

Minae's POV:

Before I knew it, I found myself waiting for Kai's presence everyday. Offering to stay late and lock up, Sehun would shoot me strange looks while I giddily stayed behind for about half an hour. During that time, I would usually be doing my homework or browsing through the internet on my phone.

Even on campus, I would take different routes just for that small chance of getting to run into him. Of course, being a year older than me, he probably took different courses from me. On top of that, he was a dance major, something I knew absolutely nothing about. The last time I had danced was at my high school prom in senior year. My partner had been a sweetheart named Chanyeol that I had dated, but it didn't last long as we ended up going to different colleges.

Sighing as the clock struck midnight, I flicked off the lights and threw on my jacket. Of course he hadn't shown up. Why would he? He didn't mean anything he said to me that one night. I was just one of the many girls he had made a promise with - empty promises at that.

Locking up the store behind me, I began to walk to the bus stop when I heard footsteps following my every move. Scared out of my wits, my hands clenched into fists and my walking pace fastened.

"Minae, wait."

Turning around, I saw a shadowy figure leaning against a street light. Taking a step closer, I saw the hint of a familiar figure - one that I had been looking for. Without even knowing, a smile grew on my face.

"Hey Kai."

He shot me an amused look.

"Where did you figure that out?"


"My name. I never told you my name before."

Feeling my mouth go dry, I blinked at him in surprise.


He chuckled.

"I'm guessing you've heard about me before?"

Slowly nodding, I kicked at a few pebbles that were lying on the ground.

"I actually go to the same university as you."

His eyebrows raised and he gave me a wary look.

"Are you one of those girls...?"

"Girls? What girls?"

"You know, the ones that follow me everywhere and - "

"No. I'm not of those girls. Hell, I never see you often enough to do anything like that."

As he chuckled, he pulled out a cigarrette from his pocket and lit it up. Watching in silence, I stared as took a puff and shot me a lazy grin.

"So you up for a cup of coffee?"

Shyly nodding, I began walking towards the cafe again, this time with Kai right next to me.

"You're going to have to get rid of that before you come in though."

He waved his hand around.

"Yea, yea. I know. Store rules."


Sitting next to him in silence, I sipped my own espresso while feeling the warmth of the liquid through the cup. Heating my hands up, I felt shivers run down my spine and closed my eyes.

This was why I wanted to be a barista - that amazing feeling when the perfect sip of coffee spreads its warmth throughout you.

"So do you flip flop your time between the store and the university?"

Turning to look at him, I nodded.

"That must . It's hard trying to manage both school and a job. Trust me, I've been there before."

"No, I actually love it. When I grow up, I want to be a barista, so this is just bringing me a step closer."

He cocked an eyebrow.

"Barista? Wow."

"Why? What's so surprising about that?"

"Nothing. It's just that you look like the type to go into something a bit more... I don't know. You just seem like you would be really smart from what you've told me about your classes."

Shrugging, I took another sip.

"Learning's always fun, but this is what I love the most. Whenever I walk in here, I know this is what I was meant to do. Seeing other people drink my hand-made coffee gives me the best feeling in the world - like I won the Nobel Prize or something like that. If I had a decision to make between love and coffee, love would be out of the picture."

Giving me a smile, he sighed while leaning his head against my shoulder. I almost choked on my drink as I felt my heartbeat increasing like crazy.

"You know, I don't think I've met anyone who's loved something as much as I do. When I talk about dance with other girls, they tend to ignore whatever I'm saying and just stare at me. It gets really annoying sometimes, but I guess I have to deal with it if it's going to keep them around me."

As we sat there in silence for a few minutes, I traced patterns along the counter with my finger. Feeling his hand reach out and grasp my own, my eyes widened and watched as he slowly lifted his head off of my shoulder. Facing me, he gave me a boyish smile and I felt my knees turn into jelly.

"Would it be crazy for me to say that I think I'm attracted to you? Even if we've only met each other two times?"

As if the world froze around me, I paused in place and stared at him with my mouth agape.

Staring at me with a completely serious face, he gaze didn't falter at all.

No. He probably does this with every girl he meets - making them fall for his trap like passing out candy on Halloween. This is what he's known for. Don't be so stupid Kang Minae. Get yourself together.

Snapping back into reality, I pushed his hand off and pulled my own towards my chest.

"I think the late nights are getting to you Kai. You look really tired right now. Go home and get some rest."

Standing up with the two empty coffee cups in my hand, I stood up to head behind the counter when he pulled me by the wrist. Bringing me up close to his chest, he slammed his lips onto mine. And before I knew it, I was responding to him.


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the_exotic_angel #1
Chapter 16: Omg i forgot thats how it ended. Still really good tho
Chapter 9: Why did she lied?? Is she afraid that he'll play with her feelings??
Chapter 5: woah woah her sassy attitude is so different from the first time kai talked to her
Chapter 9: Why sehun didnt back up MINAE!!!?
Moonlight_23 #5
Chapter 8: I ship her with sehun
Moonlight_23 #6
Chapter 2: SO THEY KISS ON THE SECOND MEET THAT IS JUST SO WOW . though i am surprised that she actually respond to that kiss although she aware that she is not the only girl that kai respond that way (?) It must be thw physical attraction right??
Chapter 16: love this espresso story~ You story make me want to reread and play "Let Me Go" by Hailee Steinfeld and "Older" by Sasha Sloan. Great story author!
Chapter 16: Truthfully, i'm glad that Minae doesn't end up with Jongin. It may sound heartless to some people. But personally, i think that just happens in fairy tale or movie and certainly not in real life. I also like that you made Jongin look realy mature with his decision of letting Minae go. Because when you truly love someone you don't want to be the person who's holding the other from growing.
Chapter 14: guess who's crying at 1:40AM? me.

literally crying. no joke. this story is so well-written and so... how do i say this? “into reality” and showed us that some things can't be together even if it seems like they're meant to be together.

i'm sad how they didn't end up together. esp when kai was there with a bouquet, probably ready to do everything he can to get minae back. but he was too late.

i'm hoping for an epilogue? like, where they meet again? as successful people? the angst was really too much and it got me hysterically crying @ 1AM BUT YEAH whatever suits you. i really love this fic!

cause yknow, fics that literally makes you cry are the best ones bc yknow they have a big impact heh thank you for writing this! it's beautiful
Chapter 16: Aw.. It hurts to face reality.. Cuz we cant have all the things that we want in life.. U portrait the ugly real life in a most beautiful way.. I love it.. Thank u ^^