His Knight in Shining Armor

His Knight in Shining Armor

Title: His Knight in Shining Armor

Date Started: January 30, 2014

Date Finished: February 11, 2014

Genre: Romance

Rating: General

Characters: Kim Jongin, Do Kyungsoo & Oh Sehun


His Knight In Shining Armor


"Little Jongin's mad! Hahaha! He's even glaring at us, how adorable!"

"You should wear a skirt. I bet it looks better on you. Hahaha!"

"Are you sure you're a tenth grader, Jonginnie? You’re so small! Hahaha!"

"Look! He's even crying! What a cry baby! How pitiful!"


Exactly 8:45 every morning at a typical high school in Seoul, a puny blonde dealt with the usual bullying he received from his classmates because of his inarguable height and small figure. He would receive racist comments and discrimination from bullies and, because he was born a ‘cry baby’, he would always retort in crying. Waiting for someone to in and save him... and one person does this job best...


"Pitiful? Shouldn't you be saying that to yourself, juniors? You're already tenth graders and you bully a classmate?"


For that mentioned blonde, Do Kyungsoo was his savior. His hero. His treasure. His precious, irreplaceable, most important person. But no one else noticed this which was at Jongin's favor but, what hurts him the most – more than the bullying he received from his classmates was... Kyungsoo can’t reciprocate Jongin’s feelings.


". It's Kyungsoo!"

"He's here again?!"

"What's so bad about him? Why's everyone afraid of him?"

"Remember the guy that was interviewed for being the youngest kid to win the title of 'champion' in the championship tournament in America last week?! That's him!"

"! Let's go!"


"At least you recognized me! Thank you for that! Let's meet later and talk about that behavior of yours. BYE!" He shouted after them and scratched the back of his head as he faced his childhood friend. "Kai... You feeling alright? Did they hurt you?" Kyungsoo's eyes sparked of sadness and pity for the lad as he wiped Kim Jongin's tears away. "Ye-Yeah! I'm fine! Thank you, Kyungie. You saved me again." The blonde smiled at his savior who gladly returned the gentleness. "You’re welcome, Kai. I'm glad they didn't hurt you."


Jongin smiled at the pureness of his childhood friend... then a thought struck him. 'Would Kyungsoo be this innocent and beautiful if he was to learn about my feelings for him? Would he even like me in the first place?' Jongin's thoughts pierced through his heart but he brushed it off, seeing Kyungsoo look at him with questioning eyes.


Every time Kyungsoo would save the poor guy, the more Jongin got attracted to him. To Jongin, it wasn't a crime. But to the law of where they lived, homouality was forbidden. And forbidden means you can't disobey it or else the penalty would be big and, not just big but serious, too. To Jongin, he had no care for such things, all he wanted was him but he couldn't do anything to have his childhood friend all for himself. It hurts him but he managed. He had to. And so, because of such encounters in schools, Jongin worked his very best to train his body... as he trained his heart.


He worked his very best to do so and five years later. The immature, little blonde had disappeared and a new Jongin was discovered. A Jongin that made the bullies go, "What the ? Was he seriously the Jongin in highschool? The brat we always bullied?" It entertained Jongin to hear such comments and it made him want to look better and more attractive each day. Jongin had been sent to the United States of America to continue his college years there and even though it broke his heart to leave Kyungsoo behind, he still chose to leave for he vowed to himself that he would make all the bullies that came across his path, regret their words towards him. And he now believed that he succeeded, always remembering the comments he got from his photo shoots.


Reminiscing about such encounters, Jongin let the hot water from the newly built shower run through his hair and down his beautifully sculptured muscles as he rinsed the soap residues from his body. As he grabbed the towel to cover his lower body and another to wipe his hair, the doorbell went off. Hearing this, Jongin left the shower and walked towards the monitor that showed who the visitor was and as usual, it was his manager. He heaved out a sigh before pressing the answer button while his free hand wiped his hair with the soft towel.


"Good morning, Jongin-ah. You ready for work?"


Work... it made Jongin feel stressed just by hearing it but he shrugged it off. Remembering that he had to live with his own money and use his toned body for something that would benefit him. With a sigh that conveyed how much stressed he was the past few weeks, Jongin answered. "Yeah, sure. I'll go get changed."




"Amazing work, Jongin!" The photographer clapped as the staff wrapped up his photoshoot and prepared the props for another. Ignoring the redundant comments of his photographer, he left the studio and walked back to his dressing room. Expecting a sudden appearance of a past wannabe lover of his, Jongin prepared himself and soon enough, Krystal of f(x) popped out of her dressing room and linked her arms with Jongin's which, he couldn't care less about.


