
Battle Against Time
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       It had been 2 months since I went on a date with Yixing . We got closer day by day , but Mark seemed to become distant . Every time I would try and talk to him of course he would reply , but it seemed forced. The sad part about this whole situation was I'm running out of time. I was getting sicker day by day. I started putting on more making to cover the paleness on my face. Everyone seemed to believe I was ok. 


     - At school-


       I was feeling weak and fragile after I had gotten to school. The long walks here were not helping either . I was still getting weird notes  . I also took notice of a group of boys who seemed to have there eyes glued to me. Bangtan boys? I think that was there name. 

     '' Minah , Minah , Minah...'' Jimin smirked as he harshly bumped into my shoulder. I fell on my foot and twisted it . I broke out in a cold sweat feeling like I was going to faint. I was actually starting to feel like a cancer patient . 

    When I didn't react Jimin frowned and motioned for someone to come over to where we were . J-hope walked over with a large bucket of water. It still confuses me how they get these things into the school. 

     '' Minah , you can end all of this if you just leave this school. No one wants you !' Jimin raised his voice in the end. His words brought tears to my eyes. They always pick on me , but this was more physical that before. 

     '' No , I won't leave. I like it hear in Korea.'' I boldly said , Without a second thought J-hope poured  the bucket of Ice cold water on me .Smugging my makeup showing my pale face . When the water soaked my cloths you could also see how skinny I have gotten. Leaving me freaking and in pain Jimin and J-hope left. I sat there letting my tears fall on my already soaked skirt. Out of nowhere a towel was placed on my head. I looked up to see Jungkook. Out of all of them he was the nicest , he never talked or hurt me in any way. 

      '' Go dry yourself up , you will catch a cold.'' He frowned , ''Im sorry.'' He whispered before walking away. I was just about to walk to the restroom when Exo walked around the corner. I quickly hid behind the wall and prayed they would not see me in this state. 

      ''Lay do you think she fell in love with you yet?'' Kai asked in a bored tone. 

   '' Look , This bet is over .'' Yixing said looking at all his friends. what bet? he was betting on me? whats going on? a lump got stuck in my throat.

      '' How can you just say its over? You agreed to it didn't you. You said you would date and make her like you .'' Kai pushed 

I felt like my heart had stopped beating ,and was replaced with shards of ice. Fresh warm tears covered my face. Hearing Kai say thoes words hurt so much. I walked from behind the wall and stood directly in front of exo. 


        '' I was just a bet huh?'' I laughed to try and cover my hurt but it failed. Exo looked at me with wided eyes full of regret and pity for me. 

  '' What happened to you ? N-No Minah its no- Well it was a bet , but I really do li-'' I glared at him making him stop talking. 

    '' Don't ! Don't give me some crap that you really started to like me after you got to know me. Thats that last thing I wanted to hear.'' I wiped away a few tears and turned to leave. 

      I ran off as fast as I could leaving all of them standing

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gottie7 #1
Chapter 18: No.............................
I wanted her to br pair up with-mark not with LAY....
N y did u make her killled...... IHATEYOU
Chapter 12: C^^ I would like she with mark .. /sighs.
Annakpop #3
Chapter 13: i vote for E because its just a nice story so i want it to have a nice and good ending :)
Chapter 12: I voting for MARK !! To be with her ! ^^
Chapter 12: I think she's gonna die. In the end not everything has to be happy though I would like it that way but I don't have to get what I want for it to a good story. Author knows best with they're story. Continue to make a good story.
exodaily #6
Chapter 12: I vote c, mark should be with her
Annakpop #7
Chapter 12: E its such a nice but sad story so i just want it to have a good end to it
Chapter 12: E. I want Minah to have a healthy life since its story
Chapter 11: Ottekke!!!!! I hope the plot twist is when Minah becomes healthier :-)
exodaily #10
Chapter 11: I love it so much