Double Date!

I'm Never Letting You Go. Ever.



The next morning, Amber was greeted by Ailee’s melodious voice, jolting her awake from her wonderful sleep. She slowly rubbed her eyes, while yawning. Ailee pats her head and beamed, waiting expectantly for her to share what happened the day before.

“So… Aren’t you going to tell me about you and Henry?”

“No. Never will.”

“Amber, don’t be like that. You should thank me for getting you guys together. Now, tell me what exactly happened in his apartment.”

“Hey, give me a break. It’s early in the morning, at least let me bathe and have my breakfast first before you bombard me with all your questions.” Amber pushed her to the side and got off the bed, walking towards the bathroom to freshen herself. Ailee just pouted at her best friend’s reply and gave up. She decided to just watch the television in the living room because when Amber says no, it meant NO. Furthermore, she might end up getting herself into trouble if she continues to annoy the hell out of Amber. Grumpy Amber in the morning was never a good sight.

“Ailee, why don’t you order bibimbap or something? I don’t think I have anything edible in the fridge, unless you feel comfortable with eating snacks for breakfast!” She yelled from the bathroom, loud enough for Ailee to hear.

“Aish, this girl. She’s already 22 years old, yet she doesn’t know how to cook. Poor Henry…” She sighed as she searched for the restaurant’s contact number. After ordering food for the llama, she called her ‘baby’ to tell him about what they discussed the night before.


Well, after Henry and Amber went inside of Henry’s apartment to continue their kissing session…

“It took them such a long time; my heart could not stand it. I’m so proud of them. Okay now give me my daily dose of you! I need energy right now. Come on!”

“Whatever floats your boat, honey.”

Once they were in Donghae’s car, Ailee suddenly came up with a plan.

“Baby, how about the four of us go for a double date instead?” Ailee suggested with a grin plastered on her face.

“Oh, what’s with the random plan? Don’t you want to spend some quality time, with me alone?”

“No, it’s not like that. It’s just that I have been waiting for this day for years. 4 years to be exact. After we announced our relationship to them, I still recalled the longing face Amber had. I’m sure she wanted to be able to do that with Henry too. But your dongsaeng was too dense to realise. Anyway, now they’re together, so we can finally have a double date!”

“Oh, honey. This is why I love you even more. You’re such a good friend, and I really want to thank you for taking care of Amber all these years.” He her face lovingly, looking into her brown orbs. He was truly grateful to have her as his girlfriend.

“You inform Amber, and I’ll tell Henry tomorrow okay?”


That was exactly why Ailee was there early in the morning. She would rather go for her morning jog than trying to wake Amber up, but she would never give the double date a miss.

Soon after, the delivery guy came and Amber had finished bathing. They both were preparing the dining table, ready to munch on their breakfast. That was when Ailee chose to pop the question.

“What do you think of a double date? Do you want to go for one?”

Amber stared at her with a puzzled look.

“No, I’m just asking. I mean if you don’t like it, it’s fine!” She laughed it off awkwardly. And Amber suddenly rushed up to her with disbelieving eyes, “Are you asking me to go out for a double date with you guys?”

“Errr yeah. But it’s oka-“


“Oh, wow. Haha glad to know then. Tonight?”

“Yep, thanks Ailee. For everything you have done.” Amber hugged her tightly, not letting breathe even for a second.

“Let. Me. Go. I c-can’t bre-athe. AMBER!”

“Well, guess what. I’m never letting you go.”


“Amber, are you sure you want to do this? I mean I’m definitely all for it, but what made you change your mind? You don’t usually care about your appearance, heol, but now you’re asking me to give you a makeover?” Ailee asked in disbelief.

The two best friends were at Amber’s apartment, planning for their double date that night. Amber was somewhat nervous but at the same time, really looked forward to the date.

“Amber… Are you listening to me?! YO GURL EARTH TO AMBER!” Amber was finally out of her own little world when Ailee screamed at her. She replied while rolling her eyes, “Gosh, chill man. I was just thinking about something, aish.”

“More like you were thinking about someone. Perhaps a cute guy with dimples, sweet nasal voice and musically gifted comes to mind?” Ailee best friend.

“Look at the time now. They’re coming soon! Let’s hurry and get ready!” Amber shrieked.

“Aigoo look at our impatient Amber. Arasso, arasso!” Ailee sighed.


Amber had been staring at the mirror for the past 10 minutes. Yes, she requested help from Ailee to makeover her, just this once. The reason why she had rejected Ailee’s previous proposals was because of THIS.

How did she manage to make me look like this? Seriously, all she needed was an hour to change my boyish look to a feminine one. Wow.

“Hey, why aren’t you saying anything? Are you surprised at how fabulous I am? Hah.” Ailee joked, while giggling and revealing her eye smile.

“In your dreams. You’re nothing near fab, my dear.”

I was actually wearing a floral skirt and blouse – too feminine for my taste – and makeup. That’s so not me. Come on, were you expecting that from a girl who had always preferred shirts, jeans and sneakers over blouses, skirts and high heels? I bet stupid snoopy was going to laugh at me.

