Chapter 4


            “Hyung, your wedding dress is ready,” Junsu came to my office with a wedding gown. I frown while looking at the dress in his hand.

            “GOWN? Are you out of your mind KIM JUNSU!!!” I shout as I think about me being in the dress. Yunho comes into my office when he heard the commotion.

            “What’s wrong Mr Jaejoong?” Yunho asks as he looks around my office and saw Junsu standing there with a gown in his hand.

            “Yunho~, he want me to wear this gown on our wedding,” I whine. Now I’m whining. I don’t care but I don’t want to wear that outfit for my wedding. It’s enough by having a beautiful face, then why should I wear something womanlike.

            “Owh, this is the wedding outfit,” Yunho stares at the gown and looks back at me.

            “It’s beautiful isn’t it?” Junsu shows the gown closer to Yunho.

            “Em, it’s beautiful,” Yunho said while smirking.

            “Don’t tell me to wear that,” I said while pointing a finger to Yunho. Yunho just chukles while shaking his head slowly. I am pouting, now I am sure that I am pouting.

            “I won’t tell you to wear it. You’re already beautiful the way you are,” Yunho smiles gently. That smile is really full of meaning.

            “Yeah right,” I said as I scoff. I continue my work as Junsu is convincing Yunho to talk to me about using that gown for our wedding. I know that Junsu is the one who design that gown. Well, he is taking fashion courses in Seoul University.

            “Kim Junsu, it’s better if you spend your time to design our suits instead of a gown,” I said as I realize that Junsu is pouting since I refused to wear his gown.

            “But, hyung~. I want to see you in this dress,” Junsu said while pouting. Let’s just say that I can’t bear looking at his hurt expression.

            “Su~ah, just design a suit for me. Please~. Like Yunho said, I’m beautiful as I am. It’s not like I’m bragging but it’s the truth. So, if I wear this gown, my beauty will be overwhelmed by your beautiful gown. That’s why I said I want to wear your suit instead of the gown,” I said as I grab Junsu’s arm.  

            “Su~ah, you love me right?” I said and tilting my head in front of Junsu. I make my cutest face in front of Junsu’s face. Junsu chuckles and give me a big hug. I responded and lift him from the ground. Well, I’m bigger than Junsu. Thank God for that. Hehehe.

            “Hyung, stop it. Yunho hyung is mad,” Junsu said as he pats my back a few time.

            “Eh?” I release Junsu’s body and look at Yunho. Yunho is just staring at me without any expression on his face. Mad? I can’t find that mad face anywhere. I’m sure it’s just Junsu’s wild imagination. Besides, why should he be mad? Junsu is my cousin.

            “Are you mad?” I ask when I realize he has been staring. I wait for a while but no answer. So?

            “Yunho hyung, I’m sorry. Jaejoong hyung really loves to hug me,” Junsu bows toward Yunho. I really don’t understand them I just scoff and walk away from them.

            “So, it’s decided then. Yunho hyung, what color would you like?” Junsu asks Yunho who is still staring at me. I just ignore the feeling and continue my work. But why am I feeling nervous suddenly by his stare? Hmm, why indeed.

            “Yunho hyung~~, I’m over here,” I look up and saw Junsu waves his hand in front of Yunho who is staring intensely at my face.

            “Yunho, is there anything on my face that interesting enough for you to stare that long?” I smile nicely. “My dearest cousin, Kim Junsu is trying to attract your attention over there.”

            “White,” Yunho answers without diverting his eyes from me. Owh, it seems like he heard the question, but he keeps staring at my face. Well, his choice then.

            “Hyung, don’t stare at him too much. You can keep staring at him after marriage,” Junsu said and pick up the gown that has been laying on the couch.

            “Maybe he fall in love with me Su~ah,” I said playfully. I stare back at him with a playful smile and I realize that his face blush lightly followed by a sweet smile.

            “It’s not maybe hyung. I’m sure it’s not maybe,” Junsu said naughtily.

            “Eh?” my eyes widen with Junsu’s respond.

            “I’m sorry Yunho hyung. My Jaejoong hyung is very slow in this matter. You have to work harder,” Junsu said to Yunho who is now looking at Junsu’s face. Yunho smiles before he nods lightly.

            “Yah, what do you mean?” I ask confusedly.

            “Bye hyung. Don’t forget to buy your wedding ring,” Junsu waves his hand while leaving my office with a naughty smirk ok his face. I divert my eyes back to Yunho who is still looking at me amusedly.

            “Yah, what does he mean by that?” I ask Yunho this time.

            “I don’t know myself,” he shrugs his shoulder and smirks. He bows before he leaves my office as well.

            “YAH!!!” I really am confused. They love to make me annoyed. Why??? Just explain that damn thing to me.

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Chapter 14: Update again please
Chapter 14: Please update~~
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Chapter 13: will u continue this story or not? its so cute kekekeke
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kyushie #9
This fic is so good please continue this huhuhu