

The Invasion happens.

Current Planet: EXO Planet.

This time, there would be no safe place for them to live anymore. Knowing the fact, 12 parents decided to sent their boys to another planet for the sake of protecting them. Finding the suitable planet for the boys to live, they set the ships, put their children to sleep and tucked them safely in the ships, they erased the memory of their children, and blessed them before sending them away.

As soon as the ships arrived at the Earth - their new home, the ships splitted into different directions, scattering all around the world before settling into the huses that is the most suitable for the child to live.

15 years later, all the boys turned into teenagers. They didn't remember anything about EXO Planet, they didn't know each other, they didn't know their special abilities - the abilities only EXO people has. But fate has its own twist. Little did they know, their life would change.


The Power: [RED for active power, BLUE is for passive power]

Baekhyun: Lights

Chanyeol: Fire; Shapeshifting; Intuition

Kris: Flight; Super genius

Tao: Time controlling

Suho: Water

Lay: Healing; Empath

Sehun: Wind

Luhan: Telekinesis

Xiumin: Frost

Chen: Lightning; Shield

Kyungsoo: Earth

Kai: Teleportation


"Byun Baekhyun! Wake up this instance!"

Baekhyun stirred when his blanket is being pulled away.

"Mommy..." Baekhyun whines, rubbing his eyes.

"No. Get up this instance. You have school today."

Looking at his mother, he knews his cute expression won't work anymore. It's been a week since he last go to school. He just hated them. But being the only - although adopted - child in the family, he had been spoiled much from his parents. At some point, he was glad to have a wonderful parents, although they were't his real ones.

He streched his body, and slowly standing, dragging is body lazily to the shower. His mom had gone downstairs, making breakfast for his daddy. Slowly, he yawns and sighed, "Today, is gonna be very very boring." He said, closing the bathroom door and get ready to undress, while sighing again.


Credits to the review for this story by Kuriimu of dreams review <3


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soonyngs #1
Chapter 15: omg i just can't wait for the next chapter ;;;
Catalina390 #2
Chapter 15: ahh~ krisyeol my feelings of this twin tower gone higher
Catalina390 #3
Chapter 13: Ooh sekai why so cute
Mi-syel #4
Chapter 13: Nice story! I'm curious why Sehun hates Baekhyun. :o
DinojiRyeo #5
Chapter 10: OuO im very excited to the next chapters :)
Catalina390 #6
Chapter 12: please update~ please update soon~
Chapter 11: YAY!! Chanyeol arrived! \(^^)/
AFDHDKSMC please update soon >_<
sweety_pup #8
Chapter 10: Hey! ^^ I really like your story so far. I'm always really happy when I see that you updated a new chapter! =D Now Chanyeol is the only one left that hasn't appeared yet. I'm really curious what's going to happen when they find him! So looking forward to that! ;)
ill_llamanati #9
Chapter 9: Ooh my gwaddddddd!!!
sweety_pup #10
Chapter 3: I just love your story already!! I'm SO looking forward to them meeting the others, especially Baekhyun and Chanyeol! (>.<) Please keep up the great work! ;)