“Yah, get out. It’s my turn now.” Ailee pushed her out of the room and left Amber there, standing awkwardly. She was trying to cover her exposed legs (which she was not used to) by pulling her skirt down. Deep down inside, she was panicking because she was not going to let anyone see her in that outfit. She knocked on the door, desperately persuading to let her change into a more comfortable outfit. But no. Ailee was not letting that happen, after all the effort she has put into dressing Amber.

“I said no, babe. Trust me, he is going to love you for that. Please, just let this go for once. Give Henry a chance to ogle those y legs, I pity him man. How did you keep those legs hidden for such a long time, anyway?” Ailee retorted.

With a click, Ailee opened the door, which made Amber jumped out of surprise.

“How do I look, hmm?” Ailee asked.

“You’re looking great - comfortable and elegant, as usual.” Amber pouted. It was unfair! She really wanted to get out of that outfit.

Ding dong! Well, look who’s here.


Both of them stared at each other. Ailee squealed in delight while she made her way to the door and welcomed the two gentlemen. The door opened, revealing a man dressed smartly while the other one dressed in casual. That scene made her smile. Of course, her Snoopy would dress comfortably since he did not really care about the whole ‘dress to impress’ thing. He believed that first impression should not be made based on appearance; instead it should be based on the first eye contact.

Yep, Henry was weird. He felt that the eyes would tell him everything about that individual. That was how Amber made his heart beat so fast on their first meeting – through her eyes. He didn’t regret knowing her, because all he knew was that Amber meant a world to him. And he would never let her go. Ever. He then realised that Amber was wearing a skirt. His eyes widened in surprise, and he couldn’t stop glancing at her legs.

“Mrhmm. Are you guys done? Henry, I know she’s very beautiful right now but please stop staring at her as if you’re going to pounce on her the next second. And Amber, control yourself too. Stop looking at him so lovingly, it makes me want to puke.” Ailee grumbled, earning a chuckle from Donghae.

“I wasn’t staring! It’s just that she looked different today. More beautiful than usual.” Henry mumbled the last few words.

“Aish fine, whatever you say. Let’s go now! It’s already 6pm, and we have lots of fun stuff to do. Don’t worry, I’ve planned everything just for tonight.” Ailee beamed. Donghae kissed her cheek and pulled her towards the elevator, making Ailee’s face all red.


Meanwhile, back in the apartment, the awkward atmosphere was obvious. Henry scratched his head and laughed nervously. Amber was blushing, looking at her feet as if those were the most interesting things in the world.

Henry slipped his hands into hers, realizing how they perfect fit together. He switched off the lights, locked the door and joined the other two in the elevator. Then, the four best friends-lovers made their way to their first destination – Lotte World.

They had gone to every single ride and shop in the amusement park, and it was already 9pm when they were done. Amber totally had fun and it was definitely the best date she had ever gone to – it was her first, with him. She could not believe they were officially a couple now. Those skinships they unconsciously made (well, maybe not) during the date left Amber over the moon.

On the other hand, Henry was feeling very hot – too hot for his liking. He just needed those damn lips of hers on his now.

Amber-ah, why do you look so beautiful today?

The car ride to their last destination – Namsan Tower, the place that left both Henry and Amber heartbroken - for the night was quiet. Ailee was dozing off while Donghae was concentrating on driving. As Amber observed the stars from her seat, Henry was trying to calm his heart.


"Oh, yeah?"

"Can I kiss you again?"



A/N: Hey! It's been a week and yep I'm glad all my projects are finally done. But I still have exams next week though! ;A; So here's a longer update that I promised. I'm still waiting for the next episode of Real Men heh :3 Sorry for the grammatical errors, again. I can't think properly and I was writing while revising for BIOLOGY ew. And guys, I finally made a poster for this story! :D


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Chapter 7: Hell Yeah! Nice ending! Please authornim, i want a Topber pr Bangber, or Ziber, or... ANYBER!
xevxacxerman #3
Oh yeaaaaaaaah~~
Chapter 7: wow the ending is so good, i mean everything goes well than what i thought would be... pleaseeee make another henber story plzzzzz
Chapter 6: thanks for the update...
am agree with henry past is a past and what more important right now is present n the future so, henry you better fix the mess you have created right now... dont let amber misunderstand n make a conclusion by herself...
next pleaseeeeee
Chapter 6: You don't have any idea how I suffer with that bish! Well Mochi, is time to fix and explain everything with Amby!!! Aww, i wanna read that other k-pop idol, like GD, TOP, P.O., C.A.P, SeungRi, Zico, Zelo, Yong Guk or Himchan wanna have something with Amber!
justmeyay #7
Chapter 6: Yeah thanx for updating authornim
Chapter 5: oh henly.. dont be a coward pleaseee.. explain clearly dont hide anything, if you want to be trust you've got to be honest...
update soon please... hope his nightmare will turn out on a good end
Chapter 4: When reading last chap, I thought the double date would come again, and I guess it right *proud*
justmeyay #10
Chapter 2: Yes belong to each other.