"Jonginnie~!" She exclaimed with sparkling eyes and a wide grin. Jongin perfectly knew what Krystal wanted from him – fame, recognition and, body. Krystal thought Jongin could be able to provide everything she wanted and believed she might even be able to melt the icy cold heart of the legendary Kim Jongin. But little did she know, it had been long melted by someone else.


"Wanna go to my place tonight? Let's have fun!" She exclaimed, hoping to receive a 'yes' from the other.


"Fun...? Okay." The lad answered in monotone. Obviously without heed for such things for he knew how to handle Krystal's kind of attitude. And besides, Jongin was bored as hell and he wanted to slack off a bit before he returned to his unwelcoming abode. No one was there to wait for him anyway.


Before the two could start with their tracks on the way to Jongin's dressing room, a loud voice echoed through the almost empty hallway. "Wait a minute!" Krystal and Jongin stopped as they turned around to be faced with an angry fish-face expression from Jongin's partner at the previous photo shoot, Kim Yoona. "He's playing with me!" She declared as she attacked Krystal with a fatal glare seeing that Krystal had clung onto Jongin like a koala.


But knowing Krystal's attitude, she would not back down on this kind of fight for she believed she knew Jongin first and so, she shot back the same amount of the deadly glare Yoona gave her. "Are you crazy, playing with an old hag like you?!" But like Krystal's feisty attitude, Yoona carried herself like a queen, believing that she was prettier than anyone else. "How dare you, you flat-chested !" Yoona cursed at the younger. "Fish-face !" Krystal shot back.


Seeing the two wannabe livers of his, Jongin smirked and was about to leave when someone had taken advantage of the situation and clung onto Jongin. Although it wasn't a girl but a man, still, Jongin couldn't care less than he already did.


"Jonginnie~ Wanna go to my place to hang? I guarantee a good time!" Key chirped with the same hopes as the two ladies before him. "Good time? Okay. Let me go get my things first." With Jongin's answer, Key's eyes beamed with happiness as he punched in mid air with a wide grin plastered on his face.


The blonde stepped inside his dressing room that he apparently shared with someone else and unfortunately for him, that 'someone else' was unluckily- "Oof!" Before Jongin could even entirely face that 'someone', his bag had hit him in the face. Fortunately for him, the person who threw his bag had enough mercy to take out all the things inside before throwing it to him and that the impact of the bag didn't leave any scars on his face which was very important, putting into mind that he was a model and his appearance was a must.


"That's such a nice greeting, Oh Sehun. Really. I appreciate it. I wouldn't really care if IT LEAVES A MARK ON MY FACE! YOU IDIOT!" Jongin exclaimed, eyes wider than before. But like always, Sehun had no reaction. He always had none.


"You're such a , Jongin. Why don't you just go get married to all of your wannabe lovers?" Sehun scoffed as he sat back down and ordered the stylist to get back to fixing his hair. Jongin rolled his eyes as an answer and flopped down at the sofa to gather the things that were mercilessly scattered on the coffee table by no other than Oh Sehun himself. "You're such a gentleman, aren't you, Sehun?" He sarcastically said. "I'm glad you know, Jongin." An evident smirk was seen in Sehun's face which made the stylist's face blush a deep pink.


Jongin and Sehun had been friends since they were in America. They had the same situation like before but, different in some circumstances.


Jongin was bullied because of his height and figure, and because of the fact that he was such a cry baby meanwhile, Sehun was so good-looking that the girls and even older ladies would swoon over him and rain him with compliments. The guys eventually hated him for that fact and bullied Sehun because of him being impeccably handsome and thus, he was sent to America to continue his college years and that is where they met each other and became friends. Sehun knew how much Jongin loved his childhood friend, Kyungsoo but was just too afraid to let the other know and he because of that.


"Oh and, you better go back outside. The three piglets are waiting for you and having a cuss fight. They're disturbing the others." Sehun ordered and if it was Sehun who said so, you wouldn't be able to disobey or else you'll be able to see his devil side which obviously, everyone's afraid of, even Jongin who was older by a few months.


As he finished gathering his things, he slammed the door behind him, startling the three who were busy badmouthing each other, arguing who was better at those kind of ual stuff and unfortunately for the ladies, Jongin was in the mood for gays and so he chose Key instead.


