting in and she landed a soft peck on Sungmin's lips.

"Punishment for disturbing my moment with my hubby." She grinned before being kicked out by an angry Youngwoon that finally chorused with his boyfriend. "aish, that girl!"

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