Don't Trust A Hoe


Full Name: Park Hye Min Full Name: Bang Yongguk Full Name: Park Hwan Hui Full Name: Park Sora Full Name: Kim Shin Yeong
Nickname: Pony Age: 18 Nickname: Hana Age: 17 Nickname: Somi
Age: 18   Age: 18   Age: 17



Pony's Point of View

If you were to ask people in my school who the most popular girl in school was, Park Hye Min would not be the answer you would get. If you asked them who the best athlete is, again Park Hye Min wouldn’t be in the top ten answers. But ask them who the smartest person in the school is, and there would be no hesitation before they reply, Park Hye Min.

The only reason I was known by anyone in the school was because of how ridiculously smart I am. If they didn’t know me because of my brain, then they probably didn’t know me at all. That really wasn’t surprising though, a lot of people didn’t know me. I had three best friends and that’s all I needed.

My friends and I weren’t like the other kids at my school. We didn’t party, and we certainly didn’t care what everyone thought of us. Instead, we focused on our academics. I, along with my friends wanted nothing more than to get out of the hole, also known as Incheon. We wanted to get into prestige colleges in a bigger, better city, and we knew that we would have to do that by making the best grades possible.

I sighed, along with my friends as we all looked at our schedules. Usually seniors took easy classes, like two pe hours and vocational foods, trying to scrape by with as little work as possible, but not us. We had lunch, and pe, which everyone obviously had to have. And then Physics, Spanish, Calculus, Senior Comp, and then I took Chemistry, just for fun. But all of them were accelerated, earning us extra credits, which put us at the top of our class.

“Just think, this time next year we’ll be starting college.” Sora said excitedly as we walked down the halls of T.SENT High.

A smile grew on my lips at the thought of getting out of Boston filled my mind. “I know, can you believe it? We’ll be somewhere awesome, like Seoul, or out of Korea.”

“Pony, Sora, we’ve been looking everywhere for you.” Somi said as she and Hana approached.

We quickly looked at each others schedules to figure out who had a class with who. We all sighed in relief seeing that we had gotten fifth period for lunch and slapped high fives. The bell went off and Sora and I said goodbye to our two other best friends, and then walked to Spanish together.

Sora and I walked into Miss Jang's class and she gasped when she saw Jung Daehyun sitting in the desk closest to the door, hood up, as he texted on his old sidekick. She grabbed my arm and dragged me to the two desks next to him. Daehyun looked up from his phone, smiling at both of us.

Sora had liked Daehyun since freshman year when they sat at the same table in biology. My friends and I were all somewhat socially awkward, which some people found cute, but most found just weird. Sora, however was the least socially awkward. She knew how to flirt, and she knew exactly what to say to get what she wanted.

“Hey, guys.” Daehyun said to both of us as he moved his long strawberry blonde hair out of his eyes.

“Hey Daehyun, how was your summer?” Sora asked as she crossed her legs at the knees.

He shrugged. “Not bad. Filled with work, music, and beer.”

Sora laughed and shot me a look, telling me to laugh too. “Sounds like every summer since freshman year.” She commented.

Daehyun grinned and looked down at his sidekick, flicking it opening to reply to his incoming text. “Yeah, pretty much. How was yours?”

Sora shrugged. “Nothing exciting. Just hung out with some friends, and went to London for a couple weeks.” She said.

“Yeah, that’s cool.” He said and flicked his eyes over to me. “What about you Pony, how was your summer?”

“Uh, it was alright. I worked a lot. I think the highlight was going to the SM Town Concert.” I said simply.

Daehyun grinned. “Yeah, SM was ing sick this year.”

Before Sora could say anything, Miss Jang walked in rambling on in Spanish. We all faced forward and listened to her give an overview of the class, and scolding Daehyun for having his phone out.

I always hated the first day of school, it always felt like such a waste to me. All the teachers ever did was talk briefly about what we would be doing for a semester, and maybe pass out books. Other than that, you were allowed to mingle and chat with all your friends so you could ask about each other’s summers.

Relief washed over me as I plopped down in my chair in seventh period Chemistry. My eyes flicked to the clock wishing that I could magically make it 2:40 so school would be out. As the bell rang Bang Yongguk slipped through the door. He stood at the front of the room, looking for an empty seat. Him and I both realized that the only empty one was next to me, and I suppressed a groan as he strutted over and sat down.

Everyone in school knew who Yongguk was, and I was no exception. Him and his band were constantly the talk of not only the school, but all of Incheon and Yongguk let that go to his head. Way back in sophomore year, I sat next to him in my geometry class and he was fine, but as the years passed he turned into a cocky, arrogant . He knew that he was talented, attractive, and that almost every girl would do anything to get with him.

He smiled over at me as we waited for Mr Song to gather up all of his papers. I felt Yongguk's eyes look over me, and a sigh escaped his lips. I’m sure I wasn’t exactly the first person he would choose to sit by. I didn’t wear insanely short shorts, or low cut tops.

“So Pony, how have you been? I haven’t seen you since that class sophomore year.” He said.

I shrugged. “I’ve been good. How have you been?” I asked, even though I already knew.

He shrugged. “Great. Livin’ the dream, ya know?”

“So I’ve heard.” I said as I let a small smile play on my lips.

“Well, you have to be careful. Don’t go believing everything you hear about me.” he said with a sly smile.

I rolled my eyes, and went back to facing the front. I knew that everything I had heard about Yongguk was true, mostly because it all came from Sora, who had heard it from Daehyun. I looked back over at Yongguk who still had a sly smile on his lips making me want to smack him. I wasn’t going to let him get to me. I wasn’t going to let Yongguk turn me into one of those girls that swooned over him. No matter how cute he is.


The awesome poster was made at ♡ bi a n d ca ∞ shop || graphics❀review by Babokwang30 

The awesome character chart was made at ❀ Chensing Machine Graphic Shop ft. Chen by -exotic-


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Chapter 6: damn this is good!
why does it have to be on hiatus.
and man, every characters are perfectly realistic.
And I totally can relate to Pony's.
I like Yongguk here o//
ohgosh. Can I just ramble a 100 words comment here?
love you hahaha
Chapter 7: This is really good (: waiting for an update ^^
Chapter 5: I love it **
Update soon **
I like this so much!