To go to Key's place, they would come across Jongin's house and passing by his home, he noticed someone sitting on his doorstep, freezing from the cold winter breeze that passed by. Immediately noticing Kyungsoo, Jongin ordered Key to stop the car and in one swift move of his feet, Jongin was out of Key's car.


"YAH! KIM JONGIN! WHERE ARE YOU GOING?!" Key shouted before Jongin could run towards his Kyungsoo. Jongin stopped and without turning to face Key, he ordered the lad to go home but remembering Key's cocky personality, Key insisted. "Where are you going?! My home's just around the second corner!" He shouted. Hearing Key's forceful words, Jongin glared at the lad. "I ordered you to go home, didn't I?" Shivers went up Key's spine as he drove away shouting incoherent words Jongin couldn't care less about.


Without any second thoughts, Jongin ran towards his home. But little did Jongin know that Kyungsoo witnessed the scene and was now very curious about what was going on.


"Who was that?" Jongin jumped in surprise for he was busy trying to catch his breath. "You surprised me, Kyungie-ah! And don't mind that guy!" He exclaimed with sparkling eyes and pushing Kyungsoo inside his now very comfy home (since Kyungsoo was present).


They settled down in Jongin's huge sitting room, Kyungsoo took of his coat and hung it on the coat rack near the double doors that really stood out since it was embroidered by pure gold, boasting Jongin's riches.


"One of your lovers?" Hearing Kyungsoo's first guess, Jongin tripped at nothing and fell face first at the soft carpet. He then thanked himself for putting the carpet there when winter started or else he'd be suffering from a broken nose because of the house's cold tiled floor.


Noticing Jongin's response, Kyungsoo knew Jongin had been hiding something from him. Learning about this, he giggled. "Would you look at that? Kai's attitude is a little weird. Am I perhaps... right?" Kyungsoo's eyes sparked which made the blonde uneasy as he sat down across the brunette.


"N-No! Of course not! Wh-What're you even talking about, Kyungsoo?" He averted his gaze but Kyungsoo had caught him red-handed in that split second, right now, even if Jongin would try and hide it, basing on his reactions at Kyungsoo's guesses, it was pretty obvious. "Okay. You say so." Kyungsoo smirked. He wanted to stop teasing the lad but what could he do? Jongin was being so defensive that he couldn't stop himself. Besides, Jongin was cute when teased.


"I said he's not my lover!" Jongin cried, frustrated at Kyungsoo's persistence. The brunette giggled, seeing his frustrated friend's expression. Jongin felt ashamed for denying strongly what Kyungsoo accused and making himself look like a laughing stock but, he knew Kyungsoo wouldn't laugh at him for he believed Kyungsoo was so kind and pure that he could not afford to humiliate a friend.


A friend... Jongin's heart ached. 'I guess I'm only a friend to Kyungsoo... ah, . Why does it hurt so much? I can't do this anymore. I really want him all for myself.' Jongin thought as he scratched the back of his head in embarassment.


"Ugh. Stop it, Kyungie. You know I'm not like that." Jongin pleaded which made Kyungsoo more entertained than he already was but he tried to hide it which was successful for he was best at hiding. "Anyway, why are you here in the first place?" Jongin asked after taking a sip from the root beer he was holding. "You didn't contact me that you were back from America and I had to check the fan sites first to know where you were." Kyungsoo pouted and seeing that, Jongin gathered all his strength to fight his urge to kiss the brunette.


"I'm sorry, Kyungie-ah. I was just busy so I couldn't take the time to inform you about my whereabouts." Lies.


Jongin couldn't contact Kyungsoo for he wanted to call him when he was ready to tell how he really felt. "Busy but you could take the time to 'have fun' with gay idols." Kyungsoo teased. Jongin let out a frustrated sigh for the 3rd time that night and flopped his head down on the coffee table in front of them. "Sorry, sorry. I just couldn't help it. Pfft~" Kyungsoo apologized and tried to hold back his laughter by covering his mouth but Jongin saw through it and jokingly glared at his companion.


Then a thought struck Jongin, 'What if he could actually ask Kyungsoo on a date?' He wondered and so he gathered all the courage that was left and stared at Kyungsoo who was busy laughing too much so, as to catch his attention. "Are you free this Saturday?" Jongin unconsciously whispered. He was supposed to just say it in his head as he practiced how to ask Kyungsoo out without making it sound like he's asking him on a date. But unfortunately for him, Kyungsoo had heard him ask that question. "Phewww. That was a lot of laughing. My sides huuurt. Oh and yeah, I am. Why?" Kyungsoo wiped his tears away that was due to his over-laughing a while ago and propped himself up with his elbows.


