The Fishbone Necklace

The Fishbone Necklace



The first time he came back from a filming in Australia, he bought an valuable fishbone necklace for her. The beads that formed it sparkle with delight and let off a unique fragrance that seemed to be able to capture one's heart.


She asked in surprise, "Is this really made from fishbone?"


Then he told her, the beads are made from scratch after many levels of work from a special type of tropical fish. Each set of fishbone at most could be moulded into six beads, and it is only that by using beads made from a male and a female fish into a strand of necklace then it would have the unique fragrance. Fishbone necklaces represents never-ending love and determination.


She cried, tears of joy as she was touched by his declaration of love while looking at the necklace. He laughed, saying she was being silly.






Unfortunately, came the 3rd year of marriage, he had fallen in love with an actress in his current project. Under the persuasion of that actress, he finally filed for a divorce and she could only accept it in silence.






Just as he was busy preparing for the engagement party, he met with a car accident in the midst of busy preparations and was sent to the hospital in a state of coma. The family was informed of his emergency state, but yet the actress did not appear at all. Instead, she had moved into staying with him and took care of him with his family members. Just like she was still his wife.


The fact that he could recover from the coma was deemed to be a miracle by the doctors. The first sight that greeted him when he opened his eyes was actually her, looking so tired and worn out. His tears came as he cried that it was she who had touched heavens with her kindness and they had decided to spare his life. The actress never came back.





On the day of discharged, she asked him out to the beach. Then, standing on the bridge, he asked "Can...we...possibly start all over again?".


She took out the fishbone necklace from her pocket and without a word, pulled and snapped the string. With the broken beads in her hands, she scattered them one by one into the waters.


He looked at her in shocked and uncomprehension but she only replied in a faint yet determined voice,


"The betrayal of one bead has deemed the meaning of love to be lost forever"




Then, he never seen her again.






My emo brain is acting up again HAHA~ >.<


I actually read about this fishbone legend thing on a chinese article and this idea came to me~


Hope you all enjoy reading it!






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Chapter 1: This is sad TOT
But nice story btw ;)