My Angel

Snow Angel
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Sehun was mad, furious and frustrated with matters regarding his hyung’s pitiful love story. It was unfair how he was stuck in between a problem he was not supposed to be involved in to begin with. It was Luhan’s fault. He kept that fact in his head and reserved for later to blame the older male. Although he truly cared for his friends, at some point he was fed up with their continuous dependence and stubbornness.    

Relationships were full of problems that the younger wouldn't want to experience any of it now or even in the near future – never. No wonder he wouldn’t go out with the girls his friends were trying to hook him up, much more get a girlfriend because he knew how relationships work based on his friends’ stories. A lot of them would always complain about their partners and it made Sehun believe that there was no good about damn relationships. So far in his circle of friends only Luhan had a successful relationship. But not anymore, because Iseul, the other half of his hyung was scared to get married, spoiling his hyung's plans for their supposed future.

Amidst his inner turmoil, after walking out and shutting his other friend, someone suddenly appeared in front of him, dashing like a mad woman. He didn't even notice that the woman had bumped into him, not until he heard her meek apology. He was that out of his senses because of anger.

"I'm sorry." Those words stopped Sehun from moving any further. It was like the young man had heard an angel sing in his ears, solely for him. He was momentarily struck. The anger dissipated in mere seconds as he looked at the girl in front of him. It was already dark but her face and features didn't go unnoticed by the young man as it was illuminated by the street lamps around the area, giving off a melancholic effect. How her bangs escaped out of the blue beanie she was wearing… her long wavy brown hair and her worried expression, eyebrows knitted together that was all it took to take Sehun's breath away.

The girl immediately scrambled onto her feet to retrieve her things without getting it wet from the snow covering the floor. However, luck was not on her side because it was already too late, for the moment her things touched the white concrete it was already ruined.

"Oh my..." She breathed out, disappointment and anxiety in her tone. A mix of panic and worry was showing on her angelic face, nonetheless she was still a beauty even though her face was crumpled like that.

Looking at her, Sehun began to realize what he should do instead of just watching. He then crouched down and helped the girl salvage the discarded papers, manila folders and the girl's opened handbag. "Sorry about this." Sehun muttered as he frowned at the mess before him. The papers were all wet and unusable, the ink printed on the papers already smeared all over the pages that it no longer hold value.


"No it's fine… this is not entirely your fault I was in a hurry I wasn't also looking ahead." She was kind not to blame everything to him but Sehun wouldn't take advantage of her kindness.

"No. At least let me help you." Sehun offered.


The two strangers found themselves sitting in a nearby cafe. The scarf Sehun was wearing minutes ago was nowhere in sight because he made her use the soft fabric to wipe off the water that clung onto her handbag. At first, she rejected it but the Sehun being himself insisted, telling her that he would make a scene if she would be stubborn not to accept his offer. When the girl just looked at him indifferently and did not move to take the scarf, he suddenly got onto his feet and put his hands near his mouth ready to shout something but was stopped as the girl pulled his scarf. "Don't embarrass me or yourself. Fine geez…" She snatched the red cloth from him.

Sehun didn't know why his anger suddenly went away when he saw the girl and the playful side of him appeared without a notice.


"By the way” Sehun cleared his throat, catching the girl’s attention. “Sehun… Oh Sehun." He continued as he extended his arm, offering his hand for her to shake.

The girl hesitantly took his outstretched hand and gave him a warm smile. "Shin Hyejung and thank you for helping me Sehun-sshi"



∞ ∞ ∞


Sehun was slightly mad, frustrated and utterly annoyed because of his hyung's text messages. The older man was supposed to be apologizing for all the troubles he and his girlfriend had caused but the tone in his messages were a bit harsh like he was blaming the kid for something he didn't even do, even to the extent of calling Sehun a brat. The younger only calmed when Iseul decided to sent him a quick message, apologizing for the way she acted weeks ago. His noona also thanked him for the company and for making her realize certain things.

"Keep frowning you'll look ten times uglier." Sehun looked up.

Though the girl's words were teasing and bad in a way, Sehun didn't take it negatively in fact her statement made his scowl turn into upside down. A genuine smile formed on his lips.


"Oh you’re already here." He said nonchalantly, keeping a neutral facade, hiding the smile that he was once sporting not less than a minute ago.

"What's with that face huh?" Hyejung gave Sehun a look and made a face that the boy could not help not to smile at. The girl occupied the chair across Sehun and placed her books on the table. Her last class just ended when Sehun called and invited her to have a warm drink. She gladly took the invite, wanting to have hot chocolate and counter the cold weather.

Since the two had met that particular snowy evening they had been regularly going out in friendly lunch dates, coffee breaks or meeting up just to spend time together and know each other. Sehun was utterly excited every time they would go out. It was a first for him to feel giddy meeting a friend. It was unlikely of him to be like a teenager in love especially when he was meeting a girl, but Hyejung was an exemption as she was different in his opinion.


“Oh Sehunnie is out on a date?” The young man stiffened as he heard that voice and felt someone's hands on both of his shoulders.

He watched as Hyejung shifted her gaze from him to that someone behind his back. The girl timidly smiled out of respect.

Sehun then turned to look at the intruder and was not pretty much surprised to see his noona. What he didn’t expect was Iseul only had a minimal amount of shopping bags. Sehun knew that Iseul found it awkward to be talking to him like nothing happened but he was amazed that she ran all the way to greet him.

For a moment Hyejung felt out of place.



∞ ∞ ∞



Sehun was annoyed, brows furrowed together, looking very unpleased at the situation he had no choice but to agreed upon. His hyung was persistent to meet the girl Iseul mentioned in their New Year's party. He could have successfully denied the older woman's accusation but he didn't do better in it and that was stupid of him.

"Sorry I had to drag you here." Being the gentleman he was, Sehun pulled out a chair for Hyejung to take. He then rounded the table and sat opposite to her still sporting that familiar frown.

It was obvious to the girl that Sehun did not fancy the idea of them sitting in one table and waiting for his friends – Sehun’s hyung at that. Hyejung could not think of any words to comfort the boy, only she could reassure that she was cool with 'the-going-to-meet-his-friends' fiasco.

"No it's fine… I want to meet Iseul-sshi again." What a lame answer but good enough for some reassurance, she thought. She was nervous to meet this Luhan Sehun had been talking about. She got the feeling like she was meeting Sehun’s parents as she was told that this Luhan was very close to the boy like the older was his own big brother.

And as if on cue two figures emerged at the entrance of the restaurant.



Both youngsters got onto their feet and bowed in respect as the couple stood near the table they reserved. The couple had their hands interlaced, like glued together, showing off that they were indeed together.

"So it's true that my little dongsaeng has been going out with a pretty woman." Luhan said, looking at the two with curiosity in his eyes.

With Luhan's comment the younger pair furiously blushed, especially Hyejung. Apparently being referred to as a 'pretty woman' embarrassed her. Such remark coming from a fine young man was rare for the girl to hear.

"We're hanging out." In a defensive manner, Sehun countered.

"What's the difference?" Luhan shrugged, ignoring Sehun's protest. "By the way, I am Lu Han. Sehunnie's one and only favorite hyung." The older cheekily smil

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HanZy_L77 #1
Chapter 1: I can't imagine sehun being so sweet! haha this is too cute!
Chapter 1: Haha sehun can fall in love too :3 this story is so cute and I can't stop smiling when I read it. I want to be like hyejung too! Great job, eonnie XD
phulzyxtre #3
Chapter 1: ughhh super duper fluffy~ sehun is so cute ;-)