"Umm... I wanted to watch a movie. I was wondering if you could accompany me." Immediately after saying what he wanted to, Jongin regretted doing so. 'Ah, . I sounded like a girl just now! I should really go ahead and die.' He mentally slapped himself for acting like a girl rather than his normal self. He was just too cowardly to do so.


What he wasn't expecting was Kyungsoo's answer, "Yeah, sure. But it kind of sounds like you're asking me on a date-" Before Kyungsoo could even finish his sentence, Jongin's face had gone bright red. "N-No, it's not!! We're just gonna watch a movie! Nothing more, nothing less!" He exclaimed which again, made Kyungsoo giggle.


That night was one of Jongin's most treasured nights (since Kyungsoo was there) and also because he felt relieved, like he was never even stressed in the first place.


The night ended beautifully. With the two of them drinking their hearts out and Jongin sleeping on the cold floor with no shirt on while Kyungsoo slept on the sofa with a blanket. How Jongin wished the night never ended but there were no nights in this world that would not come to an end for everything has its own ending.


At last, the day Jongin had been waiting for had arrived, he ran around his walk-in closet hoping to find something that would make him more attractive than he usually was. He wanted to look the best of his best for Kyungsoo and after finally finding the perfect clothes, he left his house and headed towards the restaurant that Kyungsoo owned for the brunette was a chef and had dreamt of having his own restaurant.


Noticing the 'closed' sign, it meant that Kyungsoo was ready to go out and every step inside the restaurant, Jongin felt his heart beat faster. After fully closing the door behind him, he turned around to see Kyungsoo all dolled up and about to head out just to notice Jongin standing there with a bright red face and a wide grin.


"Hey, Kyungie. Let's go." Jongin whispered. Little did he know that Kyungsoo had immediate plans for the same day.


"I am so sorry to say this, Kai. But my parents had been arranging blind dates for me since a month ago but I’ve been rejecting them but now, I can't. They've been irritated because of my continuous rejection so I can't decline now. I've been making them feel bad and I'll just see if I like the girl they're trying to link up with me now." Kyungsoo blushed as he rushed to explain his situation for he had to catch the train to where he was headed to.


Jongin's eyes watered and before Kyungsoo could even notice the tear that fell from both his eyes, he wiped them away. "No! Why'd you have to do what they want to?! It's not fair for you! You should make your own decisions! And besides, we already made plans for today!" Jongin cried and seeing his reaction, Kyungsoo felt bad but what choice did he have? This was his parent's wish and he couldn't bring them down.


He had no love life his entire life and was seriously more focused on his studies and a lot of extra-curricular activities and getting better at everything he was engaged in, making all the other guys envy his skills and undeniable jaw-dropping talents, especially in singing. His parents was very proud of him but they wanted him to have fun once in a while and now that he had graduated from college and was now a very successful chef and business in the restaurant was doing well, they were desperate to see him in a relationship whether it be a guy or the opposite .


"Kai... what's the real reason why you don't want me to go?" The brunette arched an eyebrow. He had always been kind and would refuse offers only if there was a very reasonable reason and right now, Jongin was getting on his nerves even though he rarely even get annoyed with the blonde.


Jongin fought an inside battle in his head, mentally slapping himself for almost getting carried away by his emotions. "Kai. I'm in a hurry." Kyungsoo repeated and for some unknown reason the words kept on echoing in his head. "Kai." Kyungsoo was now impatient for he had a meeting to catch up on.


With the pressure building up inside Jongin, he ran outside, leaving the scarf that fell down his neck in Kyungsoo's restaurant. He ran as fast as he could but Kyungsoo ran after him. Jongin's tears fell just when Kyungsoo held his arm. Jongin looked for a brief second and covered his face with his hands, trying to stop the tears that kept on falling. He couldn't let Kyungsoo see him crying. He just might get teased again by the other.


"Kai... why are you...?" Kyungsoo asked, confused and amused at the same time. Since Jongin grew big (even taller than him and more muscular), he had never once cried for Jongin had vowed not to cry for the littlest of things... except now. Jongin couldn't stop the tears that kept on falling for his chest was aching so bad that he had to gasp for air.


"Let me g-go, Kyungsoo." He cried.


