Chapter 6


            I am pouting!! Hell yeah I am pouting!! I am sitting right next to Yunho in a car that he drives. We just had a fight at the garage. Well, not really a fight, but I lost to him and it pissed me off.


            “Let me drive,” Yunho said and extended his hand for keys from me. I refused to give him the keys, so I shove the keys into my coat inner pocket.

            “I want to drive, this is my car,” I said while standing right next to my car. He smirks as he leans forward towards me. I take a step back until I lean my back on my car. “W-what are y-you doing? W-we’re a-at the ga-garage you know.”

            He leans closer and I can feel his hand on my body, tracing my body from my waist upward. My eyes widen and my breath hitch as his finger traces my waist, move up to my abs. I grab his arm to stop him but he is stronger.

            “Y-Yah,” I can’t stop my voice from cracking when his hands stop at my chest. Aish, I can’t handle it anymore. I slap his hand before he moves further. But he didn’t seem to understand my unpleasant feeling which is actually not unpleasant at all. It’s because I enjoy it that I want it to stop before something bad happen. Urgh, I hate myself. Uwa~~.

            “If you really want me to stop, you’ll resist more than that,” our body now is plastered with each other. He is breathing against my neck and I can just close my eyes. I can feel his lips on my neck and he showers me with light kisses. I try to push him away, but my hand stop when I feel that perfect body of him. I bit my bottom lips to stop myself from making any weird sound.

            “Don’t do that, you’ll hurt yourself,” he whispers as he rubs my lips. I unconsciously open my lips, like inviting him for WHAT????? No no no no no. Pull yourself together Jaejoong~ah. My eyes widen and I saw him staring at my lips while one of his hands rubs my lips lightly. My heart is once again thumping loudly. His eyes are brown, so beautiful compare to mine.

            “S-stop it,” I try to yell, but only whisper coming out. Aish, why am I being like this? He is making me nervous. He chuckles as leans forward and whispers against my ear.

            “You’re y,” he said as he took a step back and show me the car key that is now in my hand. I try to catch my breath back as my hand is rubbing my inner pocket and know that he already has my keys.

            “You’re playing me,” I said after my breath became stable.

            “What if I’m serious?” he said as he helps me straighten my suit and tie.

            “That’s better. You’re gonna be my husband in the future,” I said as I stare at his face. I can detect that he is startled a bit by my respond but it’s the truth. He smirks before he pecks on my cheek.

            “So, you don’t mind if I do that?” my eyes widen as I palm my cheek. “Or you prefer this one?” he asks as he lean closer to my lips.

            “Yah!!” I shove him away and cover my lips. “My lips are only for my husband.”

            “I AM your future husband,” he said while smirking.

            “Future, not yet,” I said as I stuck my tongue out. He laughs and unlocks the car’s door. He opens my door and gestures for me to get inside the car.

            “After you, MiLady,” he said as he closed my door. Urgh, he pissed me off.

            “MiLord,” I said as I puffed my cheek before enters the car. I can see his smirk and it pisses me off.

**End of Flashback**


           “Still pouting?” Yunho pokes my cheek lightly. I shake my head lightly. “You’re very cute.” I rolled my eyes.

            “So, where should we go?” Yunho asks since I have been keeping quiet for a while.

            “Em, I think we should stop at that mall,” I pointed at a big mall in front of us. Yunho’s eyes widen and looks at my face as I grin. “It’s your father’s mall right?” I did some research on you, Yunho. Don’t underestimate me. Well, not really research. I just ask my parent about them. Hehehe.

            “How did you know?” he asks after he parks the car in an underground garage.

            “My parent told me,” I said as I exit the car. He is standing still and staring at me. I can detect his uneasiness and I know what part of him is filled with uneasiness. I walk towards him and cup his face to look directly to my face.

            “Don’t worry Yunho. You’ll always be Yunho for me. Never change. Whoever your parent is, whatever their job is, famous people or not, important people or not, you are Jung Yunho. My adorable secretary,” I said as I pinch his cheek lightly. Revenge complete. I succeed in pinching his cheek this time. Yay!!! I run away from him and laugh.

            “You,” Yunho dashes forward and grab my waist. He tickles me and I struggle while laughing. I finally stop laughing when he turns my body to face him and stare at my face. My hands are on his chest while his hand is on my waist. He smirks naughtily and touches my lips.

            “I’ll claim this when we’re official,” he said. I blush red and bit his finger that is trailing my lips. He winces in pain and I just stuck my tongue out.

            “Serve you right,” I said as I walk towards the elevator. I can hear he chuckles lightly at my back.

            “So, where should we go?” I ask since I’m not sure which level is the jewel shop located.

            “Level 1,” Yunho said as he pushes the button. I just nod.

            “So, here we are,” Yunho and I are standing in front of a jewel shop. There is a lot of ring on display. I take a tour in the shop before I started to choose. We choose a couple rings.

            “Sir, there is a saying. If your wife ring fit your pinky finger perfectly, then it means that you’re meant for each other,” the salesgirl says with a smile on her face. I lift my eyebrows and smirk. I pick my ring and put it on Yunho’s pinky finger. It’s a perfect fit. Yunho and I are exchanging glances before I look down, embarrassed by myself. Never thought it’ll be perfect fit. Tch, seems like my finger is more slender that his.

            “Wow, congratulation,” the salesgirl squeal lightly.

            “Just wish us happiness ever after,” Yunho said as he smiles and glances at me.

            “I will sir. So, it’s this one ok?” the salesgirl asks again before she takes the ring for engraving. On my ring, there will be ‘Y 2 J’ and on his is ‘J 2 Y’. It means from Jaejoong to Yunho and from Yunho to Jaejoong. “Sir, you may take a walk since the engraving might take some time.”

            “Ok, thanks,” Yunho said as we walk out the shop.

            “Em, Yunho, shouldn’t we greet your parent?” I ask.

            “Em, we should,” Yunho nods. “But, I want us to have lunch with only the two of us.”

            I turn around and look at his face. “Why?”

            “Because this is our first date,” he whispers against my ear. I cover my ear and blush like crazy while he is smirking. Damn this man. I’m doomed.

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Chapter 14: Update again please
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This fic is so good please continue this huhuhu