
Lay fanfic recommendations

Title: Baby you light my world like nobody else (One shot) 

Author: beautifulrhapsody

Pairing: Layhan, Kaixing, Slight!ing

Characters: Lay, Kai, Sehun, Exo-K & Exo- M members 

Sypnosis: In which Yixing wants nothing more than a cuddle and a warm cup of tea (and maybe some activities that involves stalking five hot boys from a certain British boyband on Tumblr). Jongin just wants to make his hyung happy. Sehun are more than willing to give his hyung a cuddle. Luhan is not very amused with the sight of the brat and his best friend snuggling on his bed...or Jongin finally gets Yixing’s attention, Sehun gets a little bit too clingy and Luhan gets a little bit jealous.

Rated: PG-13

Tags: Comedy, Romance, Friendship

Comments:  Hahaha reading this was so funny, I loved a y, always dumb and cute Lay, jealous Luhan and a cute Kai ^^ I didn't know where to classify this story but I put it as Layhan because is more mentioned. <3


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I like this very much!!
This will be so helpful!