Kyungsoo... Jongin would only call him that when he was serious or something was bothering him. And right now, he seemed very disturbed by the 'blind date' thing. "No, Jongin. What's wrong? I came to give you your scarf but then I saw you crying. What happened?" The brunette insisted.


"No-Nothing! Nothi-ing... d-don't mi-ind m-me. This-s is no-nothing..." Jongin said so but his emotions said otherwise for as he spoke, more tears would fall and he would stutter very hard. "How can I not mind you? Kai, listen to me. Do you know why I turned down all the blind dates?" Kyungsoo moved two steps closer to Jongin but the mentioned boy did not notice for he was occupied in wiping his tears away and hiding his face as he looked at the ground, trying to avoid the other's gaze.



"It was because of you."


Immediately, Jongin looked up just to see Kyungsoo smiling at him as his lips formed into a shape of a heart which was way too cute for Jongin's situation right now. If he wasn't in the middle of this serious situation, he had jumped on top of Kyungsoo and had already kissed him right then and there but he had a really high self-control so he had stopped himself beforehand.


"Wh-What're you even saying, Kyungsoo?" Jongin asked, bewildered by the sudden confession of the brunette.


"Is it not obvious, Kai? It was because I liked you and I know you do too." Jongin shook his head, unable to process the words of Kyungsoo. "No. You're playing with me, Kyungsoo. You can't be serious. You don't like guys, remember? You like girls." That's when Jongin had realized what he was doing. He had already put both his hands on either side of Kyungsoo's face, cupping the other's cheeks and the fact that he had already stopped crying.


Just when Jongin was about to let go, Kyungsoo held his hands, unabling Jongin's hands to move away. "Don't." Kyungsoo ordered and for some reason, Jongin felt the urge to obey.


"Listen to me, Kai. I never said anything about only liking girls or even being homoual. I never had a love life before as I was too focused on you. On protecting you and being your knight in shining armor. Kai, since we were kids, you were always the reason for everything that I did. I would always remember and consider you when making decisions and Kai... when you left... it crushed my heart to pieces. I was literally depressed and my parents were worried sick about me but I didn't care, I wanted you and only you. And now that you're here... I won't let you go. I promise."


Hearing Kyungsoo's story, Jongin froze. But instanly came back to his senses after feeling soft full lips with his and noticed that Kyungsoo had kissed him. His face had become bright red in an instant and even though it was winter, he felt really hot. He couldn't exactly process everything so fast for he had always thought that his admiration for Kyungsoo was one-sided. And knowing about all this from the one and only Kyungsoo himself, Jongin's heartbeat had increased its speed.


"A-Are you ing serious, Kyungie-ah?" He managed to whisper.


"Of course I am, Kai." Jongin couldn't help but hug and squeeze the smaller. "Thank you, thank you, thank you, Kyungie-ah!" Jongin exclaimed. Giggling with the blonde, Kyungsoo hugged him back. "No... Thank you, Kai. I'm pretty sure my parents are also proud of y-" Before Kyungsoo could even finish his sentence, two elders popped out of a parked car and squeezed the life out of them saying incoherent words and letting them go just when their breath was about to be cut off.


"OF COURSE WE ARE! WE'VE BEEN STALKING THE TWO OF YOU FOR LIKE AN HOUR AGO SINCE JONGIN LEFT HIS HOUSE! YOU TWO SHOULD GO TO AMERICA RIGHT NOW AND GO GET MARRIED!" Kyungsoo's mom shouted and gave them plane tickets before running back to their car and driving away, leaving the two in state of shock.


"That was WEIRD, Kyungie-ah." Jongin couldn't help but whisper to Kyungsoo when he noticed the man was so focused on the plane tickets in his hand. "Kai... we're going to America today." Kyungsoo announced with a grin on his face.


"Sure I mean I also have work there." Hearing Jongin's approval, Kyungsoo embraced the lad and running back to the direction where the restaurant was, "THANK YOU, KAIIII. I LOVE YOUUU!" He screamed as he ran which made Jongin giggle at the cuteness of his now 'boyfriend'.


Boyfriend... it was such a nice word and how glad was Jongin that he get to say it now in front of Kyungsoo. The only goal he wanted to achieve was now here in front of him. Would he be able to let go when the time comes?



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skiepii #1
by chance, did you base this story on this: http://mangafox.me/manga/boku_dake_no_kimi_kimi_dake_no_boku/ ??
Chapter 1: Omg bby i'm soooooo in love with this ♥﹏♥*blow kisses*
Chapter 1: that was really good :)